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  Pbs de virus, help plz !


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Pbs de virus, help plz !

Posté le 05-09-2001 à 17:15:17  profilanswer

Lu, tit renseignement sur un virus plz
"SirC32.exe" introuvable à chaque lancement de nimporte kelle application suite à un virus "worm karn etc" désinfecté avec avp. Du coup, impossible de sauvegarder koi ke ce soit puiske impossible de lancer koi ke ce soit ! Kkun connait une solution plz !!?

Posté le 05-09-2001 à 17:15:17  profilanswer

Posté le 05-09-2001 à 17:40:30  profilanswer

qu'est ce que je l'atomise tout de suite...ou je lui donne la solution :??:...:D:D:D....
soyons magnanime :D :p
ou çà
--- Manual Removal Instructions ---
Note: These directions use specific directory pathnames which are commonly used.  You may need to modify the drive letter used, and folder paths for the WINDOWS SYSTEM directory.
--- Registry Removal Instructions ---
1) Click START|RUN, type
and hit ENTER
2) Click START | RUN, type and hit ENTER
3) Remove references to the virus from this registry key
It should contain only the value (not including brackets) : ["%1" %*]
4) Delete the following registry keys:  
--- File Removal Instructions ---
Failure to complete the Registry Removal Instructions before starting these file removal instructions will result in the in ability to run applications.  Do not proceed until the registry has been corrected as mentioned above!
1) Click START | RUN type, and hit ENTER
2) Type, attrib -h c:\recycled\sirc32.exe and hit ENTER  
3) Type, del c:\recycled\sirc32.exe and hit ENTER
Win9x/ME users only:
4) Type, attrib -h c:\windows\system\scam32.exe and hit ENTER
5) Type, del c:\windows\system\scam32.exe and hit ENTER
6)Type, move c:\windows\run32.exe c:\windows\rundll32.exe and hit ENTER
If prompted for Overwrite the file, choose (Y)es
If Cannot move ... appears then the virus did not move the Rundll32.exe file.
WinNT/2000 users only:
4) Type, attrib -h c:\winnt\system32\scam32.exe and hit ENTER
5) Type, del c:\winnt\system32\scam32.exe and hit ENTER
6) Type, move c:\winnt\run32.exe c:\winnt\rundll32.exe and hit ENTER
If prompted for Overwrite the file, type Y for (Y)es
If Cannot move ... appears then the virus did not move the Rundll32.exe file. Win9x/ME/NT/2000 users:
(Note: as the Autoexec.bat file is not modified in all instances, steps 9, 10, and 11 may fail for some users.  If this happens, then they were not required.)
7) Type exit and hit ENTER
8) Click START | RUN, type write c:\autoexec.bat and hit ENTER
9) Click EDIT | REPLACE, type @win \recycled\sirc32.exe and click REPLACE ALL
10) Click OK
11) Click FILE | EXIT and choose YES to save your changes  
en haut de la page...tu a un icone "Rechercher" te rassure, ce n'est pas une image pour décorer le forum, mais cela a une fonctionnalité forte utile.....faire une recherche ;) :p:p:p:p :D


[edtdd]--Message édité par Chewbacca--[/edtdd]

Posté le 05-09-2001 à 19:37:00  profilanswer

HEHE merci pour l'atomisation, somme toute sympa :)
je vais tester ça demain !
mais pour la fonction "rechercher" ke je connais, biensur :), c'est une kestion de tps de connec car en fait javais 5 mins pour me connec et donc pa le tps de me taper une recherche, wala, wala c ossi simple ke ça  
merci bien en tout cas !

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  Windows & Software

  Pbs de virus, help plz !


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