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Quelle caméra IP WIFI PAN TILT IR (d'entrée de gamme) considérez-vous comme ayant le meilleur rapport fonctionnalités-qualité/prix ?

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[Topic Unique] FOSCAM FI8908W FI8918W FI8910W & clones

Posté le 04-11-2013 à 22:39:16  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Bonjour à tous, et merci pour toute les infos de votre blog.
J' ai fait l acquisition d'une Heden VisionCam Caméra IP sans fil V 2.2 Noir.
Je l'utilise sur un Iphone et après avoir testé plusieurs applications je n'en pas pas trouvé une qui me permettais d'activer et de désactiver la vision de nuit.
L'interface web n'est pas pratique sur l'iphone et j'aimerai bien utiliser une ligne html comme pour la foscam (en page une du forum)  
Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider? c'est le seul truc que je n'arrive pas à commander via Foscam surveillance Pro pour iphone.
Merci de votre aide  

Posté le 04-11-2013 à 22:39:16  profilanswer

Posté le 04-11-2013 à 23:05:37  profilanswer

fracas3 a écrit :

je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de solution et j'ai pourtant tout essayé en faisant des "reset" de la caméra, de ma BBOX2 et en réinstallant à chaque fois la camera.
Je pense que le problème doit venir de la configuration de ma BBOX2 car j'ai du changer celle-ci récemment et tout fonctionnait très bien avec l'ancienne.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée?

Je n'ai jamais réussi non plus, avec mes deux Tenvis, à avoir de vidéo avec IE, uniquement avec FireFox et Chrome.  
Pourtant, j'ai désinstallé et réinstallé l'activeX, mais rien à faire.
Je me suis donc résigné.
Par contre WebcamXP est un logiciel sympa qui te permet de ne plus utiliser de navigateur...

3 Foscam, 2 Tapo et 1 Tenvis JPT3815W., la seconde est morte Comment j'ai fait SANS le CD d'installation : [...] s.pdf?dl=0
Posté le 05-11-2013 à 10:21:31  profilanswer

db77 a écrit :

Finalement j'ai flashé le firmware de la FI8909W version pour le cmos et pour le webUI et ça tourne ;)
En espérant que ça pourra servir à d'autres ...

Salut db77, je viens d'acheter une camera IP Home Confort ELASA CAM-I45FN (version noire) et c'est vrai que l'interface est austère et il y a pas mal d'options payantes :/ Pourrais tu me dire comment tu as réussis à flasher cette caméra avec le firmware de FOSCAM ? via IP Camera Tool ? Les identifiants par défaut (admin / admin) ne fonctionnent pas sur la mienne ...
Merci d'avance pour ces infos :)

Posté le 05-11-2013 à 10:29:02  profilanswer

Salut winphoenix,
Je l'ai flashée avec CURL mais auparavant il faut arriver à "choper" ses paramètres en ouvrant la vue de la caméra chez HC en grand et en faisant clic droit sur l'image copier l'adresse et la coller dans le bloc note. Tu vois aller l'adresse IP, le port, le login et le mot de passe qui vont servir lors des commandes CURL. Une fois ces infos récupérées, il faut quitter la page HC et passer sous DOS pour saisir les commandes permettant de flasher le firmware puis le webui. Exemple :
curl –u admin:Mot_de_passe –F file=@lr_cmos_11_37_2_52.bin "http://Adresse_ip:Port/upgrade_firmware.cgi"
curl –u admin:Mot_de_passe "http://Adresse_ip:Port/reboot.cgi"
curl –u admin:Mot_de_passe –F file=@ "http://Adresse_ip:Port/upgrade_htmls.cgi"
Bonne chance.

3 Foscam, 2 Tapo et 1 Tenvis JPT3815W., la seconde est morte Comment j'ai fait SANS le CD d'installation : [...] s.pdf?dl=0
Posté le 05-11-2013 à 11:21:13  profilanswer

Ouaw merci pour cette réponse éclair :) j'ai bien réussi à récupérer le mot de passe, c'est obligatoire le flash avec la commande CURL ? ou avec IP Camera Tool ca peut marcher ? Car l'interface d'upgrade firmware est assez intuitive sur ce logiciel

@+ Winphoenix
SaNkA tu peux pisser maintenan
Posté le 05-11-2013 à 11:26:04  profilanswer

Si je prend celle ci :
Est-il possible de l'alimenter en POE?

