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  [ America's Army : Operation ] 2.8.1 Out


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[ America's Army : Operation ] 2.8.1 Out

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Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:19:45  answer

ATTENTION : ce tomik n'est plus édité pour cause de flémingite aigue :o
Reprise du premier post (génération automatique) :
Bon ben un ptit concours est lancé sur TOUTES les maps (participant - score - screen).
Il se peu que quelque scores soit pourri, du fait que l'on a pas encore tous jouer a toutes les map donc meme le score le plus faible serait premier :)

  • 3 death maxi
  • max de frags
  • 7 rounds maximum
  • screen a l'appui

1 - chacal_one333 23-2 screen
1 - chacal_one333 11-2 screen
1 - chacal_one333 15-0 screen
1 - Frabill 7-0 screen
1 - chacal_one333 6-0 screen
1 - Must44 14-2 screen
1 - Frabill 8-3 screen
Les joueurs HFR et leurs stats
[if.faw]ChaKal.On3 | chacal_one333
MusT44 | Must44
=RoTh_WelleS= | roth_welles
Geddons | The GeddonS
XaTn2k4 | XatriX
kaloskagatos | kaloskagatos
Barbapapa | Barbapapa
Napalmito | Napalmito
jcvd36 | frabill
mbidule[FR] | machinbidule1974
Version actuelle : 2.1
full 2.1 Windows : [...] ue=Anglais
full 2.1 Linux : [...] ue=Anglais
full 2.1 Mac : [...] ue=Anglais
update 2.0a -> 2.1 Windows :
update 2.0a -> 2.1 Linux :
update 2.0a -> 2.1 Mac :
Make sure that you do NOT use your 2.0 armyops.ini file.
The old file causes conflicts with the game and you won't be able to play.
If you see the "soldiers creed" screen at game start, (while game start means GAME START not server connectin, map loading etc.) you simply have to delete the armyops.ini file in your /americasarmy/system folder and restart the game (americas army).

Dommage des armes
Faq@hfr READ FIRST !

Citation :

Q : Je l'ai téléchargé, et j'ai fait les missions du Training ; mais quand je veux jouer sur Internet, je choisis mon serveur, ca se connecte, j'ai un LOADING MAP, puis rien ne se passe, je retombe sur la liste des serveurs.
R : Cocher la case activate punkbuster en bas a droite de la selection des servers

Table d'honneur
level / point a gagner

Code :
  1. 0-10 :500
  2. 11-20 :1000
  3. 21-30 :2500
  4. 31-40 :4000
  5. 41-50 :6000
  6. 51-60 :9000
  7. 61-70 :13000
  8. 71-80 :23000
  9. 81-90 :43000
  10. 91-100 :83000


