Citation :
Sets up Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Professional.
WINNT [/s [ : sourcepath]] [/t [ : tempdrive]]
[/u [ : answer file]] [/udf:id[,UDF_file]]
[/r:folder] [/r[x]:folder] [/e:command] [/a]
/s[ : sourcepath]
Specifies the source location of the Windows 2000 files.
The location must be a full path of the form x:[path] or
/t [ : tempdrive]
Directs Setup to place temporary files on the specified
drive and to install Windows 2000 on that drive. If you do
do not specify a location, Setup attempts to locate a drive
for you.
/u [ : answer file]
Performs an unattended Setup using an answer file (requires
/s). The answer file provides answers to some or all of the
prompts that the end user normally responds to during Setup.
Indicates an identifier (id) that Setup uses to specify how
a Uniqueness Database File (UDF) modifies an answer file
(see /u).The /udf parameter overrides values in the answer
file, and the identifier determines which values in the UDF
file are used. If no UDF_file is specified, Setup prompts
you to insert a disk that contains the $Unique$.udb file.
/r [ : folder]
Specifies an optional folder to be installed. The folder
remains after Setup finishes.
/rx [ : folder]
Specifies an optional folder to be copied. The folder is
deleted after Setup finishes.
/e Specifies a command to be executed at the end of GUI-mode Setup.
/a Enables accessibility options.