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  VMware Player sur HDD externe


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VMware Player sur HDD externe

Open your mind
Posté le 08-12-2006 à 12:00:17  profilanswer

J'aimerais installer VMware Player sur mon disque dur externe mais rien n'y fait il ne veut pas, il me dit qu'il manque des fichiers et crée des logs d'erreur ainsi que des fichiers *.dmp.
Log :

Code :
  1. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| Log for VMware Player pid=2964 version=1.0.1 build=build-19175 option=Release
  2. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| VMware Player: VMware virtual machine player
  3. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| Command line: "E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmplayer.exe"
  4. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| Error 0x80040154 instantiating object VMMsg
  5. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| Unable to create VMMsg object: Class not registered.  Reinstalling VMware Workstation may help.
  6. Dec 08 10:39:06: player| Backtrace:
  7. Dec 08 10:39:07: player| ----Backtrace using dbghelp.dll----
  8. Dec 08 10:39:07: player| Module path: E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.DLL
  9. Dec 08 10:39:07: player| Module directory: E:\Programs\VMware\files\
  10. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[00] ebp 0x0012f3b0 eip 0x111060ba params 0x11106a60 0000000000 0x0012f7d0 0x111013c3 [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.DLL base 0x11100000 0x0001:0x000050ba] (Ordinal201 + 0x0b2a)
  11. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[01] ebp 0x0012f3c0 eip 0x11107366 params 0000000000 0x0012f3d0 0x62616e55 0x7420656c [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.DLL base 0x11100000 0x0001:0x00006366] (Ordinal433 + 0x0236)
  12. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[02] ebp 0x0012f7d0 eip 0x111013c3 params 0x0050aa14 0x0012f7ec 0x0012f80c 0x004c662c [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.DLL base 0x11100000 0x0001:0x000003c3] (Ordinal199 + 0x00c3)
  13. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[03] ebp 0x0012f7e0 eip 0x11101060 params 0x0050aa14 0x004360c0 0x0016a0e8 0x0050aa50 [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.DLL base 0x11100000 0x0001:0x00000060] (Ordinal5 + 0x0010)
  14. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[04] ebp 0x0012f80c eip 0x004c662c params 0x004360c0 0000000000 0000000000 0x7c34347e [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapputil.DLL base 0x004c0000 0x0001:0x0000562c] (Ordinal7 + 0x00bc)
  15. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[05] ebp 0x0012fed4 eip 0x00409802 params 0x7c80b6a1 0x00152338 0000000000 0x7c8021b5 [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmplayer.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00008802] (no symbol information)
  16. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[06] ebp 0x0012ff18 eip 0x00402203 params 0x00400000 0000000000 0x00152338 0x00000001 [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmplayer.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00001203] (no symbol information)
  17. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[07] ebp 0x0012ffc0 eip 0x00401185 params 0x01dcd720 0x7c90e1fe 0x7ffdb000 0x805502fa [E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmplayer.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00000185] (no symbol information)
  18. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| backtrace[08] ebp 0x0012fff0 eip 0x7c816fd7 params 0x00401000 0000000000 0x78746341 0x00000020 [C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll base 0x7c800000 0x0001:0x00015fd7] (RegisterWaitForInputIdle + 0x0049)
  19. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| ----End of backtrace----
  20. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| Win32 object usage: GDI 4, USER 4
  21. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| W32Util_CoreDump: faking exception to get context
  22. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Writing minidump to C:\Documents and Settings\ti1noels\Application Data\VMware\vmplayer-2964.dmp
  23. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x00400000 size 0x000b9000
  24. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00000000 timestamp 0x43a24597
  25. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmplayer.exe
  26. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  27. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x7c900000 size 0x000b0000
  28. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000af2f7 timestamp 0x411096b4
  29. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
  30. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  31. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x7c800000 size 0x000f4000
  32. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000f724d timestamp 0x44ab9a84
  33. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
  34. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2945
  35. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x7c340000 size 0x00056000
  36. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0005f1e9 timestamp 0x3e561eac
  37. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr71.dll
  38. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 7.10.3052.4
  39. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77d40000 size 0x00090000
  40. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0009505c timestamp 0x42260159
  41. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
  42. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2622
  43. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77f10000 size 0x00047000
  44. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0004d0d0 timestamp 0x43b34feb
  45. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll
  46. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2818
  47. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77dd0000 size 0x0009b000
  48. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000a0de4 timestamp 0x411096a7
  49. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
  50. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  51. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77e70000 size 0x00091000
  52. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0008f099 timestamp 0x43740e6d
  53. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
  54. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2794
  55. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x773d0000 size 0x00103000
  56. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0010f2bd timestamp 0x44ef1b33
  57. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll
  58. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.2900.2982
  59. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77c10000 size 0x00058000
  60. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00057cd3 timestamp 0x41109752
  61. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
  62. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 7.0.2600.2180
  63. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77f60000 size 0x00076000
  64. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0007a18e timestamp 0x45091361
  65. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll
  66. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.2900.2995
  67. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x774e0000 size 0x0013d000
  68. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0013dc6b timestamp 0x42e5be93
  69. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
  70. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2726
  71. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77120000 size 0x0008c000
  72. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00096957 timestamp 0x411096f3
  73. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll
  74. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  75. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76380000 size 0x00005000
  76. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00005405 timestamp 0x41109727
  77. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\msimg32.dll
  78. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  79. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x7c3a0000 size 0x0007b000
  80. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0008657e timestamp 0x3e77eebb
  81. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp71.dll
  82. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 7.10.3077.0
  83. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x763b0000 size 0x00049000
  84. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0004b1df timestamp 0x411096b0
  85. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
  86. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.2900.2180
  87. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x7c9c0000 size 0x00815000
  88. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00816c54 timestamp 0x44b64ba4
  89. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
  90. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.2900.2951