America's Army: Special Forces (Downrange)  
Release Notes (Version 2.1)  
What's new  
Character 'Ragdoll' Physics  
New in this edition of America's Army is the implementation of the Karma Physics Engine. This new feature applies real life physics to all player characters in the game. This produces real-time unique animations for each character during gameplay. These unique animations are calculated using real life physics as well as many other factors including, the gun/bullet type used, the distance from a frag grenade, the damage location on the body, etc.  
New U.S. Weapon - M136 AT4  
The M136 AT4 is the Army's primary light anti-tank weapon. The M136 AT4 is a recoilless rifle used primarily by Infantry Forces for engagement and defeat of light armor. The recoilless rifle design permits accurate delivery of an 84mm High Explosive Anti-Armor warhead, with negligible recoil. The M136 AT4 is a lightweight, self-contained, anti-armor weapon consisting of a free-flight, fin-stabilized, rocket-type cartridge packed in an expendable, one-piece, fiberglass-wrapped tube. The M136 AT4 is man-portable and is fired from the right shoulder only. The round of ammunition is self-contained in a disposable launch tube. The system weighs 15 pounds and can be utilized effectively with minimal training. The Opfor equivalent is the RPG-7.  
New 'Tournament Mode'  
This version of America's Army features new tournament mode features, which are accessible either via the command line or a GUI interface. It will include an adjustable pre-match warm-up period with an in-game notification that the match is beginning. The time remaining until the tournament start is also displayed on the score screen, as well as in-game reminders, and a final 10-second countdown.  
Tournament Mode  
The new tournament mode has the following features:  
- The ability to launch tournament mode via the command line  
- Tournament Squad Leaders with special permissions  
- A pre-match warm-up time which does not count toward the tournament score.  
- Score screen is displayed at the end of the match, and the match does not automatically restart.  
- Time until the tournament starts is displayed on the score screen.  
- Messages remind the players how much time is remaining before the tournament begins.  
- Ten second countdown reminder before tournament starts.  
- Tournament and warm-up start messages.  
- The ability to control tournament functionality via ini file settings  
New Admin functionality:  
- The ability to set/remove Tournament Squad Leaders  
New Tournament Squad Leader or Admin abilities:  
- Restart the tournament when the tournament is over or during play  
- Force the start of the tournament  
- Force the start of the warm-up period  
- Force the start of the tournament with a 10 second count down  
- Mute a players on same team or whole team  
- Place players on team  
- Place players on specific fire teams in specific classes  
- Set the Tournament start time  
Generic Steps for Starting a Game in Tournament Mode:  
1. Set the ArmyOps.ini file settings for the tournament.  
In the [AGP_Gameplay.AGP_GameTeamObjective] section set the following values:  
- TournamentWarmupTime=1  
- TournamentStartTime=2  
TournamentWarmupTime will be the number of minutes to wait until starting the warmup period. TournamentStartTime will be the number of minutes to wait until starting the actual tournament. Make any changes to the standard roundspermatch and matchesbeforecycle variables as desired.  
* NOTE: There also exist a preset tournament configuration file called servertournament.ini located in the 'System' folder.  
2. Launch the server in tournament mode.  
This is done by launching the server with the Tournament or LanTournament command line flags. An example command line would be:  
server LANTOURNAMENT pipeline.aao log=server.log  
* NOTE: There also exist a tournament server batch file called RunServerTournament.bat that contains a sample command line for running a typical tournament server. This file is located in the 'System' folder.  
A server launched with the TOURNAMENT flags will be set up for internet play. A server launched with the LANTOURNAMENT flag will be set up for lan play.  
3. The two leaders of both teams must connect to the server.  
4. Log into the server as an Admin.  
5. Admin designates the Tournament Squad Leaders for each team.  
One player from each team must be designated as a Tournament Squad Leader. Select the Tournament tab from the in-game menu. This displays a list of all of the players currently on the server. To add the player as a tournament squad leader first highlight their name in the list. Then select the team to add the player to and click the Add button. Then click the Set button next to the team leader section to set the player as a team leader.  
6. Squad Leaders add team members to their team.  
Once the admin has set the Tournament Squad leaders, they are able to perform their tournament commands. First they must select the members for their team. To add a player to a team first highlight the name of the player to add to the team. Then select the team to add the player to and click the Add button. Repeat until all team members are added to teams. (Note: admins cannot be added to teams).  
7. Squad Leaders assign team members their fire teams and classes.  
To add assign a player first highlight the name of the player to be assigned. Then select the appropriate unit slot from the drop down box (Squad Leader, Fireteam Alpha, Fireteam Bravo etc.). Then select the appropriate class within the unit from the drop down box (Rifleman, Grenadier, etc.). Finally, click the Add button to place the player in the specified slot.  
All players should be assigned to a Fireteam and class.  
8. The Warm-up period begins automatically.  
Players can play normally and warm up during this time. Warm up has no bearing on the score of the tournament. This time may also be used to verify that all players are on the correct team in the correct classes.  
9. The Tournament begins automatically.  
A countdown will notify the players that the tournament is starting. Once the “Tournament Starting” message appears and the round restarts, the tournament has begun.  
10. Tournament Ends, Tournament Score is displayed.  
When all rounds have been completed and the tournament is over, a screen will appear displaying the winner of the tournament and the final score. This screen will continue to be displayed until the tournament is restarted.  
Advanced Tournament Options  
Admins and Tournament Squad leaders with the proper permissions can perform certain tasks which control the flow of the tournament. The normal flow of a tournament is automatic, however these actions may be performed if the normal flow needs to be altered. The actions are performed by clicking the corresponding button in the Tournament Tab of the in-game menu.  
RestartTournament - Restarts a tournament during play or after the match is over. The tournament will start over and all scores and values are reset.  
StartTournament - Forces the start of the tournament.  
Warmup - Forces the start of the warm-up period.  
CountDown - Forces the start of the tournament with a 10 second count down.  
