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Ici, on ne parle QUE de RPG, sous toutes ses formes (JRPG -coucou Poiro , ARPG etc). A noter que Zelda et Mass Effect sont tolérés
Une petite définition pour commencer : RPG = Role Playing Game (ou jeu de rôle).
Outre le domaine vidéoludique (et donc bien avant), le jeu de rôle se définit tel qu'il est cité dans l'encyclopédie Wikipédia (qui vous apporterons bien plus de connaissances que je ne pourrais vous en apprendre) : [...] ng_Game%29
Sur consoles ou pc, il s'agit d'un jeu vidéo interactif, le joueur fait progresser un ou plusieurs personnages qui interagissent avec des personnages et des éléments (objets, lieux...) gérés par l'ordinateur. L'élément qui fait d'un jeu un RPG est le système de progression du ou des personnages, en gagnant de l'expérience (en combattant ou en réalisant des quêtes), le personnage évolue, gagne des caractéristiques, compétences... Il existe plusieurs types de RPG : A-RPG : Action RPG, T-RPG : Tactical RPG....
Selon certains ici, il existe aussi le U-RPG, pour Unique-RPG, car Zelda et Okami sont uniquement uniques en leur genre unique !
Par ailleurs, le therme de MMORPG signifie Massive Multiplayer On-line Role-Playing Game (soit Jeu en Ligne massivement multi-joueurs). Quoi qu'il en soit, ce topic ne les intègre pas.
Quelques screens de jeux mémorables (liste non exhaustive)
The Elder Scrolls 3 : Morrowind (PC)
Landstalker (Megadrive)
Baldur's Gate 2 (PC)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
Planescape Torment (PC)
Ultima IX (PC)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3-360)
Secret of Mana (Super NES)
Persona 5 (PS4)
Spoiler :
Voici une liste de rpg (que je modifierais au fur et à mesure) que j'ai recensé, tout genres et tout pays confondus :
Dernière maj : 23/05/2011
Note : Entre les parenthèses se trouvent soit le nom du développeur, soit celui de l'éditeur (pour les jeux dont je ne connais pas les développeurs) qui représentent une bonne moitié des jeux imports.
- Adventure of Valecule (Namco)
- The Bard's Gate (?)
- Battle of Olympus (Broderbund Software)
- Castle Quest (ASCII / Nexoft) - Castlevania II: Simons Quest (Konami) - Chaos World (?) - Chronicle of the Radia War (Tecmo) - Cosmo Police Galivan (Nihon Bussan) - Crystalis (SNK) - Defender of the Crown (Koei) - Deja Vu (Icom Simulations) - Destiny of an Emperor (Capcom) - Destiny of an Emperor 2 (Capcom) - Dragon Warrior (= Dragon Quest) (Enix) - Dragon Warrior 2 (Enix) - Dragon Warrior 3 (Enix) - Dragon Warrior 4 (Enix) - Dungeon Magic (Taito) - Earth Bound (Nintendo) - Faria (Nexsoft) - Faxanadu (Hudson soft) - Fester's Quest (Nintendo) - Final Fantasy I (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy II (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy III (Squaresoft)
- Fire Emblem : Dragon of Darkness and Sword of Light (Intelligent Systems)
- Fire Emblem Gaiden (Intelligent Systems)
- Gargoyle's Quest (Capcom) - Gauntlet (Tengen) - Gauntlet 2 (Tengen)
- Glory of Heracles 2 (East Corp) - Legacy of the Wizard (Broderbund Software) - Legend of the Ghost Lion (?) - Lios (Aeon Genesis) - Maniac Mansion (Jaleco) - Might and Magic : The Secret of the Inner Sanctum (New World Computing) - Musashi (Sigma E)
- Nadia, the Secret of Blue Water (NHK) - Nightshade (?) - Princess Tomato (Hudson soft) - Rainbow Silkroad (NHK / VICTOR) - Sheherazade (Nintendo) - Shadow Gate (Icom Simulations)
- Shadowrun (Sega) - Star Tropics (Nintendo) - Star Tropics 2 (Nintendo) - Sted (KAC / Alpha) - Sweet Home (Capcom) - Swords & Serpents (Interplay / Acclaim) - The Immortal (?) - Times of Lore (Origin)
- Ultima 1 (Origin Systems) - Ultima 2 (Origin Systems) - Ultima 3 (Origin Systems) - Ultima 4 (FCI)
- Ultima 5 (FCI)
- Uninvited (Icom Simulations) - Venus Wars (Varie) - Villgust (Plex / Ancel)
- Willow (Capcom) - Wizardry (?)
- Ys (Nihon Falcom) - Ys 2 (Nihon Falcom) - Zelda, the Legend of Link (Nintendo) - Zelda 2, the Legend of Link (Nintendo)
________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER SYSTEM
- Alex Kidd in the miracle world (Sega) - Dragon Crystal (Sega) - Golvellius: Valley of Doom (Sega) - Golden Axe Warrior (Sega) - Miracle Warriors : Seal of the Dark Lord (Sega)
- Phantasy Star (Sega) - Psychic World (?) - Ultima IV - The Quest of the Avatar (Origin Systems) - Ys The Vanished Omens (Sega)
________________________________________________________________________________ SNES
- Act Raiser (Enix) - Act Raiser 2 (Enix) - Arcana (Hal America inc) - Bahamut Lagoon (Square) - Breath Of Fire (Capcom) - Breath Of Fire 2 (Capcom) - Brainlord (Enix) - Brandish (Koei) - Chrono Trigger (Square) - Demon's Crest (Capcom) - Dragon Quest 4 (= Dragon Warrior 4) (Enix)
- Dragon Quest 5 (Enix) - Dragon Quest 6 (Enix) - Dragon View (Kemco) - Dungeon Master (JVC)
- Earthbound (Nintendo) - Equinox (Nintendo) - EVO cherach for eden (Enix) - Final Fantasy IV (Square Soft) - Final Fantasy V (Square) - Final Fantasy VI (Square) - Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (Squaresoft) - Fire Emblem : Monsho no Nazo (Intelligent Systems)
- Fire Emblem : Seisen no Keifu (Intelligent Systems)
- Fire Emblem : Thracia 776 (Intelligent Systems)
- Front Mission (Square) - Gulliver Boy (Bandai)
- Lagoon (Enix) - Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (Taito) - Lufia 2 (Natsume) - Magic Knight Rayeath (Tomy)
