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  Icones en 16 couleurs sous XP


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Icones en 16 couleurs sous XP

Rm -Rf / && oops :o
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 15:38:42  profilanswer

Hello tt le monde
J'ai un prob
Depuis que j'ai installé les power toys pour XP mes icones sont en 16 couleurs.
Comment faire pour revenir aux icones avec tt les couleurs?

Posté le 02-08-2002 à 15:38:42  profilanswer

The torture never stops
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 15:48:19  profilanswer

C'est un bug fréquent apparemment, il m' a déjà fait le coup 2 fois  :o  
Les 2 fois j'ai restauré le dernier point de restauration et ça a marché impec. J'ai l'impression que PowerToys en crée un automatiquement avant de faire les modifs. Donc avec un peu de chance tu devrais en avoir un récent. C'était mon cas en tout cas.  
Si tu as désactivé la restauration, je crois bien que c'est DTC :/

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Rm -Rf / && oops :o
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 16:10:40  profilanswer

La solution
in the course of this whole series of messages having to do with true-color icons, several solutions have been offered as to how to fix the problem where shell icons (icons in taskbar, start menu, windows explorer, etc.) are displayed as 8-bit/256-colors, even though the screen display is set to 16-bit/65536-colors or higher. none of these solutions have worked for me, but im going to go over all of them anyways, if just to simply make things eaiser for others with the same problem.  
1. download a program such as Tweak UI ( after installing Tweak UI, in its "repair" section, there is an option to repair icons. use it.  
2. go to "start / settings / control panel" and double-click "display". under the "effects" tab, make sure there is a check in the box for "show icons using all possible colors". click the "apply" button.  
3. go to the "settings" tab, and make sure that there is a picture of only one monitor. if there are multiple monitors, try to disable the non-primary ones (im not sure how to do this, since i dont have multiple monitors or video cards, but i believe it can be done with some right-click menus). again, hit "apply", then "ok".  
4. go to "start / run" and type in "regedit". in the program that runs, navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \ WindowMetrics". if there is no "Shell Icon BPP" entry on the right side of the window, create one by going to "edit / new / string value". make sure its value is 16 or higher; if not, right-click it, select "modify", and change it. close the program.  
5. open up windows explorer, and navigate to "C:\windows\". delete a file called "ShellIconsCache". note that you must be able to view hidden and system files to find this file; to enable this option, go to "tools / folder options" in windows explorer, and look under the "view" tab.  
6. restart your computer.  
anyways, even after following all these options, i still have crappy icons. ive even tried the option of setting the BPP down to 4, restarting, then changing it back to 16, in hopes of one of those random times when the problem goes away from unlikely fixes. so, if anyone has any more ideas, PLEASE email me at "" immediately. i really cant stand these low-color icons. well, hope i maybe helped out someone else in the process of this post.  

Rm -Rf / && oops :o
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 16:12:40  profilanswer

i found a solution, at least for me. I had the same problem in Windows XP, and it's even worse in XP because there IS no optoin for "show icons using all possible colors" or "high color" Windows XP is SUPPOSED to do it ALWAYS. But my icons were all still ugly for some reason. It just happened, and this was a fresh installation of Windows Xp. In any case, a little research using revealed to me this webpage at: which isn't exactly us, but here's the kicker, it tells you how to manually edit the registry to set the icon color depth: Find the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics" Select it.  
On the right there must be a string value called "Shell Icon BPP", if it's not there, create it. Rightclick on it, choose Modify. Enter your color depth, i.e. 16, 24 or 32. Restart. The problem with me was that it would be ugly even though I was running in 16bit. But when I changed my desktop to 32bit, it was beautiful once again. I went into the registry, and found that the setting was currently at 32bit. I changed it to 16, reboot, and voila, it worked! Give it a shot and let me know how things turn out for you. :-)

Rm -Rf / && oops :o
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 16:18:49  profilanswer

The following is a copy/paste from: [...] s/70.shtml (this helped me to get rid of the 16color icons ) 4. Why is my Direct3D and/or AGP disabled in Windows2000? (top) - This will occur if you have Netmeeting 3.01 running. Since NetMeeting 3.01 is built in to Windows 2000, it cannot be removed. The DESKTOP SHARING element of NetMeeting DISABLES DIRECT3D and in most cases, also disables AGP automatically. To reenable Direct3D and/or AGP, do the following: - enable desktop sharing by using the desktop sharing wizard. - right-click on the Desktop sharing icon (NOT the Netmeeting icon) in the taskbar and choose "Exit". - go back into the desktop sharing configuration and disable Desktop Sharing. - reboot. Direct3D and/or AGP should be restored. If your desktop icons are now in 16 color, go into display properties, click on the Effects tab, disable "display icons in all possible colors", click Apply, enable "display icons in all possible colors", click "Apply" again and your colors should be restored - do as it says, the OpenGL & yaddayadda is irrelevant. but the stuff about Netmeeting&stuff actually works. ------------- Malice  

The torture never stops
Posté le 02-08-2002 à 16:22:15  profilanswer

T'as trouvé ça sur le forum TweakXP non ?

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  Icones en 16 couleurs sous XP


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