Follow me :
Posté le 05-11-2013 à 11:27:46  profilanswer

winphoenix a écrit :

Ouaw merci pour cette réponse éclair :) j'ai bien réussi à récupérer le mot de passe, c'est obligatoire le flash avec la commande CURL ? ou avec IP Camera Tool ca peut marcher ? Car l'interface d'upgrade firmware est assez intuitive sur ce logiciel

Si je suis passé par curl c'est parce que je n'ai pas réussi avec IP Cam Tools mais tu peux essayer.

3 Foscam, 2 Tapo et 1 Tenvis JPT3815W., la seconde est morte Comment j'ai fait SANS le CD d'installation : [...] s.pdf?dl=0
Posté le 05-11-2013 à 12:28:14  profilanswer

db77 a écrit :

Si je suis passé par curl c'est parce que je n'ai pas réussi avec IP Cam Tools mais tu peux essayer.

Merci beaucoup pour tes explications :) Finalement moi ca a marché via IP Camera Tools et tout fonctionne nickel avec la derniere version du firmware, puis niveau FPS c'est le jour et la nuit j'étais à 5 Fps sous Home Confort, la je dois être a 15fps voir 20 et on peut enregistrer en local c'est nickel :)

Posté le 06-11-2013 à 11:44:03  profilanswer
Posté le 06-11-2013 à 17:34:09  profilanswer

winphoenix a écrit :

Merci beaucoup pour tes explications :) Finalement moi ca a marché via IP Camera Tools et tout fonctionne nickel avec la derniere version du firmware, puis niveau FPS c'est le jour et la nuit j'étais à 5 Fps sous Home Confort, la je dois être a 15fps voir 20 et on peut enregistrer en local c'est nickel :)

Content que cela ait fonctionné pour toi...
Tu as eu de la chance ou alors je n'en ai pas eu car à chaque fois que je rentrais l'adresse IP, le port, et Cie dans les paramètres de la caméra, IP Cam Tools rebootait la caméra et ça bouclait, il fallait remettre les paramètres, ça rebootait... Du coup je suis passé par CURL.

3 Foscam, 2 Tapo et 1 Tenvis JPT3815W., la seconde est morte Comment j'ai fait SANS le CD d'installation : [...] s.pdf?dl=0
Posté le 06-11-2013 à 17:34:09  profilanswer

Posté le 09-11-2013 à 23:09:52  profilanswer

je galère un peu avec le wifi sur me Freebox
la box propose comme chiffrement:
la cam (Foscam FI8910W) propose
Je pense que le mieux est WPA2 mais il n'y a rien qui match entre les 2 appareils.
Comment faut-il faire pour bien faire svp?

Posté le 09-11-2013 à 23:17:14  profilanswer

Bonsoir :)


=>sur ta Freebox mets du WPA2 en PSK/AES


=> sur ta cam choisis WPA2 en TKIP/AES


basta :)


et pour la p'tite histoire:
PSK veut dire Pre-Shared Key


mais sincèrement, ce genre de question devraient être posé dans la section "réseau" ... ;)

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par paillassou le 09-11-2013 à 23:20:45
Posté le 10-11-2013 à 00:05:21  profilanswer

paillassou a écrit :

Bonsoir :)
=>sur ta Freebox mets du WPA2 en PSK/AES  
=> sur ta cam choisis WPA2 en TKIP/AES  
basta :)
et pour la p'tite histoire:
PSK veut dire Pre-Shared Key
mais sincèrement, ce genre de question devraient être posé dans la section "réseau" ... ;)

Merci Paillassou
j'avais déjà tenté plusieurs config et ça ne fonctionnait pas donc je partais sur la piste d'un disfonctionnement de la cam
ça ne fonctionne toujours pas d'ailleurs.
j'ai tenté  TKIP/AES et AES mais jamais la cam ne se connecte (je vois pourtant bien le réseau quand je scan)
j'ai retapé 15X le mdp également
la box est en DHCP sur une plage et j'ai mis une IP fixe sur la cam en dehors de cette plage
Je tente sur le forum réseau mais j'y crois pas trop    [:airforceone]

Posté le 10-11-2013 à 12:12:35  profilanswer

comme prévu, 0 réponse sur le topic réseau: [...] w=0&nojs=0
qqun pourrait-il me donner la bonne config WIFI entre la caméra et une Freebox revolution svp  [:autobot]  
a soir que si je passe en WPA (sans le 2 ça fonctionne) mais bon j'ai le sentiment d'y perdre en sécurité

Posté le 10-11-2013 à 15:06:26  profilanswer

c'est quoi comme cam ? et surtout quel version firmware ?