Depending upon the values set the in the ArmyOps.ini file, Tournament Squad Leaders may be able to perform additional commands. Admins may always perform these commands. The following are some of these commands:  
tournament SetStartTime newstarttime  
This command will set the time in minutes until tournament start to the specified newstarttime value.  
Advanced configuration file (.ini file) settings:  
These settings are listed in the following format:  
[Type] [Variable Name] [Default]  
int TournamentWarmupTime 1  
Number of minutes to wait until starting the tournament warmup  
int TournamentStartTime 2  
Number of minutes to wait until starting the tournament  
bool bTournamentSLCanAddToTeam True  
Tournament squad leader can add players to teams  
bool bTournamentSLCanStartTournament False  
Tournament squad leader can force tournament start  
bool bTournamentSLCanStartWarmUp False  
Tournament squad leader can force warmup start  
bool bTournamentSLCanStartCountDown False  
Tournament squad leader can force tournament start with 10 second countdown  
bool bTournamentSLCanRestartTournament False  
Tournament squad leader can restart the tournament  
Advanced Admin/SquadLeader Commands (built into GUI):  
Command: RestartTournament  
Argument Type: N/A  
Description: Restarts the tournament either in progress or after it has ended  
Usage: "tournament RestartTournament"  
Command: StartCountDown  
Argument Type: N/A  
Description: Forces the tournament to start with a 10 second countdown  
Usage: "tournament StartCountDown"  
Command: SetStartTime  
Argument Type: int  
Description: Sets the time until the tournament starts  
Usage: "tournament SetStartTime newstarttime"  
(newstarttime = minutes until the tournament starts)  
Command: StartWarmUp  
Argument Type: N/A  
Description: Forces the tournament warmup to start  
Usage: "tournament StartWarmUp"  
Command: StartTournament  
Argument Type: N/A  
Description: Forces the tournament to start  
Usage: "tournament StartTournament"  
Command: AddToClass  
Argument Type: string or int, int, int  
Description: Places a player on a fireteam in a specified class  
Usage: "tournament AddToClass PLAYERNAME UNIT_SLOT SLOT_INDEX"  
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player,  
UNIT_SLOT = 0,1,2... 0 = Squad Leader,  
1 = Fireteam Alpha, 2 = Fireteam Bravo, etc.  
SLOT_INDEX = 0,1,2... 0 = First slot in the unit,  
1 = Second slot in the unit, etc.)  
Command: AddToTeam  
Argument Type: string or int, int  
Description: Places a player on a specified team  
Usage: "tournament AddToTeam PLAYERNAME TEAM_ID"  
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player  
TEAM_ID = 0 or 1 0 = Assault, 1 = Defense)  
Command: Mute  
Argument Type: string or int  
Description: Toggles the muting of a player or all players, Works just like admin mute, only Tournament Squad leaders can't mute players on the other team  
Usage: "mute all" or "mute PLAYERNAME"  
(PLAYERNAME = The name or player ID of the player)  
New Stryker Armored Vehicle  
This version of America's Army introduces the Army's new Interim Armored Vehicle, a.k.a. the Stryker. The Stryker vehicle is currently implemented as a stationary vehicle with a fully functioning .50 cal turret usable by the player. The Stryker's turret is accessible from inside the vehicle and has full zoom capability. These new Stryker vehicles are available in the "SF Arctic" mission. The Stryker turret zoom in/out keys are defaulted to the MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown keys, however they can be changed through the settings menu.  
New Multiplayer Missions  
Included in this version of America's Army are two new multiplayer missions. Both of these new missions are Special Forces missions containing both the Special Forces playable Soldier class, as well as the Indigenous Forces playable class.  
- SF Village:  
Insurgent forces have acquired multiple weapons caches and are holding up in an abandoned desert town. A Special Forces A-Team, along with friendly Indigenous Forces, must infiltrate their position in town and seize these weapons caches in order to degrade enemy capability to arm insurgent forces.  
- SF Arctic:  
Coalition forces transporting arms and ammunition struck an improvised explosive device (IED), immobilizing one of their vehicles on a high-altitude mountain road. A Special Forces A-Team, along with friendly Indigenous Forces must now protect their essential materials and supplies from an assaulting resistance force who wishes to capture those supplies. The Stryker vehicles accompanying the supply convoy have taken defensive positions to help defend the immobilized convoy.  
New Realistic Suns Including Lens Flare  
Sun lens flares portray the real-life effects that you see when looking toward the direction of the sun. Their introduction has a really exciting impact on gameplay and in a variety of ways.  
When looking in the direction of the sun, this has a slight-to-moderate impact on your character's vision. Sun flares add a much greater immersiveness to the game, brightening-up your gamma momentarily. Needless to say, sun flares have a much greater impact on certain levels/ missions. They are not limited to SF-only maps and are retro-fitted to previous/existing maps including Radio Tower and SF CSAR.  
Class Selection Page Enhancements  
New in this version are 2 new enhancements to the in-game class selection page:  
- 'SWAP' feature  
Players can now request to swap weapons/classes with your teammates simply by hitting the 'Swap' button next to his name in the in-game class selection page. Once your teammate acknowledges your request to swap classes, your positions will automatically switch.  
- Weapons Mod Set Quick-Select  
Players can now select their weapon mods set directly from the class selection in-game menu rather than having to go back to the main user interface.  
New RPG and AT4 3D Ironsights with Adjustable Range Settings  
Both the RPG-7 and the M136 AT4 have new 3D ironsights in this latest version of America's Army. These weapons also both have the new functionality of 'adjustable range settings' based on the distance to target. Players can now adjust the ironsights based on the range to target, and then simply aim directly at the target when firing. The RPG/AT4 can be set to the following ranges: 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 meters. The range adjustment keys are defaulted to the MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown keys, however they can be changed through the settings menu.  
New 'Auto Slow Mode' Toggle for Zooming  
New in this version is new functionality for toggling 'auto slow mode' for zooming. You can now go to slow mode and raise your sights by pressing the zoom key instead of pressing two different keys (zoom and slow mode keys). This new feature allows automatic switching your player to ‘slow walk mode’ while zoomed in and auto-switching back to ‘fast-walk’ when they un-zoom. There is an option added to the settings menu to toggle between this new system and the old system.  
New 'Combat Reload' Including 'Plus One' loading  
