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Quand le jeux sera patché, seriez vous prêt à faire un dons pour louer un bon serveur Crysis 2 HFRriens ? (20€/mois à diviser par le nombre de donateurs,16slot chez Verygames. Prenable par tranche d'un mois)

Attention si vous cliquez sur "voir les résultats" vous ne pourrez plus voter

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[Topic Unique] Crysis 2 : Le Multi HFRiens, Tweaks, Astuces et Actu.


Transactions (3)
Posté le 12-07-2011 à 00:49:48  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

007sivade a écrit :

Ah, bah certes mais alors ?  

euh d'habitude j'ai pas besoin de diminuer les options graph pour jouer en multi sur mes autres jeux  :sarcastic:

Posté le 12-07-2011 à 00:49:48  profilanswer


Transactions (0)
Posté le 07-08-2011 à 23:48:47  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous.
information importante pour ceux qui cherche un hébergeur crysis .2
Surtout n'allez pas chez GAMED!DE [...] 6931_1.htm

Message édité par alain0001 le 07-08-2011 à 23:49:58
Juste le bout !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-08-2011 à 18:55:22  profilanswer

Merci pour l'info !!! :)
Je rentre a peine de vacances donc si des gens sont chaud bouillant chuis libre !!!!!!  
Tchuss !!!

Juste le bout !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 05-09-2011 à 01:29:29  profilanswer

Zetes la les gens ou pas ? Moi me suis orienté vers battlefield mais bon chuis tjrs open pour du crysis ca me manque mais j'ai vraiment du mal a jouer tout seul ...c'est fou comme le TS me manque est tjrs open si jamais vous voulez....MP :)


Transactions (0)
Posté le 05-09-2011 à 12:51:08  profilanswer

désolé frakass en ce moment je refait pas mal de GW généralement crysis c'est entre 19h-20h et 23h-0h00


Transactions (2)
Posté le 05-09-2011 à 20:56:07  profilanswer

yop frakas, c'est killer1st1, bah moi j'suis toujours un fidèle de crysis 2, dès que je suis chez moi j'y joue. d'ailleur je reviens le 15 chez moi, donc si tu veux faire quelques parties, je viendrai sur ton teamspeak, à savoir que s'il n'y a personne je resterai pt'etre pas, étant donné que j'ai plusieur serveur des différentes team française du jeu. si j'te vois en jeu j'viendrai par contre.
a la prochaine.

Juste le bout !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-09-2011 à 11:40:33  profilanswer

Yes killer1st1 désolé pour la réponse tardive mais des fois j'ai des bugs au niveau des suivi de messages, je reçois pas de mail comme quoi y'a quelqu'un qui a répondu au thread....
Ben pareil on se rejoint un soir :) Ca me ferai plaise  
Tchuss mecton !!!


Transactions (0)
Posté le 13-09-2011 à 23:07:43  profilanswer

Slt les louloutes,  
pour causer entre vous, vous utilisez quoi comme moyen / soft ?


Transactions (2)
Posté le 14-09-2011 à 15:27:26  profilanswer

mumble principalement et teamspeak 3 un peu.
sinon frakas, j'suis la dès ce soir, (enfin apparemment j'ai un prob internet mais vu que mes frangins n'y connaisse rien, j'aurai surement règlé le problème comme un grand), donc à ce soir après 23h.

Juste le bout !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 26-09-2011 à 21:43:11  profilanswer

Salut !! désolé j ai pas trop joué ces derniers temps je suis à fonds le topic bf3 ^^

Posté le 26-09-2011 à 21:43:11  profilanswer

le silence est d'or !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 01-10-2011 à 14:19:34  profilanswer

chez moi avec un cross de HD5870 j'arrive a jouer @60 fps en 1920x1200 en mode extreme sauf objet au mini syncro activé. au multijoueur.
Tout en ultra je suis entre 40fps et 60fps !
marche a suivre :  
lancer le logiciel FRAPS ( pour voir si sa marche )  
lancer Crysis 2  
mode multijoueur  
lancer une partie  
normalement a ce stade Fraps vous indique env 30 fps ( cross 5870 )  
appuyer sur ECHAP  
ensuite option et grahique  
et la vous mettez la resolution voulu et vous mettez le mode voulu  
ensuite clic sur appliquer  
ensuite graphique avancé vous changer juste le mode Objet au mini et appliquer  
et la normalement le taux de FPS va grimper voir doubler  
vous revenez dans la partie et sa devrais etre fluide !  
j'espere avoir rien oublié !!! a essayer en cross ou sli !!!

feedback [...] 6645_1.htm
Suxxidal tendencies
Transactions (2)
Posté le 20-02-2012 à 16:25:12  profilanswer

Il reste encore des joueurs sur HFR ?