- Might and Magic II : Gates to Another World (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra (New World Computing) - Paladin's Quest (Enix) - Robotrek (Enix) - Royal Conquest (Jaleco) - Secret Of Mana (Square) - Secret of Evemore (Squaresoft) - Seiken Densetsu 3 (= Secret Of Mana 2) (Square) - Shadowrun (Data East) - Soulblazer (Enix) - Super Mario RPG (Square) - Star Ocean (Tri-Ace) - Tactics Ogre (Quest) - Tales Of Phantasia (Namco) - Terranigma (Enix) - The 7th Saga (Enix) - The Legend Of Zelda : A Link to the Past (Nintendo) - The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang (BPS) - Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (Imagineer) - Ultima: The Black Gate (FCI) - Ultima: The The False Prophet (FCI) - Wizardry 5 : Heart of the Maelstorm (Capcom) - Wonder Project J (Enix) - Young Merlin (Virgin) - Ys 3 : Wanderers from Ys (Nihon Falcon)
________________________________________________________________________________ MEGADRIVE
- Battlemaster (Arena)
- Beyond Oasis (Sega) - Crusader of Centy (Atlus) - Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (JVC) - Exile (Rennovation) - Faery Tale Adventure (Electronic Arts)
- Fatal Labyrinth (Sega) - Landstalker (Sega)
- Light Crusader (Treasure) - Master of Monsters (Rennovation) - Might and Magic II : Gates to Another World (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra (New World Computing)
- Phantasy Star 2 (Sega) - Phantasy Star 3 (Sega)
- Phantasy Star 4 (Sega) - Rings Of Power (Electronic Arts) - Shadowrun (Sega) - Shining Force : The Legacy of Great Intention (Sega) - Shining Force II (Camelot Co.Ltd) - Shining In The Darkness (Sega) - Soleil (Nextech) - Sword of Vermillion (Sega) - The Story of Thor (Sega) - Traysia (Rennovation) - Warsong (Treco) - Wonder Boy In Monster World (Sega) - Ys 3: Wandering from Ys (Sammy)
________________________________________________________________________________ GAME BOY CLASSIC
- Azure Dreams (Konami)
- Dragon Warrior I (Enix) - Dragon Warrior II (Enix)
- Dragon Warrior Monsters II (Enix)
- Final Fantasy Adventure (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Legend (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Legend II (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Legend III (Squaresoft) - Great Greed (Namco) - Harvest Moon (Natsume) - Heroes of Might and Magic (3DO) - Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (3DO) - Kingdom Crusade (Electrobrain) - Legend of the River King (Natsume) - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo)
- Lufia: The Legend Returns (Natsume) - Magi Nation (Interactive Imagination) - Metal Walker (Capcom)
- Mystic Quest (Squaresoft) - Monster Rancher: Battle Card GB (Tecmo) - Pokémon (Nintendo) - Pokémon Glod\Silver (Nintendo) - Pokémon : Trading Card Game (Nintendo) - Pokémon Yellow (Nintendo) - Revelations: The Demon Slayer (Atlus) - Robopon (Atlus) - Shantae (Capcom) - Sword of Hope (Kemco) - Ultima: Runes of Virtue (FCI) - Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2 (FCI) - Warlocked (Nintendo) - Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories (Konami) - Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons (Nintendo)
________________________________________________________________________________ SATURN
- Albert Odyssey (Working Designs) - Bakuretsu Hunter R (?) - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night (Konami)
- Dark Savior (Sega) - Devil Summoner (Atlus) - Devil Summoner 2 : Soul Hackers (Atlus) - Dragon Force (Working Designs) - Grandia (Game Arts) - Iron Storm (Working Designs) - Legend of Oasis (Sega) - Lunar : Silver Star Story Complete (Game Arts) - Magic Knight Rayearth (Working Designs) - Mystaria (Sega) - Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega / Team Andromeda) - Shining Force III (Camelot Co.Ltd) - Shining Force III scenario 2 (Camelot Co.Ltd) - Shining Force III scenario 3 (Camelot Co.Ltd) - Shining the Holy Ark (Sega) - Shining Wisdom (Working Designs) - The Horde (Crystal Dynamics) - Virtual Hydlide (Atlus)
________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYSTATION
- Arc The Lad (Arc Entertainment) - Arc The Lad II (Arc Entertainment) - Arc The Lad III (Arc Entertainment) - Arc The Lad Arena (Arc Entertainment) - Arc The Lad Collection (Arc Entertainment) - Alundra (Matrix) - Alundra 2 (Matrix) - Azure Dreams (Konami) - Beyond the Beyond (?) - Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain (Silicon Knights)
- Breath Of Fire 3 (Capcom) - Brigandine (Atlus) - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night (Konami)
- Crono Cross (Squaresoft) - Deception (Tecmo) - Devil Summoner 2 : Soul Hackers (Atlus) - Dragon Seeds (Jaleco)
- Dragon Quest 7 (Enix) - Final Fantasy VI (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy VII (Squaresoft)
- Final Fantasy VIII (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy IX (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Anthology (FF IV & V) (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Chronicles (IV & Crhono Trigger) (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Collection (IV, V & VI) (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Origins (I & II) (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy Tactics (Squaresoft) - Front Mission (Squaresoft) - Front Mission 1st (Square Enix) - Front Mission 2 (Squaresoft) - Front Mission 3 (Square Europe) - Front Mission Alternative (Squaresoft) - Front Mission History (Square Enix) - Grandia (Game Arts) - Guardian's Crusade (Tamsoft) - Jade Cocoon (Genki) - Kagero : Deception II (Tecmo) - King's Field (From Software Inc.)