When a player has an applicable weapon and reloads with a non-empty magazine, they now retain the round in the chamber and the magazine that was removed is decremented 1 round. With proper timing this also allows for a faster reload time as the player's animation will not have to clear the chamber and tap the forward assist with a round still in the chamber.  
New Alpha-Spectate Enhancement  
New in this version is an enhancement to regular spectating mode. When spectating a player in 3rd person, the player's chararacter will now become transparent as your camera position comes closer to the player character model. This prevents graphical clipping and allows the spectator to focus on the action surrounding this player's character.  
New Demo/Kiosk Mode  
New in this version of America's Army is a Demo/Kiosk mode. This 'Demo Mode' allows for the game to run demos either at the press of a button or after a customizable set time limit. This demo mode allows for the gameplay to be demonstrated without having internet connectivity. Player created demos can be used in this demo mode as well.  
* NOTE: If you enable 'Demo Mode', you restart the game for this setting to take effect.  
Extras Included  
Gamespy Arcade:  
GameSpy Arcade is the fast, free way to find games and opponents America's Army online. Join millions of other players just like yourself!  
SeeMePlayMe is an online gaming and chat program that allows you to connect or create custom game servers. SeeMePlayMe supports online multiplayer gaming, voice, video, text chat, and room creation.  
Xfire is a free application that makes it easy to play America’s Army with your friends. Xfire shows you when and where your friends are playing online and lets you join their game with one click.  
* NOTE: If you have patched from an earlier game version, you can find these 'Extras' setup files in the game's root installation directory. (Default is C:\Program Files\America's Army)  
Other Additions  
- Bullet/Explosion decals on terrain  
- Display as OpFor option for Spinny Weapon Weapon Mod page  
- Added locational damage for projectiles. Players no longer take global damage from getting hit with projectiles. They now take damage based on the speed of the projectile and the area of the body hit. For instance a player hit in the head with an RPG round will now die, but a hit to the arm would not be fatal.  
- Added delayed shell ejection. Weapons with delayed shell ejection (M203, M24, Mos, BS1 etc.) will now ejects spent shells. Bolt action weapons now correctly eject shells when working the bolt.  
- Added config variable "PlayerAdmin" under section "[Engine.AccessControl]" to list players authorized to be player admins.  
- "admin ban" command.  
- "admin banlist" command.  
- "admin unban" command.  
- Added America's Army Europe (NATO) Server icon  
- Server Browser Filters: PunkBuster, America's Army Europe (NATO)  
- Controls Options Setting: "Auto Walk Zoom"  
- Audio Setting: "Use Default Driver"  
- Player Count is displayed next to each team (Assault and Defense)  
- Smooth zoom transitions for 3D sights and 2D ironsights  
- code-based Weapon Cyclic rate control for smoother weapon animations  
- Added a folder for demos.  
- Player Start: IF Advanced Marksman (VSS Vintorez Sniper)  
- Server will now re-authenticate itself at the end of every match.  
- New Arctic IF player textures.  
- Dropped weapons now lie on their side and match the slope of the terrain they have landed on  
- Added an External Link message if you try to connect to a legal map that you don't have  
- Added a dialog box that asks if you want to enable PB the first time you run the game  
- Added turret death message  
- SF Sandstorm: added new animated palm trees and louder ambient wind sounds  
- IRC in-game chat enhanced with new text characters and colored text.  
What's changed  
- Binoculars no longer breathe cycle  
- Players can now use the 'password' text box in the Server Browser for both the admin password and the game server password  
- Single Player defaults to SF instead of IF  
- Improved team swapping. Will now fulfill players change team requests better  
- code-based Weapon Cyclic rate control for automatic weapons  
- Weapons are now dropped realistically when the player dies  
- Adjusted physics for rocket projectiles.  
- RPG rounds now dud 10% of the time instead of 20%  
- Rocket Projectiles trails now go out when their propellant runs out.  
- You can't get idle kicked for a round that lasts less than 20 seconds  
- Internet browser list no longer clears when you close menu (it still clear when you go to the LAN browser or switch levels though)  
- Adjusted the Ak74 iron sight position to provide a better sight picture and reduce model "jitter"  
- The dialog box that tells you that you're trying to join a PB enabled server now allows you to enable PB and join the server  
- Various scope/sniper tweaks.  
- SF Sandstorm: removed the M203 from this map  
- Adjusted many map weapon loadouts and spawnpoints (esp. frag nade loadout)  
What's fixed  
- Shells can no longer climb walls if you're too close to a wall  
- Nightvision is disabled when broll is on (exploit)  
- Fixed 'duplicating weapons' exploit  
- Fixed many map exploits  
- Missing Fonts (double quotes, special ASCII characters, etc.) have been generated and integrated (IRC)  
- Fixed a bug where the an RPG round would float in mid-air if spawning on an IF.  
- Fixed a bug where player animations were playing the wrong speed in multiplayer.  
- Fixed a bug where the M24 would stay zoomed after firing while moving or changing stances.  
- Map loading time should be decreased  
- Audio Settings: Default Driver cannot be chosen if Hardware or Hardware + EAX is chosen  
- Fixed "Gun half up" bug  
- Fixed shell casings not spawning sometimes  
- Fixed rifle range crash bug  
- Soldier "spinny" Weapon and Weapon Mod should not appear in odd instances (loading screen, etc.)  
- PunkBuster enable/disable unified between Internet and LAN server browsers  
- Server browser filtering tweaks  
- Sniper qualification now test rifle range score as well as sniper training  
- Fixed duplicate grenade getting dropped just as grenade is thrown  
- Weapon or grenade geting stuck if sprinting right after spawn, or right after switching to grenades  
- Disabled Console Commands: PAUSESOUND/UNPAUSESOUND (possible exploit)  
- Gamma can't be set higher than 1.5 in the .ini file  
- UI weapon mods should no longer sometimes disappear and reappear in levels  
- RemoveClassInventory properly removes items when non-SF qualified but in an SF slot (Sandstorm grenades)  
- Fixed weapon reloading bug  
- Server Browser: password is always passed on Server Join (for admin and/or game)  
- Server Browser: Check for MILES-only servers  
- SF CSAR: fixed 5 known map exploits  
- Adjusted 1st person spec view interpolation (smoother iew now)  
Known Issues  
- Weapons occasionally overlapping in hands when spectating other players  
- RPG will occasionally be seen as backward when spectating other players  
- UI Spinning Weapons sometimes stops spinning after disconnect  
- Karma bodies sometimes disappear when they land on certain StaticMeshes  
- Spectating camera may not rotate around some Karma bodies