Mon p'tit feed Back,ventes

Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-02-2012 à 16:46:25  profilanswer

Principalement passé sur BF3 à mon avis

Suxxidal tendencies
Transactions (2)
Posté le 20-02-2012 à 17:54:59  profilanswer

Dommage, BF3 j'y arrive pas pour le moment  :sweat:

Mon p'tit feed Back,ventes

Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-03-2012 à 19:28:15  profilanswer

Bon je suppose que c'est deja passé, mais dans le doute, voici la derniere mise à jour du SDK CE3, avec la map Forest, accessible directement via le launcher, et c'est juste sublime, je tourne à 50 ips juste avec une gtx460  :love:  
bon certe, sa manque de Paralax occlusion maping, c'est du simple dx9 donc out la Tesse, mais une futur mise à jour est prévu pour le SDK d'apres le site officiel si j'ai bien compris.
je vous conseil de dl ce sdk de suite et de lancer la map Forest, c'est purement Magnifique =>

mmh [:cerveau delight] des choses interressantes dans ce SDK ! Cryteck nous prépare un ptit projet surprise ?

Spoiler :

Message édité par badping le 20-03-2012 à 01:39:32
Juste le bout !!!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-04-2012 à 08:14:09  profilanswer

Yepla !!!!!

-FraKasS- alias  -RozPadA-

Transactions (0)
Posté le 11-07-2012 à 13:36:16  profilanswer

Je viens juste de tester le multi et j'ai bien aimé. Dommage qu'il semble mort.


Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-07-2012 à 14:37:28  profilanswer

jviens de m'y remettre au multi depuis quelques jours, ça faisait longtemps, et j'avoue que je prends mon pied.... Par contre y a un truc que je pige pas, j'avais pris un pack de map que je ne retrouve plus, au début quand je réinstallais le jeu puis je le lançais et dans "Boutique" je récupérais ces maps que j'avais donc acheté pour les dl, mais là plus rien  :??:

Message édité par EpinardsHachés le 19-07-2012 à 14:38:50

Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-09-2012 à 11:48:23  profilanswer

Si MW3 n'avait pas été autant cheaté j'aurais peut être passé a côté de ce multi.
Pas évident de  jouer avec les atouts armures mais je commence a m'y faire.
Les mod captures sont excellents, j'y retourne de suite.
Lachez-vous !!!!!!!!

Message édité par magnoule le 09-09-2012 à 11:50:51
Transactions (5)
Posté le 28-12-2012 à 00:39:04  profilanswer

Dropez vos ID !