- King's Field 2 (From Software Inc.) - Legend of Legaia (Contrail) - Legend of Mana (Squaresoft) - Lunar : Silver Star Story Complete (Game Arts) - Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue Complete (Work Designs) - Monster Seed (Sunsoft) - Ogre Battle (Quest) - Parasite Eve (Square Electronic Arts)
- Parasite Eve 2 (Square Electronic Arts) - Persona (Atlus) - Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment (Atlus)
- Persona 2 : Innocent Sin (Atlus)
- Saga Frontier (Squaresoft) - Saga Frontier 2 (Squaresoft) - Star Ocean : The Second Story (Tri-Ace) - Suikoden (Konami) - Suikoden 2 (Konami) - Vandal Hearts (Konami) - Vandal Hearts 2 (Konami) - Vagrant Story (Squaresoft) - Valkyrie Profile (Enix) - Xenogears (Squaresoft) - Tactics Ogre (Quest) - Tales of Destiny (Namco)
- The Granstream Saga (Shade) - The Legend of Kartia : The World of Fate (Atlus) - Thousand Arms (Atlus) - Wild Arms (Media Vision) - Wild Arms 2 (Contrail)
________________________________________________________________________________ NINTENDO 64
- Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (THQ) - Castlevania (Konami)
- Holy Magic Century (Konami) - Hybrid Heaven (Konami) - Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (Nintendo) - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo) - Ogre Battle 64 (Atlus) - Paper Mario (Nintendo) - Quest 64 (THQ)
________________________________________________________________________________ DREAMCAST
- Armada (Sega) - Elemental Gimmick Gear (Ubisoft) - Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (Ubisoft) - Evolution 2 (Ubisoft) - Grandia 2 (Ubisoft) - Phantasy Star Online (Sega) - Record of Lodoss War (EPS) - Seventh Cross: Evolution (UFO) - Silver (Spiral House) - Skies of Arcadia (Sega) - Time Stalkers (Sega)
________________________________________________________________________________ GAME BOY ADVANCE
- Breath of Fire (Capcom) - Breath of Fire 2 (Capcom) - Car Battler Joe (Natsume) - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Konami) - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (Konami) - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Konami) - Dokapon (AIA) - Dragonball Z: The Legacy Of Goku (infogrames) - Eye of the Beholder (infogrames) - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Nintendo)
- Fire Emblem : Fuujin no Tsurugi (Intelligent Systems)
- Fire Emblem : Rekka no Ken (Intelligent Systems)
- Golden Sun (Nintendo) - Golden Sun 2 : L'Âge Perdu (Nintendo)
- Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories (Square Enix)
- Mario et Luigi : Superstar Saga (Nintendo)
- Mech Platoon (Kemco) - Megaman Battle Network (Capcom) - Megaman Battle Network 2 (Capcom) - Monster Rancher Advance (Tecmo) - Phantasy Star Collection (Sega) - Robopon 2 (Atlus) - Shining Force : Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (THQ)
- Tactics Ogre: The Knight Of Lodis (Atlus) - Tales of Phantasia (Namco)
- The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (Nintendo) - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Universal Interactive) - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Electronic Arts) - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul (Konami) - Zone Of The Enders: The Fist Of Mars (Konami)
________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYSTATION 2
- .hack//G.U. Vol.1 : Rebirth (Bandai)
- .hack//G.U. Vol.2 : Reminisce (Bandai)
- .hack//G.U. Vol.3 : Redemption (Bandai)
- .hack//Infection part 1 (Atari/Infogrames)
- .hack//Mutation part 2 (Bandai)
- .hack//Outbreak part 3 (Bandai)
- .hack//Quarantine part 4 : The Final Chapter (Bandai)
- .hack//Frägment (Bandai)
- Ar Tonelico (Banpresto)
- Ar Tonelico 2 (Banpresto)
- Arc The Lad :Twilight Of The Spirits (Sony) - Arc The Lad : Le Clan des Deimos (Cattle Call) - Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Atelier Iris 2 : The Azoth of Destiny (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Atelier Iris 3 : Grand Phantasm (NIS America)
- Atelier Judie (Gust Co., Ltd)
- Atelier Lilie (Gust Co., Ltd)
- Atelier Lilie Plus (Gust Co., Ltd)
- Atelier Marie + Lilie (Gust Co., Ltd)
- Atelier Viorate : Alchemist of Gramnad 2 (Gust Co., Ltd)
- Baldur's Gate ark Alliance (Black Isle Studios) - Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II (Black Isle Studios) - Breath of Fire : Dragon Quarter (Capcom) - Champions of Norrath (Ubi soft)
- Champions : Return To Arms (Snowblind Studios)
- Dark Cloud (Sony) - Dark Chronicle (Sony) - Digimon World : Data Squad (Bec)
- Disgaea : The Hour of Darkness (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Disgaea 2 : Cursed Memories (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Drakengard (Square Enix)
- Drakengard 2 (Square Enix)
- Dragon Shadow Spell ( Flight-Plan)
- Dragon Quest 5 (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest 8 (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest Yangus (Square Enix)
- Drakan : The Ancients' Gate (Sony) - Dual Hearts (Atlus) - Dynasty Tactics (Koei) - Ephemeral Fantasia (Konami)
- Eternal Ring (Agetec) - Evergrace (Ubi soft) - Evergrace 2 (Ubi soft) - Falling Stars (Ivolgamus)
- Final Fantasy X (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy X-2 (Squaresoft) - Final Fantasy XII (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy XII International - Forever Kingdom (Agetec) - Front Mission 4 (Square Enix)
- Front Mission 5 (Square Enix) - Gauntlet : Dark Legacy (Midway) - Generation of Chaos Desire (Idea Factory)
- Grandia Xtreme (Enix) - Grandia 3 (Square Enix)
- Growlanser VI : Precarious World (Career soft)
- Harvest Moon : Save the Homeland (Natsume) - Heroes of Might And Magic : Quest For The Dragonbone Staff (3DO)
- Izumo Zero (Success)
- Jade Cocoon 2 (Ubi soft) - Kessen (Koei) - Kessen II (Koei) - Kingdom Hearts (Squaresoft) - Kingdom Hearts 2 (Squaresoft) - King's Field: The Ancient City (Agetec) - La Pucelle : Director’s Cut (Nippon Ichi Software) - La Pucelle Tactics (Koei)
- Legaia 2 : Duel Saga (Fresh) - Legion : The Legend of Excalibur (Midway) - Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Le Tiers Age (Electronic Arts)
- Magister Negi Magi 5 : Dancing Princess Version (Konami)
- Magister Negi Magi 5 : Singing Princess Version (Konami)
- Magna Carta (Banpresto)
- Mahoroba Stories (Dimple)
- Makai Kingdom : Chronicles of the Sacred Tome (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Mana Khemia : Alchemists Al Revis (Gust) - Maô From Now On ! Shin Makoku Holidays (Namco) - Okage (SCEA) - Okami (Capcom)
- Pirates : The Legend of the Black Kat (Electronic Arts) - Phantom Brave (Koei Co. Ltd.)