America's Army Release Notes (Version 2.0)
What's new
Special Forces
This edition of America's Army introduces the Special Forces
class of soldier. Players successfully completing the
Special Forces training will be able to play as a Special
Forces soldier armed with all new highly specialized
weaponry. This new class will also include new player models
and attachments as well as team structure to mimic the Green
Beret squad structure. In order for a player to play as a
Special Forces soldier, the player must meet all the
prerequisites; a minimum HONOR of 15, completion of all the
Special Forces training components, completion of both Basic
Combat Training and Airborne School training components.
New weapons available to the Special Forces class:
- SOPMOD M4 Carbine
Special Operations Peculiar Modification to M4 Carbine
- The primary weapon for all Special Forces soldiers.
This weapon is fully customizable by the player though
the use of various accessories (mods) that can be
added to the weapon to fit the players playstyle or to
meet the demands of a particular mission.
Special Purpose Rifle - Variant on the M16 for long
range shots and greater accuracy. The primary weapon
of the Special Forces Advanced Marksman.
- Thermite Grenade
Incendiary type of grenade emitting intense heat and
flame. This grenade is used by the Special Forces
class to complete 'data destruction' type objectives.
New OpFor Weapons
- Vss Vintorez
As an equivalent to the US Special Forces SPR, this is
the primary weapon of the OpFor advanced marksman.
- New AKS-74U
As an equivalent to the SOPMOD M4, the OpFor will have
the new AKS-74U, including OpFor equivalents for each
individual M4 mod.
Indigenous Forces
All new class of player controlled forces to assist the
Green Berets in combat situations. This unique class mimics
the real life indigenous allied forces that work with US
Special Forces across the globe. This class includes new
player models and specialized weapons. The player will not
need any special training to be able to play as an
Indigenous Forces soldier on the supported Special Forces
New weapons available to the Indigenous Forces class:
- RPG-7
Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher - a weapon used by
Indigenous Forces capable of a devastating attack.
- New AKS-74U
Reworked OpFor equivalent to the M4A1 assault rifle.
3D Ironsights for all new weapons
All new weapons for this version will have fully functional
3D ironsights. This includes the SOPMOD M4 Carbine and the
AKS-74U. 3D ironsights will be added to all other weapons
in the game in a future release.
Weapons Mod Page
All Special Forces qualified players will be able to fully
customize their SOPMOD M4 Carbine rifles. On this new page
in the User-Interface the player will be able to add and
remove mods from their M4, as well as being able to save
their favorite configurations as 'SETS' for quick changes.
The current weapon mods available for the player to use are
as follows:
- ACOG 4X Scope
A tritium lit 4x magnification scope that combines
long-range, precision marksmanship and close-in
aiming speed.
- Acog Reflex Sight
An amber dot sight powered by a fiber-optic light
gathering system and a Tritium lamp, designed for
operations in extremely close quarters battle
in any condition.
- M68 Aimpoint Sight
A red-dot reflex sight designed for operations in a
close quarters environment. The M68 allows for quick
acquisition of the target with a high hit probability.
- M203A1 Grenade Launcher
A shortened variant of the M203, the M203A1 is
designed for the SOPMOD M4. The M203A1 adds the
capability of delivering explosive ordinance at
distances beyond 200 meters.
- M583A1 Flare Launcher
The M583A1 is designed for the SOPMOD M4 using the
M203A1. The M583A1 flare adds the capability of
delivering illumination at distances beyond 200
meters, lasting for roughly 12 seconds. This mod is
only available on SFRecon.
- Harris Bipod
Lightweight and rugged, the Harris bipod allows the
weapon to be supported adding stability and accuracy
when shooting from a prone position.
- M4QD Suppressor
The M4QD Suppressor suppresses both the sound and
flash of the weapon, allowing the operator to avoid
- Ironsight
Standard issue carrying handle equipped with an
- Heatshield
Protects operator's hands from heat dissipation and
covers the rail system while not in use.
In-Game IRC Chat Client
New in this release is a fully functional in-game IRC chat
client built into the game's user-interface. This new feature
will allow the players to coordinate and chat on our
official IRC channel (as well as other channels). This new
chat client has all the basic functionality of existing 3rd
party clients as well as some features unique to
America's Army. Some of the features available in this new
IRC client are listed below:
- 'unreal://'
Typing a game server IP in the format listed above
will allow the user to join your server simply by
double clicking that link in the chat window (where
'' is the IP of the server).
- 'AA|PlayerName'
Every player logged into IRC through our in-game
chat client will have their in-game username (taken
from the personnel jacket) prefixed with "AA|" so
that other players know they are currently playing
America's Army. This will be useful for players
looking to find possible teammates or just to see
who is currently playing America's Army.
- Web Links
The in-game IRC chat client will allow normal web
links ( to be double clickable
from within the chat window. Double clicking these web
links will automatically minimize the game and pull up
the link on your default internet web browser.
- Private Messaging
The in-game IRC chat client supports private messaging
by simply double clicking the players name in the user
list located in the right side column of the chat
New Andromeda Server Browser
A new integrated server browser platform, allowing quick
server refreshes, live server stats, and custom filters.
New 'Missions' Deployment Page
A new feature in the 'Deployment' section of the user-
interface is the 'Missions' page. This new page allows the
player to find the map they want to play and deploy straight
from that page. Hitting 'Deploy' on this page will
automatically set the correct map filters for that map and
take the player straight to the internet server browser page
to list all the servers currently running the chosen map.
This 'Missions' page also displays all the information about
each mission and whether or not it is available to the
player based on their current completed training.
Six New Maps
This release contains 6 new maps - 2 single player training
maps, and 4 new multi-player maps.
There are 4 new multi-player maps included, and all 4 are
'Special Forces' maps. Three of the maps involve both Special
Forces and Indigenous Forces, and 1 map is a Special Forces
Exclusive map.
The new multi-player maps are listed below:
Special Forces Combat Search and Rescue - this map is
set in a desert 'mudbrick' urban setting. There is a
downed Blackhawk in the center of the map with the
injured pilot located somewhere nearby. The assault
team must destroy the Blackhawk's technology and
locate the pilot and heal him. The defense team must
protect the Blackhawk and pilot from being captured.
- SF Recon (SF & IF)
This is a night time reconnaissance mission set in a
large sprawling desert terrain. The special
reconnaissance team must locate and identify enemy
aviation assets in order to assess Resistance air
defense requirements. The counter reconnaissance team
must protect Resistance aviation assets in order to
prevent enemy intelligence collection.
- SF Hospital (SF & IF)
This is a VIP mission set in an urban environment
focused around the local city hospital. The escorting
team must locate and exfiltrate the friendly
Resistance leader in order to maintain continuity of
Resistance leadership. The ambushing team must
prevent the VIP from being captured by the opposing
- Pipeline SF (SF Exclusive)
This is the Pipeline mission set at night, and
involving a full squad of only Special Forces
soldiers. The assaulting team must secure Alaskan
Pipeline station and negate environmental threat by
accomplishing one of the following: secure main
control panel; stop oil flow at the three valve
controls. The defensive team must defend the Alaskan
Pipeline station and prevent the capture of the main
control panel and keep the flow of oil open into the
pumps at the three valves.
The Special Forces training consist of 2 components - the 2
single-player maps listed below:
Aircraft, Vehicle, and Weapon Identification -
students will be presented with commonly used
vehicles, aircraft, and weapons utilized by the armed
forces of the world. The students will then correctly
identify the nomenclature of the military equipment
that was presented to them using an equipment chart
for reference.
- SF E and E
Escape and Evasion - students will infiltrate by
helicopter then move tactically on foot to their
extraction point though a simulated, denied
environment guarded by sentries and roving patrols.
The students must successfully navigate to the
extraction point through 3 sequential waypoints
without being detected.
Other Additions
- New in-game 'Icon Key'
- New 'loading/connecting' message text boxes
- New Glossary included in the user-interface
- New 'Enable VSync' advanced video setting added
- New 'Disable Coronas' advanced video setting added
- Medic commo "Medic on the way!" by pressing 'm'
- Medic comms report location
- Progress bar added back to the Server Browser
- New "Deco Layers" advanced video setting added to
allow user to turn off foliage and grass textures
- Added Tour Icons in server browser
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added 3 camo 'skins' for SOPMOD M4 (Artic, Desert, Black)
What's changed
- Server Browser Page resized to fit within page bounds
- Server Browser Page buttons recolored and sized
- Password field moved from Filter page to Server Browser
- Page, and resolution sizing adjustment functionality added
- Added a new system for playing 3rd person weapon
animations. We can now play third person animations on
weapons such as firing, reloading, etc.
- CivOp have scarves sometimes
- InfantryOp have caps
- Server Browser Integration: Andromeda and GameSpy,
selectable from Filter Page
- Progress bar added to Server Browser
- Online Mission Deployment: user is now presented with
information regarding the online missions via a new Tab:
"Missions," under Deployment
- Cannot initiate an ROE votekick on a player with no ROE
- Training and Deployment Mission pages now use dynamic
drop-down boxes, rather than overabundant tabs.
- Connection Timeout increased to 120 seconds.
- Ultimate Arena tournament server functionality added to
Server Browser functionality
- Cheats-enabled server flags will be displayed in Server
Browser Rules List
- New loading/progress message screens
- Added Glossary Page to Support Section
- Removed Precaching option from Advanced Details Video
- Removed Interface Texture Detail option as there are no
differences in Interface Texture Detail quality.
- UI Deployment missions only show "Available" or "Not
- Reduced CEM injury penalties
- Updated Fan Sites Support section
- Default auto balance setting is true
- Added end-of-match timer explanation to class selection
- Added Auth Failure dialog boxes, some of which have useful
What's fixed
- Main Menu and Game Menu are now persistent - all relevant
menus should retain state and activation.
- Can no longer combat roll while taking objective
- Ambient lighting issues (dark model/bright helmet) should
be fixed
- In game menus no longer screw up on resolution changes
- Menu backgrounds should no longer overlap the Hint box
- Fixed browser filter for "FLS" missions
- Audio/Network settings pages no longer loads wrong info
- Binding a key to 'commosquad' now works correctly
- Texture smearing on for bullet decals on corners fixed
- Fixed various scoreboard/class selection issues
- Changing the case of a password will now get saved
- Audio settings page no longer becomes invalid after
setting Audio Mode
- Players will no longer get stuck when rolling while prone
after dropping weapon
- Tour Validation message for Server Browser
- Two weapons in one hand
- MILES skins should no longer show up in non-MILES
- Tour dependencies are working
- Objective messages should work properly
- Mouse and Mouse Menu Sensitivity bottom limit set to 1,
instead of 0, which makes mouse unmovable
- Your own footsteps no longer sound like they are coming
from the West
- Initial viewpoint rotation will no longer look down
- Admins no longer appear on login/logout or on the
- Leased-Official servers report properly
- A blank password will be sent to the server if the
password field in the server browser is blank
- Pickups don't block grenade damage
- Leaning spectator bug
- Purple gun bug
- Enemy grenades now look like enemy grenades when thrown
Known Issues
User-Interface Mouse Lag:
The user may experience intermitten mouse 'lag' or mouse
cursor 'freezing' while moving the mouse rapidly over the
different buttons in the user-interface. This is due to some
optimization issues in the user-interface, and will have no
effect whatsoever on your in-game performance.
Server connecting timeouts on user hosted servers:
On some user hosted servers, some players may experience
joining the server but being stuck in spectator mode,
or not being able to join the first time. This can be due
to the server connection timeout setting. Server admins -
please make sure your 'server.ini' or 'ArmyOps.ini' has the
following setting set to 60.0 seconds.