Posté le 10-11-2013 à 21:36:33  profilanswer

c'est la FI8910W version de firmware:
par contre maintenant ça fonctionne (j'ai tout essayé jusqu'à revenir au point de départ et ça marche)
Il y a un firmware plus récent?

Posté le 11-11-2013 à 15:35:04  profilanswer

en fait ça ne fonctionne de façon occasionnelle
la plupart du temps j'attends pendant un heure et la connexion n'est toujours pas établie
parfois la connexion se fait mais il faut attendre très très longtemps

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 15:33:58  profilanswer

ce matin la cam a mis 5 bonnes heures pour se connecter au wifi.
il y a une soluce pour éviter ce problème?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par x-ben le 12-11-2013 à 15:34:07

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 15:36:42  profilanswer



une 1ère idée:


regarder sur s'il n'y a pas une m.a.j de firmware
avec ta référence EXACTE de Cam.


ne rien faire si tu n'es pas sûr...


et surtout, toujours faire la maj de firmware avec la caméra IP connectée en filaire (jamais en wifi)


une 2ème idée:
tourner ta FREEBOX par pas de 30° et refaire des tests
surélever légèrement ta FREEBOX (en 1cm et 6cm ... longueur d'onde wifi)
tourner l'antenne de ta camIP par pas de 30° et refaire des tests
(amélioration de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques - wifi - dans ton propre logement)


éloigner de ton gros appareils électroménager


bon courage

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par paillassou le 12-11-2013 à 15:41:22
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 16:09:20  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

ce matin la cam a mis 5 bonnes heures pour se connecter au wifi.
il y a une soluce pour éviter ce problème?

Please also see this:

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 16:44:11  profilanswer

paillassou a écrit :

une 1ère idée:
regarder sur s'il n'y a pas une m.a.j de firmware
avec ta référence EXACTE de Cam.
ne rien faire si tu n'es pas sûr...
et surtout, toujours faire la maj de firmware avec la caméra IP connectée en filaire (jamais en wifi)
une 2ème idée:
tourner ta FREEBOX par pas de 30° et refaire des tests
surélever légèrement ta FREEBOX (en 1cm et 6cm ... longueur d'onde wifi)  
tourner l'antenne de ta camIP par pas de 30° et refaire des tests
(amélioration de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques - wifi - dans ton propre logement)
éloigner de ton gros appareils électroménager
bon courage

actuellement il y a 50cm entre la box et la caméra avec aucun obstacle et aucun appareil électroménager donc je ne pense pas qui soit nécessaire d'essayer d'améliorer le signal, si?

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 16:55:13  profilanswer

j'ai regardé tout ça:
Generally, there are 5 things that can cause these issues:
1) static IP addresses that have been assigned and created correctly -> OK
2) disable UPnP -> OK
3) That there is no wireless contention -> OK
4) If you have FTP uploads enabled -> OK (it's disabled)
5) 3rd party applications -> OK (none)
tiens d'ailleurs elle vient de se connecter (ça faisait 10 minutes que j'attendais cette fois)

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 16:56:46  profilanswer

Ah et aussi c'est dommage que le scheduler ne soit pas mémorisé quand on le 'disable'

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 17:02:40  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

Ah et aussi c'est dommage que le scheduler ne soit pas mémorisé quand on le 'disable'

For testing. Have you tried getting more distance between the box and the camera?


In some cases, when the camera is in wireless mode and very close to the wireless Router/AP, it can cause issues as well.



Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par theuberoverlord le 12-11-2013 à 17:03:08

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 17:23:14  profilanswer

theuberoverlord a écrit :

For testing. Have you tried getting more distance between the box and the camera?
In some cases, when the camera is in wireless mode and very close to the wireless Router/AP, it can cause issues as well.

now camera is at 5m and there is a wall between the router and the camera
allready 15 minutes and no connection    [:airforceone]

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 17:36:24  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

now camera is at 5m and there is a wall between the router and the camera
allready 15 minutes and no connection    [:airforceone]

Your response to my initial link here. Which had much to read. Was exceptionally fast.
This leads me to believe, that it's very possible that you did NOT take the time to look at this link. Which was also contained there: [...] tml#p10558
If the above link and my initial link here, also does not help your situation. In your case. I would contact your seller to see what they suggest to do next. Which may include, replacing your camera.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par theuberoverlord le 12-11-2013 à 17:40:25

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 18:00:30  profilanswer

theuberoverlord a écrit :

Your response to my initial link here. Which had much to read. Was exceptionally fast.
This leads me to believe, that it's very possible that you did NOT take the time to look at this link. Which was also contained there: [...] tml#p10558
If the above link and my initial link here, also does not help your situation. In your case. I would contact your seller to see what they suggest to do next. Which may include, replacing your camera.

don't need a lot of time to verify this 5 points  ;)  
J'ai lancé un ping à 17h05
while true;date;do ping -c 1; sleep 60; done
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:05:42 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=3.05 ms
puis j'ai débranché la caméra:
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:07:52 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
je l'ai aussitôt rebranchée dans une autre pièce
le premier ping OK à 17h38
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:38:19 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.4 ms
donc 30 minutes pour rétablir la connexion cette fois

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 18:11:27  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

don't need a lot of time to verify this 5 points  ;)  
J'ai lancé un ping à 17h05
while true;date;do ping -c 1; sleep 60; done
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:05:42 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=3.05 ms
puis j'ai débranché la caméra:
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:07:52 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
je l'ai aussitôt rebranchée dans une autre pièce
le premier ping OK à 17h38
mardi 12 novembre 2013, 17:38:19 (UTC+0100)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=10.4 ms
donc 30 minutes pour rétablir la connexion cette fois

Since you feel, that you have diligently read and verified the points in the link(s), which I have provided here. I would contact your seller, to see what they suggest to do next. Which may include, replacing your camera.
Please re-verify. That in fact, your static IP Address for the camera is setup like this ("Which again, is a link contained in the original like which I posted here" ): [...] tml#p15283
You also make no mention on IF you have any Ethernet switches/bridges or wireless extenders in your local network, which could be contributing to this issue?
Have you verified that the local IP Address you have assigned to the camera ("Using the cameras configuration to do so and NOT the Router/AP" ) is not possibly being used by another device, in your local network as well?
Do you have some Router/AP configuration logic, that is STILL trying to assign the IP Address of the camera, based on MAC Address, still in place?
IMHO. I would not be focusing on ping times for this issue. If wireless data packets are being retransmitted often. It's possible that ping times could be OK, since ping requests, don't have much data contained, in them.

Message édité par theuberoverlord le 12-11-2013 à 18:22:07

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 21:15:59  profilanswer

Citation :

Please re-verify. That in fact, your static IP Address for the camera is setup like this ("Which again, is a link contained in the original like which I posted here" ): [...] tml#p15283

it's the same configuration except gateway and DNS (gateway=my router IP, DNS= = my provider DNS)

Citation :

You also make no mention on IF you have any Ethernet switches/bridges or wireless extenders in your local network, which could be contributing to this issue?

I have nothing of that

Citation :

Have you verified that the local IP Address you have assigned to the camera ("Using the cameras configuration to do so and NOT the Router/AP" ) is not possibly being used by another device, in your local network as well?

no conflit possible. There is just 1 computer x.x.x.11 and the webcam x.x.x.50 on my LAN

Citation :

Do you have some Router/AP configuration logic, that is STILL trying to assign the IP Address of the camera, based on MAC Address, still in place?

No, it's a redirection base on IP
I have no other redirection configured, just the cam  
(I have no problem to access the cam from internet)

Citation :

IMHO. I would not be focusing on ping times for this issue. If wireless data packets are being retransmitted often. It's possible that ping times could be OK, since ping requests, don't have much data contained, in them.

I'm not focusing on ping time, it was to know how many time is necessary for the webcam to connect to the wifi
I don't think that it's a configuration problem because:
- all is OK if I use ethernet
- wifi take a long time to connect but finally it works
Je l'ai acheté chez Casabill il n'y a pas qqun de chez eux sur ce topic par hasard?
ça m'embête à fond de la renvoyer car j'en ai besoin :/

Posté le 12-11-2013 à 21:51:00  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

Citation :

Please re-verify. That in fact, your static IP Address for the camera is setup like this ("Which again, is a link contained in the original like which I posted here" ): [...] tml#p15283

it's the same configuration except gateway and DNS (gateway=my router IP, DNS= = my provider DNS)

Citation :

You also make no mention on IF you have any Ethernet switches/bridges or wireless extenders in your local network, which could be contributing to this issue?