- Phantasy Star Universe (Sega) - Radiata Stories (Square Enix)
- Ring of Red (Konami) - Rogue Galaxy (Level-5)
- Rogue Galaxy : Director's Cut (Level-5)
- Rogue Hearts Dungeon (Compile Heart)
- Shadow Hearts (Midway Games) - Shadow Hearts : Covenant (Aruze) - Shadow Hearts II Director's Cut (Aruze) - Shadow Hearts : From the New World (Nautilus)
- Shadow of the Colossus (Sony Computer Entertainment) - Shining Force Neo (Sega) - Shining Tears (Sega) - Shining Wind (Sega) - Shin Megami Tensei : Lucifer's Call (Ubisoft) - Shin Megami Tensei : Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army (Atlus)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga (Ghostlight)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga 2 (Ghostlight)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3 (Atlus)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3 FES Append Disc (Atlus)
- Star Ocean 3 Till the End of Time (Tri-Ace) - Soul Nomad & The World Eaters ( Nippon Ichi Software)
- Spectral Gene (Idea Factory)
- StellaDeus (Atlus)
- Suikoden 3 (Konami) - Suikoden 4 (Konami) - Suikoden 5 (Konami)
- Summoner (THQ) - Summoner 2 (THQ) - Super Robot Taisen Scramble Commander the 2nd (Bandai)
- Super Robot Taisen OG (Banpresto)
- Super Robot Taisen OG Gaiden (Banpresto)
- Tales of Destiny (Namco)
- Tales of Destiny : Director's Cut (Namco)
- Tales of Fandom Vol.2 (Namco)
- Tales of Legendia (Namco)
- Tales of Symphonia (Namco)
- Tales of Rebirth (Namco)
- Tales of The Abyss (Namco)
- Tsugunai (Sony Computer Entertainment)
- The Legend of Alon D'ar (Ubi soft) - The Magician's Academy (Enterbrain)
- Unlimited Saga (Squaresoft) - Valkyrie Profile Sylmeria (Tri-Ace)
- Warriors of Might & Magic (3DO) - Wild Arms 3 (SCEA) - Wild Arms 4 (XSEED Games) - Wild Arms 5 (Media Vision) - Wild Arms Alter Code : F (Agetec) - Wizardry : Tales Of The Forsaken Land (Atlus) - Xenosaga Episode I : Der Wille zur Macht (Namco) - Xenosaga Episode II : Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Namco) - Xenosaga Episode III : Also Sprach Zarathustra (Namco) - Ys : The Ark of Napishtim (Konami)
________________________________________________________________________________ GAMECUBE - Baten Kaitos (Namco) - Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance (Black Isle Studios) - Battalion Wars (Kuju Entertainment)
- Cubivore (Atlus) - Evolution Worlds (Ubi Soft) - Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix) - Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance (Nintendo) - Giftpia (Nintendo) - Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life (Ubi Soft) - Harvest Moon : Another Wonderful Life (Natsume) - Harvest Moon : Song of Happiness for World (Natsume) - Les Royaumes Perdus (Activision) - Les Royaumes Perdus 2 (Activision)
- Lost Kingdoms (Activision) - Lost Kingdoms II (Activision) - Mystic Heroes (KOEI) - Paper Mario : La Porte Millénaire (Nintendo) - Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 (Sega)
- Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 : C.A.R.D. Revolution (Sega) - Skies of Arcadia Legends (Sega) - Starfox Adventures (Nintendo) - Summoner : La Déesse Réincarnée (THQ) - Tales of Symphonia (Namco) - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo) - Yu-Gi-Oh ! Falsebound Kingdom (Konami) ________________________________________________________________________________ XBOX
- Arx Fatalis (Jowood)
- Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance (Virgin Interactive )
- Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance 2 (Interplay)
- Blackstone : Magic and Steel (Xicat Interactive) - Duality (Phantagram Interactive)
- Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (Infogrames)
- Fable (Microsoft Games) - Jade Empire (Bioware)
- Legend of the Sun (DreamForge Entertainment Inc.)
- Magic: The Gathering (Infogrames)
- Menerezza (Aquaplus) - Metal Dungeon (Acclaim) - Morrowind : Edition Game of the Year (Ubi Soft)
- Shenmue II (Microsoft)
- Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic (LucasArts) - Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic 2 (LucasArts)
- Sudeki (Microsoft Games)
- The Bard's Tale (InXile Entertainment) - The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind (Bethesda Softworks)
- The Lost (Crave Entertainment)
- The Unseen (Microsoft)
- Times of Trouble (Wanadoo Edition)
- X-Men Legend (Activision)
- 7th Dragon (Imageepoch)
- ASH (Mistwalker)
- Atelier Annie (Gust)
- Atelier Lina (Gust)
- Atelier Lise (Gust)
- A Witch's Tale (Hit Maker)
- Black Sigil : Blade of the Exiled (Studio Archcraft)
- Bleach The 3rd Phantom (Sega)
- Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (Tri-Crescendo)
- Bokura ha Kaseki Holder (Nintendo
- Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow (Konami)
- Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin (Konami)
- Children of mana (Square Enix)
- Chrono Trigger (Square Enix)
- Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion (Namco Bandai Games)
- Contact (Grasshopper Manufacture Inc.)
