Citation :
- 7.4 Port information for network connection via firewalls
To ensure successful usage your machine requires outgoing connections on TCP ports 80 and 6677, as well as on TCP ports 17010, 17011 and 17012. If you want to be able to host a game you will have to redirect incoming packets on the TCP ports to your machine.
You will also need to set your IP address within the front end of the game. Select the configuration option on the network screen and enter the IP address of your gateway in the box labelled 'your I.P. address'. The IP address should not begin with 10. , 192.168. or 169.254. .
Finally you will need to edit the registry to force this address to be used. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred to your machine by using registry files or following any of the advice given on this site. Modification of your registry is performed at your own risk. You should always have a back up of your registry before making any changes
- Select 'Start'.
- Select 'Run...'.
- Type 'regedit' and select 'OK' to display the registry editor structure.
- Select down through the directory structure to
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\Worm sWorldParty\NetSettings'.
- Select 'NetSettings'.
- Select 'AddressOverride'.
- Replace the '0' value with '1' and select 'OK'.
- Select 'Exit' from the editor 'File' menu.
- It should now be possible to host games successfully.