I have nothing of that

Citation :

Have you verified that the local IP Address you have assigned to the camera ("Using the cameras configuration to do so and NOT the Router/AP" ) is not possibly being used by another device, in your local network as well?

no conflit possible. There is just 1 computer x.x.x.11 and the webcam x.x.x.50 on my LAN

Citation :

Do you have some Router/AP configuration logic, that is STILL trying to assign the IP Address of the camera, based on MAC Address, still in place?

No, it's a redirection base on IP
I have no other redirection configured, just the cam  
(I have no problem to access the cam from internet)

Citation :

IMHO. I would not be focusing on ping times for this issue. If wireless data packets are being retransmitted often. It's possible that ping times could be OK, since ping requests, don't have much data contained, in them.

I'm not focusing on ping time, it was to know how many time is necessary for the webcam to connect to the wifi
I don't think that it's a configuration problem because:
- all is OK if I use ethernet
- wifi take a long time to connect but finally it works
Je l'ai acheté chez Casabill il n'y a pas qqun de chez eux sur ce topic par hasard?
ça m'embête à fond de la renvoyer car j'en ai besoin :/

IMHO. You should be using the Router/AP IP Address as your DNS and Gateway IP Address in your cameras configuration. Especially, even more so, when having issues like this. As the link I included here. in prior posts, shows to do.
The instructions in these links here, were created and meant to be followed, not partially or almost. But in their entirety.
The instructions have been and are being used by many camera owners and were created to help camera owners avoid issues like you are experiencing.
The purpose of these instructions are to help camera owners, isolate, as quickly as possible their issue. So that if their camera needs to be returned due to hardware issues. That camera owners can do that as quickly as possible.
What makes me somewhat nervous about trying to help you with your specific issue. Is that I have asked you several times about verifying that your static IP Address is setup as the link I provided, suggests to do.  
Also statements by you above "No, it's a redirection base on IP" <- This is NOT what the instructions suggest to do. Make me wonder, what other steps in the instructions provided here by me, were followed in their entirety or skipped or done partially?
Your response. Until now was:

x-ben a écrit :

j'ai regardé tout ça:
Generally, there are 5 things that can cause these issues:
1) static IP addresses that have been assigned and created correctly -> OK
2) disable UPnP -> OK
3) That there is no wireless contention -> OK
4) If you have FTP uploads enabled -> OK (it's disabled)
5) 3rd party applications -> OK (none)
tiens d'ailleurs elle vient de se connecter (ça faisait 10 minutes que j'attendais cette fois)

So. I can only wonder, if there are other things that are also not setup, as the instructions suggest they be?
Additionally. It makes no sense to suggest trying other things until and unless these other things included in the instructions have been done, in their entirety, first.
Note: I am a moderator. In the Forum. Because of this, I deal with issues like this on a daily basis. Which is how and why these instructions were created and are modified, as needed. To help camera owners resolve/isolate issues like this, as quickly as possible.
While I enjoy and have enjoyed helping camera owners resolve their issues. Truthfully. I need the camera owners support to implement the instructions I suggest, in their entirety, to help resolve their issues. Otherwise. It becomes a complete waste of my time and the camera owners time, when they decide to do otherwise.  
Virtually all camera owners who have followed these same instructions have resolved their camera issues or quickly learned that they needed to have their camera replaced. By their seller. With minimum delay. You can check the forum. If you have any doubt, about this being a factual statement.
So, while I also try to help people with camera issues here. In this forum. I truly don't have the time to double and triple check. If a camera owner is indeed following these instructions, in their entirety, as they are meant to be. After they claim they have, when they really decided to pick and choose, what parts of the instructions they really did. But when asked, respond with "OK". All this does is delay you from determining what you will need to do to resolve your camera issue, while also delaying me from helping other camera owners.