America's Army Release Notes (Version 2.0.0a)
What's new in v2.0.0a (client-side patch)
New Map
- SF SandStorm (SF & IF)
      Heavy fighting has caused enemy forces to abandon
      a cache of biological components. A sandstorm has
      delayed friendly motorized forces from reaching  
      the site to secure and evacuate them for analysis by
      US Forces. Special Forces working with Indigenous  
      Forces must seize and hold all three of these  
      biological component containers. It is feared that enemy  
      forces will return and attempt to reaquire the 3  
      components before they can be retrieved. This map is  
      set in a desert 'mudbrick' urban setting composed of  
      ruined buildings and adobe walls. Visibilty is highly
      restricted due to the sudden sand storm.  
Other Additions, Changes, and Fixes
- Andromeda now the default server browser
- Server browser 'icon key' updated
- "Connecting..." message added to server browser
- User Interface pages updated (weblinks)
- Added PB enabled server checks/error messages
- Fixed 'training menu overlap' bug
- Updated in-game IRC 'official' server/channels
- Game client now displays current game version number
- 'Credits' updated
- PunkBuster issue  
- Training overlap bug  
- Removed Unnecessary Auth Messages  
- "Create New Account" URL updated (""  
- Default server for In-Game IRC updated (""  
- Updated Credits: Army and Dev Team  
- Updated Support Menu Tabs: Release Notes, Overview, Partners, Fan Sites, Help  
- Updated Deployment Menu Tabs: Services  
- Server Browser uses Andromeda by default  
- Server Browser text notifies when connecting to Master Browser  
- Server Browser Icon Key  
Official Army Server (Honor) text  
Leased Official Server (Honor) text  
Leased Server (Non-Honor) text  
Official Army Europe Server (Honor) text  
MILES Server (Training) text  
REMOVED: Ultimate Arena text  
- Server Browser Icon Key  
REMOVED: Ultimate Arena icon  
- Auth Messages  
Unsupported Version (11)  
Get News Article (21)  
- "Get News" button on the Personnel Jacket  
- Game client version number on the entry page
- Warning message if you try to join a PunkBuster server without PunkBuster enabled.  
- Server Browser Icon Key  
PunkBuster-enabled icon  
Official Army Europe Server icon  
- default IRC channels:  
- Distribution.ini for Distribution Partner and Version Tracking