- Cross of Venus (Media Works)
- Cross of Venus Special (Media Works)
- Cross Treasures (Syn Sophia)
- Devil Survivor (Atlus)
- Di-Gata : Les Défenseurs (Mistic Software)
- Digimon Story : Lost Evolution (Namco Bandai Games)
- Digimon Story Red (Namco Bandai Games)
- Dinosaur King (Sega)
- Dinosaur Monster (MTO)
- Disgaea DS (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Dokapon Journey (Atlus)
- Dragon Ball Z : Attack of the Saiyans (Monolith Software)
- Dragon Quest IV (ArtePiazza)
- Dragon Quest IX : Les sentinelles du firmament (Level-5)
- Dragon Quest : La Fiancée céleste (ArtePiazza)
- Dragon Quest : L'épopée des Elus (ArtePiazza)
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional (Square Enix)
- Dragon Quest : Realms of Reverie (ArtePiazza)
- Dragon Quest : Realms Of Revelation (ArtePiazza)
- Dragon Tamer Sound Spirit (Namco Bandai Games)
- Drone Tactics (Success)
- Dungeons & Dams (Acquire)
- Dungeon Maker (Global A Entertainment)
- Dungeon of Windaria (Compile Heart)
- Ecolis 2 Light Weight (Light Weight)
- Elminage DS Remix (Starfish)
- Elminage II DS Remix (Starfish)
- Egg Monster Heroes (Hanjuku Eiyû) - Etrian Odyssey (Atlus)
- Etrian Odyssey II : Heroes of Lagaard (Atlus)
- Etrian Odyssey III : The Drowned City (Atlus)
- Fighting Fantasy : The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Big Blue Bubble)
- Final Fantasy III (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy IV (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy XII : Revenant Wings (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Ring of Fates (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Fables : Chocobo Tales (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Fables : Chocobo Tales 2 (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Legend II - Goddess of Destiny (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Legend III : Shadow or Light (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2 : Grimoire of the Rift (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy : The 4 Heroes of Light (Matrix Software)
- Fire Emblem : Shadow Dragon (Intelligent Systems)
- Fire Emblem : Shin Monshô no Nazo (Intelligent Systems)
- Fossil Fighters (Red Entertainment)
- Fossil League Dinosaur Tournament Championship (MTO)
- Freshly-Picked : Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (Vanpool)
- Front Mission 1st (Square Enix)
- Front Mission 2089 (Square Enix)
- Glory of Heracles (PAON Corporation)
- Golden Sun : Obscure Aurore (Camelot)
- Harvest Fishing (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon DS (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon DS Cute (Marvelous Interactive)
- Harvest Moon : Futago no Mura (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon : Grand Bazaar (Marvelous Interactive)
- Harvest Moon : Ile Sereine (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon : Sunshine Island (Natsume)
- Herakles no Eikô (PAON Corporation)
- Hero's Saga Laevatein (GungHo Online Entertainment)
- Hitman Reborn ! DS : Fate of Heat (Takara Tomy)
- Hitman Reborn ! DS : Fate of Heat II (Takara Tomy)
- Hitman Reborn ! DS : Fate of Heat III (Takara Tomy)
- Hitman Reborn ! DS : Flame Rumble Super (Takara Tomy)
- Hoshigami (Arc System Works)
- Inuyasha : Secret of the Divine Jewel (Namco Bandai Games)
- Inazuma Eleven (Level-5)
- Inazuma Eleven 2 Blizzard (Level-5)
- Inazuma Eleven 2 Fire (Level-5)
- Inazuma Eleven 3 Bomber (Level-5)
- Inazuma Eleven 3 Spark (Level-5)
- Inazuma Eleven 3 The Ogre (Level-5)
- Infinite Space (Nude Maker)
- Item Getter (5pb.)
- Izuna : The Legend of the Ninja (Success)
- Izuna : Legend of the Unemployed Ninja 2 (Success)
- Kimi no Yûsha (SNK Playmore)
- Knights in the Nightmare (Sting)
- Keroro RPG (Namco Bandai Games)
- Le monde de Narnia : Prince Caspian (Fall Line Studio)
- Lost in Blue (Konami)
- Lost Magic (Taito)
- Lufia : Curse of the Sinistrals (Nerverland)
- Lunar : Dragon Song (Game Arts / Marvelous Interactive)
- Lunar Knight (Konami)
- Luminous Arc (Epoch)
- Luminous Arc 2 (Imageepoch)
- Luminous Arc 3 (Imageepoch)
- Magical starsign (Brownie Brown)
- Mario & Luigi : Les Frères du Temps (Nintendo)
- Masô Kishin The Lord of Elemental (Banpresto)
- Ma vie à la ferme (Black Lantern Studios)
- Maze of Fate (Graffiti Entertainment)
- Metal Max 3 (Castle Call)
- Medalot DS : Kabuto Version (Rocket Company)
- Medalot DS : Kawagata Version (Rocket Company)
- Mushiking : Super Collection (Sega)
- Mystery Dungeon : Shiren the Wanderer (ChunSoft)
- Mystery Dungeon : Shiren the Wanderer 2 (ChunSoft)
- My World, My Way (Rising Star Games Limited)
- Naruto : Path of the Ninja (Tomy)
- Naruto : Path of the Ninja 2 (Takara Tomy)
- Ninokuni : The Another World (Level-5) - Nostalgia (Matrix Software) - Orcs & Elves DS (Fountainhead Entertainment)
- Otoda Master (Hudson Soft)
- Rhapsody : A Musical Adventure (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Rune Factory : A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Neverland)
- Rune Factory 2 : A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Marvelous Entertainment)
- Rune Factory 3 : A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Marvelous Entertainment)
- Percy Jackson : le Voleur de Foudre (Activision)
- Pokémon Perle (Game Freak)
- Pokémon Platine (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Diamant (Game Freak)
- Pokémon Ranger : Nuit sur Almia (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Version Argent SoulSilver (Game Freak)
- Pokémon Version Or HeartGold (Game Freak)
- Pokémon Version Blanche (Game Freak)
- Pokémon Version Noire (Game Freak)
- Pokémon : Donjon Mystère Explorateurs de l'Ombre (ChunSoft)
- Pokémon : Donjon Mystère Explorateurs du Ciel (ChunSoft)
- Pokémon : Donjon Mystère Explorateurs du Temps (ChunSoft)
- Radiant Historia (Atlus) - Ragnarok Online DS (Gravity)
- Rondo of Swords (Success)
- Sakura Wars (Nerverland)
- Sands of Destruction (Imageepoch)
- SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive (Namco Bandai Games)
- Shining Force Feather (Idea Factory)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Strange Journey (Atlus) - Shiren the Wanderer 4 (ChunSoft)
- Shiren the Wanderer 5 (ChunSoft)
- Sigma Harmonics (Square Enix)
- Soma Bringer (Monolith Software)
- Sonic Chronicles : La Confrérie des Ténèbres (Bio Ware Corp)
- Spectral Force Genesis (Idea Factory)
- Suikoden Tierkreis (Konami)
- Summon Night 2 (Flight-Plan)
- Summon Night X (Flight-Plan)
- Super Fossil Fighters (Red Entertainment)
- Super Robot Taisen K (Namco Bandai Games)
- Super Robot Taisen W (Banpresto)
- Super Robot Taisen OG Saga (Monolith Software)
- Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Endless Frontier (Monolith Software)
- Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Endless Frontier Exceed (Monolith Software)
- Tactic Slayer (D3 Publisher) - Tactical Guild (Success) - Tales of Hearts (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Innocence (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of The Tempest (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tao's Adventure : Curse of the Demon Seal (Konami)
- Tamagotchi RPG (Namco Bandai Games)
- The Dark Spire (Atlus) - Tokyo Wizard Academy (Marvelous Entertainment)
- Tingle RPG (Nintendo)
- Valkyrie Profile : Covenant of the Plume (Tri-Ace) - Wind of Nostalgio (Matrix Software)
- Wizardry : Bôkyaku no Isan (Suzak)
- Wizardry DS (Suzak)
- WiZmans World (Jaleco)
XBOX 360
- Absolute Blazing Infinity (Idea Factory)
- Agarest Senki Zero : Dawn of War (Compile Heart)
- Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin (CyberFront)
- Alpha Protocol (Obsidian Entertainment)
- Apocalypse : Desire Next (Idea Factory)
- Blue Dragon (Artoon)
- Cross Edge Dash (Compile Heart)
- Diario : Rebirth Moon Legend (Idea Factory)
- Divinity II : Ego Draconis (Larian Studios)
- Dragon Age : Origins (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age : Origins - Awakening (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age II (BioWare Corp)
- Enchanted Arms (From Software Inc.)
