J'ai trouvé sur le net des infos pour pouvoir obtenir une vidéo locale en wallpaper avec active desktop :
"Adding AVI Wallpaper
Add live, seamless video directly to your desktop using Microsoft Word. First, you'll need a free Word add-on called Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word an .AVI file to display, and, of course, Internet Explorer 4.0 (or Memphis). After installing Internet Assistant, open notepad and save the blank file as VIDEO.HTM. Open Word, then open the new VIDEO.HTM file. Select Picture from the Insert menu and select the "Video" tab. Use the browse button to select your .AVI file. Click OK and close Word. Right-click on the desktop, select Properties and click on the "Desktop" tab. Click on the "New" button, select "Web site" and click OK. Use the browse button to find VIDEO.HTM. Click OK, then OK again. Now you've got a live video on your desktop you can resize and move."
le probleme c'est qu'avec Office2000 et officeXP pas moyen d'installer "Internet Assistant" ...
comment je peux faire pour créer ce foutu fichier VIDEO.HTM ?