EA: eeeFlow STEAM: 15501938

Transactions (0)
Posté le 25-03-2013 à 05:23:07  profilanswer

Salut à tous!
J'ai acheté ce jeux sur Origin et:
Comment faire pour:  
 -Enlever ce foutu flou des textures et mettre un AA normale... (le rendu que j'ai ressemble a du FXAA de merde...)
- Le pack HD... = Aucune différence activé ou a beau être activé je vois pas bien où sont les texture HD justement qd je joue... bug de mon fichier? qd j'enlève l'option Directx11 par contre c'est un poil plus net.
 De l'aide svp serait la bien venu, merci à tous!
Voilà les infos: (y a des truc que je pige pas.. certains réglages sont sur 0 mais sont qd même active qd je joue.. bref de la m.. en barre..)
BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 25 Mar 13 (05 13 05)"  -- used by backup system
Log Started at 03/25/13 05:13:05
Running 32 bit version
Executable: E:\Origin Games\Crysis 2 Maximum Edition\bin32\Crysis2.exe
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation
Added MOD directory <engine> to CryPak
Executable Command Line: "E:\Origin Games\Crysis 2 Maximum Edition\bin32\Crysis2.exe"  
Total number of logical processors: 4
Number of available logical processors: 4
Total number of system cores: 4
Number of cores available to process: 4
Processor 0:
  CPU: Intel        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 7
  FPU: On-Chip
  CPU Speed (estimated): 3292.6 MHz
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  3DNow!: not present
  Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 1:
  CPU: Intel        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 7
  FPU: On-Chip
  CPU Speed (estimated): 3292.5 MHz
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  3DNow!: not present
  Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 2:
  CPU: Intel        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 7
  FPU: On-Chip
  CPU Speed (estimated): 3292.6 MHz
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  3DNow!: not present
  Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 3:
  CPU: Intel        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 7
  FPU: On-Chip
  CPU Speed (estimated): 3292.6 MHz
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  3DNow!: not present
  Serial number not present or disabled
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_game_folder
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_dll_game
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_user_folder
[Warning] Unknown command: r_ShaderCompilerServer
[Warning] Unknown command: log_IncludeTime
[Warning] Unknown command: log_verbosity
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_float_exceptions
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_objectdetail' key 'e_DecalsForceDeferred' is not missing in default
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_objectdetail' key 'r_DrawNearZRange' is not missing in default
Windows 7 64 bit SP 1 (build 6.1.7601)
System language: French
Windows Directory: "C:\Windows"
* Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
Local time is 05:13:05 03/25/13, system running for 7478 minutes
8102MB physical memory installed, 6179MB available, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 23 percent of memory in use
PageFile usage: 67MB, Working Set: 57MB, Peak PageFile usage: 67MB,
Current display mode is 1920x1080x32, (Unknown graphics card)
IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 16+ button mouse installed
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_game_folder
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_dll_game
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_user_folder
[Warning] Unknown command: r_ShaderCompilerServer
[Warning] Unknown command: log_IncludeTime
[Warning] Unknown command: log_verbosity
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_float_exceptions
Stream Engine Initialization
GameName: Crysis 2 (TM)
BuildTime: May  8 2012 17:31:21
Font initialization
Physics initialization
Sound initialization
<Sound> Initializing AudioDevice now!
<Sound> Initialize FMOD with dynamic memory callbacks
<Sound> Starting to initialize Windows Audio Session API output!  
<Sound> Drivers found: 3
<Sound> Available drivers:
 1. Haut-parleurs (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 2. Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 3. S27A750D-2 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
<Sound> Using speaker mode: FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_5POINT1
<Sound> Initializing FMOD-EX now!
<Sound> Initialized FMOD-EX
<Sound> Available record drivers: 0 Mixage stéréo (Realtek High Definition Audio) !
<Sound> Record config is set to autodetect using record driver 0
<Sound> Using FMOD version: 00043307 and internal 00043307!
<Sound> Initializing SoundSystem now!
Renderer initialization
 used GeomInstancingThreshold is 8
Network initialization
[net] using iocp socket io management
network hostname: PC
[Network Version]: RELEASE PURE CLIENT
MovieSystem initialization
Console initialization
Time initialization
Input initialization
AI initialization
Initializing Animation System
Initializing 3D Engine
Script System Initialization
Entity system initialization
Initializing AI System
[Error] [Tweaks] Cannot locate active profile table
[GameProfiles]: Successfully activated profile 'default' for user 'Moi'
username Moi signedIn 1 userIndex -1
ActivateProfile profileName default
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_shading=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_gameeffects=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_objectdetail=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_particles=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_physics=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_postprocessing=1
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_shadows=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_sound=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_texture=4
[Warning] Unknown command: sys_spec_water=4
[Warning] Unknown command: g_skipIntro=0
[Warning] Unknown command: cl_fov=55
[Warning] Unknown command: pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov=55
[Warning] Unknown command: i_mouse_accel=0
[Warning] Unknown command: i_mouse_accel_max=100
[Warning] Unknown command: i_mouse_smooth=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_motionblur=0
[Warning] Unknown command: g_radialBlur=0
[Warning] Unknown command: cl_zoomToggle=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_UseEdgeAA=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_TexMaxAnisotropy=16
[Warning] Unknown command: r_PostMSAA=0
[Warning] Unknown command: cl_crouchtoggle=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_ColorGrading=1
[Warning] Unknown command: r_SSAO=1
[Warning] Unknown command: r_VSync=0
[Warning] Unknown command: e_shadows=1
[Warning] Unknown command: g_enableInitialLoginScreen=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_HDRBloomMul=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_HDRBrightLevel=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_FSAA=0
[Warning] Unknown command: r_MultiGPU=0
[Warning] Unknown command: g_useHitSoundFeedback=0
[Lobby] Creating socket on port 64100
[Lobby] Created socket on port 64100
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Font_Body" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Root.ProfileDisplay.MODString".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Font_Body"  
      Movie resource: "Font_Body"  not found.
      Imports       : "Font_Body"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Legal_Text.LegalText".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [Libs/UI/General/LegalScreen.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.startCountdown' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shading' key 'e_GIMaxDistance' is no registered console variable
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shading' key 'e_GIMaxDistance' is no registered console variable
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shadows' key 'r_ShadowsUseClipVolume' is no registered console variable
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shadows' key 'e_ShadowsTessellateCascades' is no registered console variable
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shadows' key 'r_ShadowsUseClipVolume' is no registered console variable
[Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_shadows' key 'e_ShadowsTessellateCascades' is no registered console variable
[Error] <Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
Initializing default materials...
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_01_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_01_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_02_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_02_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_04_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_04_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r3_roof1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r3_roof1_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r4.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r4_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_e.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_e_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_h.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_h_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/trash/trashcan1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/props/military_infrastructure/mil_fuel_can/mil_fuel_can.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/props/military_infrastructure/mil_fuel_can/mil_fuel_can_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scarab/scarab_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
[Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/nova/nova_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Registering TPS Extensions...
All shaders combinations activated in 2.37 seconds
========  is loaded in 448738.9 sec ========
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Incoming_Objective.ObjectiveDummy".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Incoming_Objective.ObjectiveText".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [Libs/UI/AllInOne_HUD_2D.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Font_Body" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Root.ProfileDisplay.MODString".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Font_Body"  
      Movie resource: "Font_Body"  not found.
      Imports       : "Font_Body"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Root.SubScreen.Root.LevelName".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Root.SubScreen.Root.instance211".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.POPUP_MC.Text_Fields.titelTextMc.titleTextleft.Title_Textfield2".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menu/popup.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.POPUP_MC.Text_Fields.Message_Textfield".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menu/popup.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.POPUP_MC.Text_Fields.titelTextMc.titleTextcenter.Title_Textfield".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menu/popup.gfx]
UnLoadLevel End: 0.2 sec
could not free all buffers from CDevBufferMan!
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Font_Body" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.Root.ProfileDisplay.MODString".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Font_Body"  
      Movie resource: "Font_Body"  not found.
      Imports       : "Font_Body"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
[Error] <Flash> Missing "Agency FB" glyph ' ' (0xa0) in "_level0.POPUP_MC.Text_Fields.Message_Textfield".
Font has 301 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa1, 0xa3-0xa7, 0xa9-0xab, 0xae (truncated).
Search log:  
   Searching for font: "Agency FB"  
      Movie resource: "Agency FB"  not found.
      Imports       : "Agency FB"  found in "HUD_Font_LocFont.swf". [libs/ui/menu/popup.gfx]
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
System Shutdown
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
[Error] Runaway thread
DXInput Shutdown
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\animations.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\gamedata.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\music.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objects.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\objectsls.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\scripts.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\sounds.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\textures.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\videos.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\engine.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadercache.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shaders.pak
Closing PAK file: engine\shadersbin.pak
Closing PAK file: gamecrysis2\localized\french.pak
Closing PAK file: e:\origin games\crysis 2 maximum edition\dlc\dlcpack1\dlclevelextras.pak
Closing PAK file: e:\origin games\crysis 2 maximum edition\dlc\dlcpack1\dlcdata.pak
Closing PAK file: e:\origin games\crysis 2 maximum edition\dlc\dlcpack2\dlclevelextras.pak
Closing PAK file: e:\origin games\crysis 2 maximum edition\dlc\dlcpack2\dlcdata.pak
Closing PAK file: patch\patch1.pak
Closing PAK file: patch\dx11.pak
Closing PAK file: patch\textureshighres.pak