- Eternal Sonata (Namco Bandai Games)
- Far East of Eden Ziria : Tales from Distant Jipang ( Red Entertainment)
- Infinite Undiscovery (Tri-Ace)
- Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks)
- Fallout : New Vegas (Obsidian Entertainment)
- Final Fantasy XI (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)
- Gothic 4 : Arcania (Spellbound Entertainment AG)
- Lost Odyssey (Feelplus/Mistwalker)
- Operation Darkness (Success)
- Record of Agarest War (Idea Factory)
- Resonance of Fate (Tri-Ace)
- Risen (WizardBox)
- Spectral Force 3 ( XPEC Entertainment)
- Star Ocean : The Last Hope (Tri-Ace)
- Super Robot Taisen XO (Banpresto)
- Magna Carta II (Softmax)
- Mass Effect (BioWare/Pandemic Studios)
- Mass Effect 2 (BioWare Corp)
- Tales of Vesperia (Namco Bandai Games)
- The Dark Eye : Demonicon (The Games Company Worldwide GmbH)
- The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)
- The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - Chevaliers des Neuf (Bethesda Softworks)
- The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - The Shivering Isles (Bethesda Softworks)
- The Last Remnant ( Square Enix)
- Tower of Doom (INTV Corp)
- Two Worlds (Reality Pump)
- Two Worlds II (Reality Pump)
- Venetica (Deck13)
- Zoids Assault (Takara Tomy)
________________________________________________________________________________________ WII
- Albert Odyssey (Tokaï)
- Arc Rise Fantasia (Imageepoch)
- Battalion Wars 2 (Nintendo)
- Dragon Quest Swords : La Reine masquée et la Tour des miroirs (8ing)
- Harvest Moon : Animal Parade (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon : L'Arbre de la Sérénité (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon : Mélodie Magique (Natsume)
- Hercules no Eikô 4 (Data East)
- Final Fantasy Fables : Chocobo's Dungeon (h.a.n.d.)
- Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn (Intelligent Systems)
- Fûrai no Shiren 3 (ChunSoft)
- Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn (Intelligent Systems)
- Fragile Dreams : Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Tri-Crescendo)
- Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess (Nintendo)
- Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (Taito Corporation)
- Magister Negi Magi : Neo-Pactio Fight (Marvelous Interactive)
- Metal Max (Crea-Tech)
- Metal Max 2 (Crea-Tech)
- Opoona (ArtePiazza)
- Phantasy Star II (Sega)
- Phantasy Star III : Generations of Doom (Sega)
- Phantasy Star IV : The End of the Millennium (Sega)
- Phantom Brave : We Meet Again (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Romancing SaGa 2 (Squaresoft)
- Romancing SaGa 3 (Squaresoft)
- Rune Factory Frontier (Marvelous Entertainment)
- SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Namco Bandai Games)
- Shin Megami Tensei If... (Atlus)
- Shiren the Wanderer (Chunsoft)
- Super Paper Mario (Intelligent Systems)
- Super Robot Taisen NEO (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Graces (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World (Namco Bandai Games)
- The Last Story (Mistwalker)
- Xenoblade (Monolith Software)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Monolith Software)
________________________________________________________________________________________ PSP
- .hack//Link (Namco Bandai Games)
- Adventures to Go ! (Global A Entertainment)
- Aedis Eclipse : Generation of Chaos (Idea Factory)
- Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin (CyberFront)
- Antiphona no Seika Hime (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Ape Quest (Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Arms' Heart (Hamster)
- Astonishia Story (Sonnori Corporation)
- Atelier Judie (Gust) - Atelier Viorate : Alchemist of Gramnad 2 (Gust)
- Blade Dancer : Lineage of Light (Hit Maker)
- Blaze Union (Sting)
- Blazing Souls Accelate (Idea Factory)
- Blue Roses (Apollo Soft)
- Brandish : The Dark Revenant (Falcom)
- Brave Story : New Traveler (Game Republic)
- Breath of Fire III (Capcom)
- Chûgen no Hasha (Namco)
- Cladun X2 (System Prisma)
- Class of Heroes (Zerodiv)
- Class of Heroes 2 (Zerodiv)
- Class of Heroes 3 (Zerodiv)
- Coded Soul (Gaia)
- Criminal Girls (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Crimson Gem Saga (Sonnori Corporation)
- Densetsu no Yûsha no Densetsu (Kadokawa Shoten)
- Disgaea : Afternoon of Darkness (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Disgaea : The Hour of Darkness Portable (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Disgaea 2 : Dark Hero Days (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Dragoneer's Aria (Hit Maker)
- Dungeons & Dragons : Tactics (Kuju Entertainment)
- Elminage Remix (Starfish)
- Elminage II (Starfish)
- Far East of Eden : The Apocalypse IV (Hudson Soft)
- Fate/Extra (Marvelous Entertainment)
- Fighting Fantasy : The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Big Blue Bubble)
- Final Fantasy I (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy II (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy VII : Crisis Core (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of the Lions (Square Enix)
- Fullmetal Alchemist : Yakusoku no Hi he (Crafts & Meister)
- Garnet Chronicle (Sonnori Corporation)
- Generation of Chaos (Idea Factory)
- Growlanser (Career Soft)
- Gundam Battle Tactics (Bandai)
- Harvest Moon Boy & Girl (Natsume)
- Harvest Moon : The Hero of Leaf Valley (Natsume)
- Hexyz Force (Sting)
- Innocent Life : A Futuristic Harvest Moon (ArtePiazza)
- Jeanne d'Arc (Level-5)
- Ken to Mahô to Gakuen Mono (Acquire)
- Hexyz Force (Sting)
- King's Field Additional I (From Software Inc.)
- King's Field Additional II (From Software Inc.)
