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  Un fichier pdf à partir de plusieurs fichiers ps


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Un fichier pdf à partir de plusieurs fichiers ps

Soliste en MAJEUR
Posté le 02-10-2003 à 18:20:15  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous
voila j'aimerai créer un seul fichier pdf à partir de plusieurs fichiers ps.
apparement c possible... avec acrobat distiller avec un commande "prun"
mais faut la tapper ou la commande????
voici une copie des explications
% PostScript program for distilling and combining an entire folder or
% directory of PostScript files.
% When embedding font subsets, it is highly recommended you use this technique
% to distill multiple PS files so only one font subset is used for each font.
/PathName (Macintosh HD:Test:*.ps) def   % Edit this to point to the folder
                                          %   containing the PS files.
/RunDir {                       % Uses PathName variable on the operand stack
 { /mysave save def       % Performs a save before running the PS file
          dup = flush           % Shows name of PS file being run
          RunFile               % Calls built in Distiller procedure
          clear cleardictstack  % Cleans up after PS file
          mysave restore        % Restores save level
 255 string
} def
PathName RunDir
% 1. Place all PostScript files to be distilled and concatenated in a single  
%    directory.  For example, here are example names of PS files that might
%    be used to distill a book:
% Cover
% Table of Contents
% Chapter 1
% Chapter 2
% Chapter 3
% Index
% 2. Make a copy of this file and give it the name you want to have as the prefix
%    for the resulting file. For example, you could name this file MyBook.txt.  
% IMPORTANT:  Don't use the .ps suffix if this file is in the same folder as the  
%   rest of your .ps files. The RunDir command will execute all files that end in  
%  .ps and this file will be distilled twice!
% 3. Redefine the variable "PathName" above to point to the folder/directory which
%    contains your PS files.
%       Macintosh pathname syntax:  /PathName (Macintosh HD:Folder:*.ps) def
%       Windows pathname syntax:    /PathName (c:/mydir/*.ps) def
%  UNIX pathname syntax:    /PathName (.\\/mydir\\/*.ps) def
%       Note: The syntax for Windows may look strange, but double escaping the
%             backslash character is required when using filenameforall.
% 4. Distill the file on the machine running Acrobat Distiller.

Posté le 02-10-2003 à 18:20:15  profilanswer

Soliste en MAJEUR
Posté le 02-10-2003 à 19:23:10  profilanswer

:cry:  :cry:  :cry:

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  Un fichier pdf à partir de plusieurs fichiers ps


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