Message édité par theuberoverlord le 12-11-2013 à 23:28:37

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 12-11-2013 à 23:40:30  profilanswer

I have a static adress on camera which is out of the range of DHCP (DHCP Range =>15 and camera IP is
It's the same thing that I can read here: [...] tml#p15283
I don't see where i'm wrong and why I can not say that it's OK
For DNS, I put (IP of the router).
I thought that I had to write my provider DNS ... but finally that not correct the problem  
If my configuration was really bad, I think that camera woul'd never connect to wifi, but in fact, after some minutes or some hours it finally connect.

Posté le 13-11-2013 à 00:05:11  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

I have a static adress on camera which is out of the range of DHCP (DHCP Range =>15 and camera IP is
It's the same thing that I can read here: [...] tml#p15283
I don't see where i'm wrong and why I can not say that it's OK
For DNS, I put (IP of the router).
I thought that I had to write my provider DNS ... but finally that not correct the problem  
If my configuration was really bad, I think that camera woul'd never connect to wifi, but in fact, after some minutes or some hours it finally connect.

Sadly. I don't have lots of time, at the moment, to continue to "Pull" information from you about your issue. Which is very sad really. Since this is as simple as following the suggested instructions in their entirety or stating with specifics, on what part(s) of the instructions, you have decided not to implement. You can always put things back anyway you wish later vs. me having the need to post here, over and over, asking IF for testing, you have followed these instructions in their entirety.
You make no mention on if you also changed the Gateway IP Address, in the cameras configuration to be that of your Router/AP. Which the instructions say to do.
You also have not answered my question, about this statement you made in a prior post here, as well. Which concerns me:
"No, it's a redirection base on IP  
I have no other redirection configured, just the cam"
What does your above statement mean? I asked you this question before, in a prior post here, that still remains unanswered.
At this stage. Due to the current lack of confirmation, by you, that you in fact have followed the instructions, in their entirety vs. partially. As I suggested before. In your case, I can only suggest that you contact your seller, to see what they suggest to do next. Which may include, replacing your camera.
The primary purpose of why these instructions were created, was to remove as many of the primary causes quickly, which are known to cause issues like you currently have. So, that if your issue continues, after that is done. That isolating the cause, can be both quicker and easier to isolate. If these initial instructions are not followed ("in their entirety" ), then it complicates doing that. Because, it becomes impossible to determine, what potential camera configuration settings, could still be contributing to this issue.  
Again, this is NOT to say, that you cannot re-configure the camera with this or that setting later. It's more to create a stable camera configuration, which is known to not exhibit/cause these kinds of issues. So, that if needed, other causes can be focused on vs. not knowing, what in fact, is currently configured, in any specific camera.
As you can see, in your case. Without approaching issues like this without first implementing, a known stable camera configuration. The amount of additional time and the number of posts required to resolve that same issue, are greatly extended. Which is not good for anybody.

Message édité par theuberoverlord le 13-11-2013 à 05:58:52

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 13-11-2013 à 23:51:01  profilanswer

Citation :

 no mention on if you also changed the Gateway IP Address, in the cameras configuration to be that of your Router/AP. Which the instructions say to do.

from the beginning this configuration is good. I mentionned IP of the router.

Citation :

You also have not answered my question, about this statement you made in a prior post here, as well. Which concerns me:
"No, it's a redirection base on IP  
I have no other redirection configured, just the cam"
What does your above statement mean? I asked you this question before, in a prior post here, that still remains unanswered.

perhaps there is a missunderstood?  
I create a redirection on my router to join the camera from internet.
I create a rule base on IP/port to do that.
for exemple if I made a connexion from internet on my public IP, the router translate this IP on (which is my camera IP)
I have read that redirection by mac adress is not a good solution.
I hope my english is enough comprensible  [:at war with emo]  
I feel that you are bored  and I want to thank you for your time and for your help.
I repeat that all is functionnable when camera is connected to wifi (redirection, mail, ftp...) the only problem is that camera can take hours to connect.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par x-ben le 13-11-2013 à 23:54:33

Posté le 14-11-2013 à 02:20:09  profilanswer

x-ben a écrit :

Citation :

 no mention on if you also changed the Gateway IP Address, in the cameras configuration to be that of your Router/AP. Which the instructions say to do.

from the beginning this configuration is good. I mentionned IP of the router.