- Knights in the Nightmare (Sting)
- Kurogane no Linebarrels (Hudson Soft)
- La Pucelle : Ragnarok (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Last Ranker (Imageepoch)
- Le Seigneur des Anneaux Tactics (Electronic Arts)
- Lunar : Silver Star Harmony (Game Arts)
- Lunar : Silver Star Story (Game Arts)
- Magna Carta (Softmax)
- Mana Khemia : Student Alliance (Gust)
- Mana Khemia 2 (Gust)
- Mimana : Iyar Chronicle (GungHo Works)
- Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner (Gaia)
- Monster Hunter Freedom (Capcom)
- Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (Capcom)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom)
- Motto NUGA-CEL! (Idea Factory)
- My World, My Way (Global A Entertainment)
- Narisokonai Eiyûtan (Irem Software)
- Ore no Dungeon (Climax Entertainment)
- Oretachi no Sekai (Global A Entertainment)
- Persona 2 : Innocent Sin (Atlus)
- PoPoLoCrois (Ignition Entertainment)
- Queen's Blade : Spiral Chaos (Namco Bandai Games)
- Rezel Cross (Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari (Imageepoch)
- SD Gundam G Generation Portable (Bandai)
- Shining Hearts (Sega)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Devil Summoner (Atlus)
- Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3 Portable (Atlus)
- Shiren the Wanderer 3 Portable (ChunSoft)
- Spectral Force Legacy (Idea Factory)
- Spectral Souls : Resurrection of the Etheral Empires (Idea Factory)
- Star Ocean First Departure (Tri-Ace)
- Star Ocean Second Evolution (Tri-Ace)
- Super Robot Taisen A Portable (Banpresto)
- Super Robot Taisen MX Portable (Banpresto)
- Tales of Destiny 2 (Alfa System)
- Tales of Eternia (Namco)
- Tales of Phantasia (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Phantasia : Narikiri Dungeon X (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Rebirth (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology (Alfa System)
- Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology 2 (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology 3 (Alfa System)
- The Legend of Heroes II : Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (MiCROViSiON)
- The Legend of Heroes III : Song of The Ocean (MiCROViSiON)
- The Legend of Heroes VI (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI : Second Chapter (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI the 3rd (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI Set (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes : A Tear of Vermillion (MiCROViSiON)
- The Legend of Heroes : Zero no Kiseki (Falcom)
- Tir nan og (System Soft)
- Twelve (Konami) - Tokyo Mono Hara Shi (Atlus)
- Untold Legends : Confrérie de l'Epée (Sony Online Entertainment)
- Untold Legends : The Warrior's Code (Sony Online Entertainment)
- Utawareru Mono Portable (AQUAPLUS)
- Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth (Tri-Ace)
- Vantage Master Portable (Falcom)
- Venus & Braves (Namco Bandai Games)
- White Knight Chronicles : Origins (Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Wild Arms XF (Media Vision)
- Wizardry Empire III (Starfish)
- Ys : The Ark of Napishtim (Konami) - Zettai Hero Kaizô Keikaku (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Z.H.P. : Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Zill O'll infinite plus (Koei)
________________________________________________________________________________________ PS3
- Alpha Protocol (Obsidian Entertainment) - Agarest : Generations of War (Idea Factory)
- Agarest Senki Zero (Compile Heart)
- Ar tonelico III (Gust)
- Ar Tonelico Qoga : Knell of Ar Ciel (Gust)
- Atelier Rorona : The Alchemist of Arland (Gust)
- Atelier Totori (Gust)
- Class of Heroes 2G (Zerodiv)
- Class of Heroes 3 (Zerodiv)
- Cross Edge (Compile Heart)
- Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Dragon Age : Origins (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age : Origins - Awakening (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age 2 (BioWare Corp)
- Enchanted Arms (Ubisoft)
- Eternal Sonata (Tri-Crescendo)
- Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks) - Fallout : New Vegas (Obsidian Entertainment) - Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)
- Free Realms (Sony Online Entertainment)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (Idea Factory)
- Mass Effect 2 (Bioware Corp)
- Mist of Chaos (Idea Factory)
- Neorude : Kizamareta Monshô (Technosoft)
- Neorude 2 (Technosoft)
- Neorude : Kizamareta Monshô (Technosoft)
- Nobunaga's Ambition Online : Shinsei no Shô (Koei)
- Record of Agarest War (Idea Factory)
- Resonance of Fate (Tri-Ace)
- Star Ocean : The Last Hope (Tri-Ace)
- Tales of Graces F (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tales of Vesperia (Namco Bandai Games)
- Tears to Tiara (AQUAPLUS)
- Tears to Tiara Gaiden (AQUAPLUS)
- The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks) - The Last Rebellion (Hit Maker)
- Trinity Universe (Idea Factory)
- Two Worlds II (Reality Pump)
- Venetica (Deck13)
- White Knight Chronicles (Level-5)
- White Knight Chronicles 2 (Level-5)
- White Knight Story (Level-5)
- Wizardry Twin Pack (Acquire)
- X Edge (Compile Heart)
________________________________________________________________________________ PC
- Alpha Protocol (Obsidian Entertainment) - Age of Pirates : Caribbean Tales (Akella)
- Age of Pirates 2 : City of Abandoned Ships (
- Anachronox (Eidos Interactive)
- Another war (Cenega)
- Anvil of dawn (New World Computing)
- Arcanum : Of steamworks and magick obscura (Sierra)
- Arkana : Mage wars (?)
- Armalion (Ikarion Software)
- Arx Fatalis (Fishtank Interactive)
- Baldur's Gate (Interplay Entertainment)
- Baldur's Gate : La Légende de l'ile Perdue (Black Isle Studios)
- Baldur's Gate II : Shadow of Amn (Black Isle Studios)
- Baldur's Gate II : Throne of Bhaal (Black Isle Studios)
- Baldur's Gate III (Interplay Entertainment)
- Betrayal at Krondor (Sierra)
- Beyond Divinity (Larian Studios)
- Chantelise (DHM Interactive)
- Charm Of War (Antitank)
- COPS 2170 : The Power of Law (MiST land)
- Darkstone (Electronic Arts)
- Dark Sun : Shattered Lands (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Dark Sun : Wake of the Ravager (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Deadlands (Headfirst)
- Diablo : Hellfire (Sierra)
- Diablo I (Blizzard North)
- Diablo II (Blizzard North)
- Diablo II : Lord of destruction (Blizzard North)
- Divine Divinity (CDV Software)
- Divine divinity 2 (CDV Software)
- Divinity II : Ego Draconis (Larian Studios)
- Dungeon master I (FTL Games)
- Dungeon master II (FTL Games)
- Dragon Age : Origins (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age : Origins - Awakening (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Age II (BioWare Corp)
- Dragon Slayer : The Legend Of Heroes (Epoch)
- Dragon Slayer : The Legend Of Heroes II (Falcom)
- Drakensang : The Dark Eye (Radon Labs)
- Drakensang : The River Of Time (Radon Labs)
- Drakkhen (Infogrames)
- Duality (Phantagram)
- Dungeon Siege (Microsoft)
- End of Twilight (?)