  91. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x10000000 size 0x00009000
  92. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00000000 timestamp 0x42f033f7
  93. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\sigc-2.0.dll
  94. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  95. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x004c0000 size 0x0016e000
  96. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00000000 timestamp 0x43a23c86
  97. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapputil.DLL
  98. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  99. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x11100000 size 0x00296000
  100. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00000000 timestamp 0x43a23c1d
  101. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmapplib.dll
  102. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  103. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x71ab0000 size 0x00017000
  104. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0002030b timestamp 0x411096f2
  105. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2_32.dll
  106. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  107. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x71aa0000 size 0x00008000
  108. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0000aff6 timestamp 0x411096f3
  109. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2help.dll
  110. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  111. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76b40000 size 0x0002d000
  112. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0002ed0a timestamp 0x411096d6
  113. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll
  114. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  115. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x771b0000 size 0x000ce000
  116. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000cb323 timestamp 0x454283b4
  117. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll
  118. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 7.0.5730.11
  119. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x00330000 size 0x00009000
  120. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00010188 timestamp 0x44a3ec46
  121. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\normaliz.dll
  122. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.5441.0
  123. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x5dca0000 size 0x00045000
  124. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0004cddf timestamp 0x4535359a
  125. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll
  126. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 7.0.5730.11
  127. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x73000000 size 0x00026000
  128. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0002a147 timestamp 0x411096b6
  129. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv
  130. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  131. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76f60000 size 0x0002c000
  132. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0003811e timestamp 0x411096bb
  133. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldap32.dll
  134. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  135. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x00630000 size 0x00130000
  136. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00000000 timestamp 0x43a23c65
  137. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\vmcuiutil.dll
  138. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  139. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76390000 size 0x0001d000
  140. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0002a024 timestamp 0x411096ae
  141. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\imm32.dll
  142. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  143. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76780000 size 0x00009000
  144. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0000774e timestamp 0x411096b8
  145. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\shfolder.dll
  146. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 6.0.2900.2180
  147. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77fe0000 size 0x00011000
  148. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0001a281 timestamp 0x411096c1
  149. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
  150. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  151. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77690000 size 0x00021000
  152. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0001ffbf timestamp 0x411096ce
  153. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntmarta.dll
  154. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  155. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x71bf0000 size 0x00013000
  156. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00019c51 timestamp 0x411096ad
  157. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\samlib.dll
  158. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  159. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x74720000 size 0x0004b000
  160. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00049029 timestamp 0x411096ea
  161. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
  162. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  163. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76fd0000 size 0x0007f000
  164. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0007b912 timestamp 0x42e5be90
  165. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll
  166. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 2001.12.4414.308
  167. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77050000 size 0x000c5000
  168. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000c916e timestamp 0x411096b4
  169. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\comres.dll
  170. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 2001.12.4414.258
  171. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x77c00000 size 0x00008000
  172. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x00011d78 timestamp 0x411096b7
  173. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
  174. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  175. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x20000000 size 0x002c5000
  176. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x002d3044 timestamp 0x411096b9
  177. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll
  178. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  179. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x02800000 size 0x000c1000
  180. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x000bd9f7 timestamp 0x3e385156
  181. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file E:\Programs\VMware\files\dbghelp.dll
  182. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version
  183. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: including module base 0x76bf0000 size 0x0000b000
  184. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   checksum 0x0000a29b timestamp 0x411096ca
  185. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   image file C:\WINDOWS\system32\psapi.dll
  186. Dec 08 10:39:08: player|   file version 5.1.2600.2180
  187. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Including thread 2960
  188. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Including thread 2912
  189. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Including thread 2908
  190. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Including thread 2984
  191. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| CoreDump: Including thread 2988
  192. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| Msg_Post: Error
  193. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| [msg.log.error.unrecoverable] VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (player)
  194. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| Unable to create VMMsg object: Class not registered.  Reinstalling VMware Workstation may help.
  195. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| [msg.panic.haveLog] A log file is available in "C:\Documents and Settings\ti1noels\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-ti1noels\vmware-ti1noels-2964.log".  [msg.panic.haveCore] A core file is available in "C:\Documents and Settings\ti1noels\Application Data\VMware\vmplayer-2964.dmp".  [msg.panic.requestSupport.withLogAndCore] Please request support and include the contents of the log file and core file.  [msg.panic.requestSupport.win32]
  196. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| To collect files to submit to VMware support, run cscript vm-support.vbs.
  197. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| [msg.panic.response] We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
  198. Dec 08 10:39:08: player| ----------------------------------------

merci d'avance à tout ceux qui pourront m'aider

Posté le 08-12-2006 à 12:00:17  profilanswer

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  VMware Player sur HDD externe


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