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  logiciel rom ppc


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logiciel rom ppc

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 08:50:52  profilanswer

est ce possible d installer un logiciel en Rom sur un pda??

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 08:50:52  profilanswer

PSN - GT = lagassat
Posté le 24-03-2005 à 09:04:58  profilanswer

Ben c'est justement l'interet de la rom.

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 09:17:38  profilanswer

Oui mais pourquoi l installation par defaut se fait en RAM?

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 10:07:31  profilanswer

Parce que si j ai bien compris, un fois la batterie vide on perd tout ce qui est en ram non?

PSN - GT = lagassat
Posté le 24-03-2005 à 11:01:06  profilanswer

Ouais et toutes tes donnes stockeed sur la ROM sont conservees en cas de rupture de l'alimentation

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 14:35:15  profilanswer

Donc quel interet de mettre par defaut les programmes en Ram?

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 14:58:51  profilanswer

C'est dangeureux et ca ralentit ....

Posté le 24-03-2005 à 17:04:23  profilanswer

c'est bon j ai trouve ca sur le site d axim
There are three locations into which a program can be installed. Built-In Storage is where your ROM (Operating System) is located. Programs can be installed here because there is space leftover from the ROM installation. The advantage to storing items in Built-In Storage is that programs will not be deleted after a hard reset. However, programs stored in Built-In Storage cannot be accessed following a hard reset because all their registry settings would be deleted (unless the system is restored to its previous state). Anything stored in Built-In Storage will also be deleted following an ROM upgrade. In addition, since Built-In Storage can only be rewritten to about 100,000 times, it is not an ideal place to store items that need to be frequently modified or updated. Most users only use this area to store backups. Main Memory is the area where your Axim’s RAM resides. Main memory is divided into two parts: Storage memory, where programs can be installed, and Program Memory, which allows programs to run. The amount of memory allocated to Storage Memory and Program Memory is automatically determined depending on how much Program Memory is used and the demands of the running applications. It is possible to adjust the memory allocation temporarily but going to Start > Settings System > Memory and moving the slider. The third location into which you can install programs is your flash memory card. The Axim has an expansion slot for Compact Flash as well as Secure Digital cards. Compact Flash is considered the faster of the two.

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  logiciel rom ppc


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