Citation :

You also have not answered my question, about this statement you made in a prior post here, as well. Which concerns me:
"No, it's a redirection base on IP  
I have no other redirection configured, just the cam"
What does your above statement mean? I asked you this question before, in a prior post here, that still remains unanswered.

perhaps there is a missunderstood?  
I create a redirection on my router to join the camera from internet.
I create a rule base on IP/port to do that.
for exemple if I made a connexion from internet on my public IP, the router translate this IP on (which is my camera IP)
I have read that redirection by mac adress is not a good solution.
I hope my english is enough comprensible  [:at war with emo]  
I feel that you are bored  and I want to thank you for your time and for your help.
I repeat that all is functionnable when camera is connected to wifi (redirection, mail, ftp...) the only problem is that camera can take hours to connect.

You are very welcome.
1. Have you followed the instructions in their "entirety" and is your current camera configuration, currently reflecting those instructions?
2. Have you tried, to remove the re-direction? What purpose do you feel it has a need for?
3. I am far from bored. But..I value my time and after time, I focus my energy and time with camera owners that are willing to follow instructions. I can assure you, as a moderator of the Forum. I do not become "bored" easily.
Note: It is FAR from normal, for a camera to take an hour or longer, to become connected.
Please also qualify. Is this hour+ delay, only when attempting to access your camera remotely or does the same delay take place when trying to access your camera locally as well?

Message édité par theuberoverlord le 14-11-2013 à 17:28:13

CV - About Me: Français English Conseils et exemples gratuits pour vos Camera IP Live IP Cam Demos
Posté le 14-11-2013 à 21:02:43  profilanswer

Please also qualify. Is this hour+ delay, only when attempting to access your camera remotely or does the same delay take place when trying to access your camera locally as well?
after the camera is connected to wifi I have no problem and no delay to access it, from internet or from local network. All is working very well
The only problem is the time necessary for the camera to connect to wifi
I verify the other points now...

SaNkA tu peux pisser maintenan
Posté le 15-11-2013 à 13:44:27  profilanswer

J'ai reçu ma caméra Heden.


L'angle de vue n'est pas énorme, j'ai commandé sur DX un grand angle...


Je trouve l'image en plein jour pas terrible les couleurs ne sont pas réaliste. Pourquoi? Filtre IR car j'ai les leds?
(Dans mon cas les leds IR sont inutiles en plus...)
[Edit avec un filtre IR récup sur une webcam c'est bon... reste plus qu'a l'ajouter sur le capteur actuel...) pfff


De plus via l'interface c'est bien beau mais impossible de conserver le réglage "miroir horizontal" vu que la caméra est un dôme c'est obligé!
Idem via l'appli andoird VisionCam cloud il faut chaque fois repasser en "VGA" contre QVGA et faire une rotation ou pour les réglages de luminosité... il faut tt refaire à chaque fois. (Ou lorsque je rentre direct l'ip dans IE, pas moyen de sauver :(


Pas moyen de configurer de base une rotation de l'image et la qualité max direct dès que je veux visualiser la cam sur mon mobile par exemple?


Je suis perdu.

Message édité par sankaman11 le 15-11-2013 à 14:12:04

Follow me :
A consommer avec modération
Posté le 16-11-2013 à 00:49:55  profilanswer

Recu ma Foscam FI9821EW ce jour.  
Plus qu'à comprendre comment installer tout ca :o

Posté le 17-11-2013 à 21:20:09  profilanswer

savez-vous quel débit minimal il faut avoir (en sortant) pour pouvoir utiliser la caméra sans problème svp?

Chrüterchraft !
Posté le 18-11-2013 à 21:31:10  profilanswer


Because normal sucks
Posté le 19-11-2013 à 17:46:11  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous,
La Foscam FI8916w est elle identique à la foscam FI8910w.
J'ai lu quelques part, que c'etait celle qui aller la remplacer; est ce vrai ou est une autre camera.
A vous lire

Posté le 23-11-2013 à 14:05:02  profilanswer

Je rencontre un problème avec ma caméra Heden 2.2 :  
Elle fonctionne très bien en RJ45, depuis mon mobile ou mon ordinateur.
Dès que je la paramètre en Wifi, les réglages disparaissent au redémarrage de la caméra.
D'ailleurs tous les réglages ont disparu au redémarrage, les utilisateurs par exemple, pourtant je me loggue avec mon nom d'utilisateur.
J'ai l'impression que les réglages ne sont plus stockés par la caméra.
J'ai fais deux hard reset mais sans succès.
Si quelqu'un peux m'éclairer.
Merci d'avance

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