Les Bonnes adresses :
Site officiel
Military Sims
Site Francophone | Le portail
The Pipeline
Tweak : [...] ndex.shtml :o

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 23-03-2007 à 16:35:50
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:19:45  profilanswer

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:19:45  profilanswer

pom pom pom  :whistle:
EDIT : I GOT IT ! [:frenzy]
Au nom de la Team OFP ! je nous ai vengés pour tout les split que tu nous avais scandaleusement piqué  :whistle:  :sol:

Message édité par MirabelleBenou le 18-03-2003 à 13:21:36

== est de retour !! ==
pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:20:00  profilanswer

Dakans a écrit :

tien non ,!


Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:20:36  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

pom pom pom  :whistle:  

you won da split [:olimou]

pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:21:08  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

pom pom pom  :whistle:  

zut :fou: ,a 5 sec pres  :pfff:

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:22:34  profilanswer

Dakans a écrit :

zut :fou: ,a 5 sec pres  :pfff:  

à 15 sec près [:frenzy]
j'vous raconte pas la gueule de Chacal qd il va rentrer :D
y a un paquet de chips qui va y passer je pense  :whistle:

== est de retour !! ==
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:23:54  profilanswer

atigrou a écrit :

w3 c l'ambiance les zog zog ... y a pleind d'autre str que celui la meme mieux a ce qu'il parrait mais je n'accroche pas [:spamafote]

t'as essayé C&C generals ? :)

== est de retour !! ==
pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:24:03  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

à 15 sec près [:frenzy]
j'vous raconte pas la gueule de Chacal qd il va rentrer :D
y a un paquet de chips qui va y passer je pense  :whistle:  

g oubliez le 1 de 15  :o  
encore 26 minute et je v pouvoir tester ce new patch  :D

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:25:05  profilanswer

Dakans a écrit :

g oubliez le 1 de 15  :o  
encore 26 minute et je v pouvoir tester ce new patch  :D  

alors non seulement on aura splitté, mais en plus tu vas tester avant Chacal  :whistle:  
y va être très colère  :whistle:

== est de retour !! ==

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:25:47  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

t'as essayé C&C generals ? :)

alerte rouge oui mais ca manque d'orc [:toxin]

Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:25:47  profilanswer

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:27:10  profilanswer

Atigrou lé irrécupérable là [:ddr555]
bon, maintenant que j'ai eu mon split, je peux retourner taffer :D
et faut surtout que je me planque avant que le proprio revienne  :whistle:

== est de retour !! ==
pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:30:18  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

alors non seulement on aura splitté, mais en plus tu vas tester avant Chacal  :whistle:  
y va être très colère  :whistle:  

m'enfout :o ,il ma assez fraguer a CS comme ça,alors maintenant c moi ki le "frag" en jouant a la 1.6 avant lui [:zealot1337]

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:33:58  answer

[:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  
que des vilain ici
 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:37:27  answer

moi g dl un "armyops160.exe" qui fait dans les 370 Mo :o

pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:37:55  profilanswer

chacal_one333 a écrit :

[:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  [:zoutte]  
que des vilain ici
 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  

ouai,la preuve tes la aussi  :o  :p

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:38:41  profilanswer

encore 11 minutes  [:yaisse2]

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 13:59:10  answer

18 minute [:walaziz]  
et une heure :cry:

pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:03:31  profilanswer

chacal_one333 a écrit :

18 minute [:walaziz]
et une heure :cry:  

moi ye v instaler  :p

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:05:01  answer

bizzar c'est bridé a 40ko pour l'adsl

Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:24:38  answer

chacal_one333 a écrit :

bizzar c'est bridé a 40ko pour l'adsl

pas sur file planet, j'ai dl a 60 ko

Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:25:49  answer

bha moi si [:spamafote]
ou alors j'ai un dl qq part qui traine

All hail the Hypnotoad !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:38:13  profilanswer


** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:53:54  profilanswer

MirabelleBenou a écrit :

pom pom pom  :whistle:
EDIT : I GOT IT ! [:frenzy]
Au nom de la Team OFP ! je nous ai vengés pour tout les split que tu nous avais scandaleusement piqué  :whistle:  :sol:  

 :hello:  :sol:

== est de retour !! ==
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:55:05  answer
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 14:55:28  answer


Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 15:19:56  profilanswer

boh koua :D
j'disais juste bjour à mon copaing m'sieur Gato  :kaola:  
bon, ok, y avait une p'tit provok avec l'auto-cote  :whistle:

== est de retour !! ==
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 15:24:53  answer

installinnnnnnnnng !!
messieur opfor preparer vos ak, sir chak debarque sans pitié

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 16:03:03  profilanswer

et bé, pas trop tôt :D
bon, moi j'me tâte, pas envie de faire ièch à dl les 400 Mo
j'ai déjà EVE à récup  :whistle:

== est de retour !! ==
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 16:09:32  answer

comment ca tue :love:  
map hyper grande, vla les gros trou dans les mur quand tu tir, superbe nouvo skin desert...
 :love: j'y retourne

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 16:26:40  profilanswer

bon, ce soir j'aurais pas le temps, mais ce week-end je le réinstalle pour voir :)

== est de retour !! ==
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 21:00:53  profilanswer

j'viens de lancer le download
48 min restante  :sol:

== est de retour !! ==
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 21:04:36  answer

pas le droit :o

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-03-2003 à 21:47:12  profilanswer

5 min restante  :sol:

== est de retour !! ==
Amiga forever...
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 08:29:30  profilanswer

alors ca donne koi ???

"Immatriculé", ne veut pas dire : "il m'a sodomisé 3 fois"
Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 08:40:00  answer

Foul a écrit :

alors ca donne koi ???

ca donne que ca tue :love:

Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 10:02:40  profilanswer

j'ai pas eu le temps d'essayer encore moua :/
peut-être la semaine prochaine :D

== est de retour !! ==
Trance For Life
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:51:58  profilanswer

pas encore dl le patch (patapai) mais je vais me faire ca ce w-e ^^

Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 06:58:28  answer

les sons sont sur rubrique dl/mod !
Je sais pas s'il marchent avec 1.6 par contre [:spamafote]
Sinon radio tower est tout simplement genial !!! :love:
Les serveur sont calibré sur 26 player donc faut pas mourrir cash !
Sinon grosse amelioration au niveau du net code, ca lag beaucoup moins et ca fait du bien :)

Profil sup​primé

Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 07:12:37  answer

allé une tite fourné de screens :)
Tout simplement magnifique et en plus ca couvre bien :)
La on voit deja mieux la taille de la map
 On avait un machine gunner bourrin :D
 La bas je trouve ca beau c'est tout [:spamafote]  
Ca c'est a l'interieur ! un enorme labirithe avec ennviron 4 niveau
Et enfin le nouvo skin du sniper desert ! Magnifique (je sais j'ai la l'AA ni l'aniso  :sarcastic: )

pouet pouet
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 12:20:25  profilanswer

chacal_one333 a écrit :

allé une tite fourné de screens :)
Tout simplement magnifique et en plus ca couvre bien :) [...] t00039.jpg
La on voit deja mieux la taille de la map [...] t00049.jpg
 On avait un machine gunner bourrin :D [...] t00066.jpg
 La bas je trouve ca beau c'est tout [:spamafote] [...] t00070.jpg  
Ca c'est a l'interieur ! un enorme labirithe avec ennviron 4 niveau [...] t00041.jpg
Et enfin le nouvo skin du sniper desert ! Magnifique (je sais j'ai la l'AA ni l'aniso  :sarcastic: ) [...] t00037.jpg  

hier soir g eté sur un serveur,snip interdit et max 16 player,sans le snipe cette map est vraiment genial  :love:  
en attaquant,j'adore le début,une tite fin de larguage par avion,mais un ti truc m'enmerde,des ke l'ont peut bouger ont est toujour en mode marche :heink: ,c chiant a force  [:albator7k]

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. (Coluche)
Posté le   profilanswer

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