- Eschalon : Book I (Basilisk Games)
- Eschalon : Book II (Basilisk Games)
- Eye of the Beholder (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Eye of the beholder II (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Eye of the beholder III (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Fable : The Lost Chapters (Microsoft Games)
- Faery : Legends of Avalon (Spiders)
- Falling Stars (Ivolgamus)
- Fallout (Interplay Entertainment)
- Fallout 2 (Interplay Entertainment)
- Fallout 3 (Bethesda Softworks)
- Fallout Fantasy (Black Isle Studios)
- Fallout New Vegas (Obsidian Entertainment)
- Final Fantasy VII (Eidos Interactive)
- Final Fantasy VIII (Eidos Interactive)
- Final Fantasy XI - Edition Suprême : Collection Abyssée (Square Enix)
- Freedom Force (EA Games)
- Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich (?)
- Gods : Lands of Infinity (Cypron Studios)
- Gorasul : Legacy of the dragon (JoWooD Productions)
- Gothic (Xicat Interactive)
- Gothic II (JoWooD Productions)
- Gothic III (JoWooD Productions)
- Grandia II (Ubi Soft)
- Grotesque Tactics : Evil Heroes (Silent Dreams)
- Hammer & Sickle (Nival Inc)
- Hammer Of The Gods (New World Computing)
- Icewind Dale (Interplay Entertainment)
- Icewind Dale : Heart of Winter (Interplay Entertainment)
- Ishar (Silmarils)
- Ishar 2 (Silmarils)
- Ishar 3 (Silmarils)
- Jagged Alliance 2 : Unfinished Business (Sir-Tech)
- Jagged Alliance 2 : Wildfire (I-Deal Games)
- Karma (Loriciels)
- Lands of Lore (Avalon Interactive)
- Lands of Lore II (Avalon Interactive)
- Lands of Lore III : A la Recherche de l'Ame Perdue (Electronic Arts)
- Lanfeust Quest (Focus Home Interactive)
- League of Legends (Riot Games)
- Legends of Might & Magic (Infogrames)
- Le Temple du Mal Elémentaire (Infogrames)
- Lionheart (Interplay Entertainment)
- Lord of the Rings Vol.1 (Interplay)
- Hard To Be Good (Burut)
- Heroes of Might and Magic (3DO Company)
- Heroes of Might and Magic II (3DO Company)
- Heroes of Might and Magic III (3DO Company)
- Heroes of Might and Magic IV (3DO Company)
- Heroes of Might and Magic V (Ubi Soft)
- Heroes of Newerth (S2 Games)
- Mass Effect (BioWare/Pandemic Studios)
- Mass Effect 2 (BioWare)
- Menzoberranzan (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Might and Magic : The Secret of the Inner Sanctum (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic II : Gates to Another World (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic IV : Clouds of Xeen (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic V : Darkside of Xeen (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic VI : The Mandate of Heaven (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic VII : For Blood and Honor (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic VIII : Day of the Destroyer (New World Computing)
- Might and Magic IX (New World Computing)
- Morrowind : The Elder Scrolls GOTY (Ubisoft) - Mystical Quest : The Prophecy (?)
- Necromania : Trap of darkness (Cinemax)
- NeverWinter Nights (Atari/Infogrames)
- NeverWinter Nights 2 (Atari)
- NeverWinter Nights 2 : Mask of the Betrayer (Obsidian Entertainment) - NeverWinter Nights 2 : Mysteries of Westgate (Obsidian Entertainment) - NeverWinter Nights 2 : Storm of Zehir (Obsidian Entertainment)
- Nox (Westwood Studios)
- Paradise Cracked (Buka Entertainment)
- Planescape Torment (Interplay Entertainment)
- Pool of Radiance : Ruins of Myth Drannor (Ubi Soft)
- Ravenloft : Strahd's Possession (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Ravenloft : Stone Prophet (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
- Return To Krondor (Pyrotechnix)[i]
- Revenant [i](Eidos Interactive)
- Rift (Trion Worlds)
- Risen (Pyranha Bytes)
- Shadow Vault (Mayhem Studios)
- Shining Lore (Phantagram)
- Siege of Avalon (Global Star Software)
- Silver (Atari/Infogrames)
- Soulbringer (Atari/Infogrames)
- Space Hack (Rebelmind)
- Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic (LucasArts Entertainment)
- Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic 2 (LucasArts Entertainment)
- Stonekeep (Interplay)
- Summoner (THQ)
- Tabula Rasa ( NCsoft Austin)
- Tera (Loriciels)
- The Bard's Tale (Interplay)
- The Elder Scrolls : Arena (US Gold)
- The Elder Scrolls Adventures : Redguard (Ubi Soft Entertainment) - The Elder Scrolls II : Daggerfall (Ubi Soft)
- The Elder Scrolls III : Bloodmoon (Ubi Soft)
- The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind (Ubi Soft)
- The Elder Scrolls III : Tribunal (Ubi Soft)
- The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion (2K Games)
- The Last Remnant (Square Enix)
- The Legacy : Realm of Terror (Microprose)
- The Legend of Heroes III : White Witch (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes IV (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes V (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI : Second Chapter (Falcom)
- The Legend of Heroes VI the 3rd (Falcom)
- The Tower of DRUAGA (Gonzo Rosso)
- Two Worlds (Reality Pump)
- Ultima VI : The False Prophet (Electronic Arts)
- Ultima VII : La Porte Noire (Electronic Arts)
- Ultima VII : Serpent Isle (Origin Systems)
- Ultima VIII : Pagan (Origin Systems)
- Ultima IX : Ascension (Electronic Arts)
- Ultima Underworld (Origin Systems)
- Ultima Underworld II (Origin Systems)
- Ultima Underworld II : Labyrinth of Worlds (Origin Systems)
- Vampire la masquarade : Redemption (Activision)
- Venetica (Deck13)
- Winter Voices - Episode 3 : Like a Crow on a Wire (Beyondthepillars)
- Wizardry 1 : Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 2 : Knight of Diamonds (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 3 : Legacy of Llylgamyn (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 4 : The Return of Werdna (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 5 : Heart of the Maelstrom (Sir-tech) - Wizardry 6 : Bane of the Cosmic Forge (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 7 : Crusaders of the Dark Savant (Sir-tech)
- Wizardry 8 (Sir-tech)
- World of Chaos (Xider) |
Résultat des sondages prédédents :