Message édité par xergio le 25-03-2013 à 06:12:50
Et tu trouves ça drôle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 25-03-2013 à 15:33:49  profilanswer

Salut, désolé j'ai pas tout lu, mais si tu cherches à avoir un jeu plus beau : [...] rsion.html
La dernier version intègre un AA (équivalent) qui ne floute pas.  :jap:  
Après je peux pas t'aider c'est réservé au grosse config. Moi je reste avec Maldo 3.0.  :o

Honteux Bidouillages !

Transactions (0)
Posté le 17-12-2013 à 01:49:19  profilanswer

Je viens enfin de me mettre à Crysis 2 et j'ai un problème de textures.
Le jeu tourne en Ultra sans problème sur ma gtx 770 mais certaines textures (généralement certaines "dalles" de routes, murs mais aussi certaines végétations), en bougeant très légèrement la caméra, alternent entre 2 niveaux de détails.
De plus certaines textures sont vraiment de très basse qualité (alors que le pack hd est installé). J'ai l'impression d'être bloqué en low lod pour une raison que j'ignore.
J'ai également essayé de résoudre ça via l'autoexec.cfg mais sans succès.
Niveau driver j'ai essayé les R331.82 et les béta R331.95, pas de changement. [...] =204512972 [...] =204513044 [...] =204513029

Message édité par armitage-san le 17-12-2013 à 01:51:40
Posté le   profilanswer

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