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  Linux Kernel Back-Door Hack Attempt Discovered


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Linux Kernel Back-Door Hack Attempt Discovered

Modosaurus Rex
Posté le 06-11-2003 à 12:52:33  profilanswer

Lu sur slashdot (et pas vu posté icite): [...] 06&tid=185

Citation :

An anonymous reader writes "The BitKeeper to CVS gateway was apparently hacked in an attempt to add a root exploit back door to the Linux kernel, according to the linux-kernel archive. The change was in the file kernel/exit.c and changed the user ID of a process to root under the guise of checking the validity of some flags. The core Linux BitKeeper kernel repository was not at risk, and in fact it was the BitKeeper CVS export scripts that detected the unauthorized modifications to CVS. The changes were falsely attributed in CVS to long-time Linux developer davem (David Miller). Users of the BKCVS repository should resync their trees to remove the offending code if they had replicated it since yesterday."

Vous aurez ete prevenu...
Le reste du thread est interessant, puisqu'on y parle de back doors dans d'autres produits (Interbase...)

Message édité par gilou le 06-11-2003 à 12:54:06

There's more than what can be linked! --  Le capitaine qui ne veut pas obéir à la carte finira par obéir aux récifs. -- No jab ? No job ! -- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Posté le 06-11-2003 à 12:52:33  profilanswer

Light is right !
Posté le 06-11-2003 à 12:59:32  profilanswer

udok a posté le lien de DLFP :

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  Linux Kernel Back-Door Hack Attempt Discovered


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