Bugs Fixed in DivX 4.0 Beta 2
DivX DirectShow filter was not working on Windows NT 4.0
Encoding was broken at very high bitrates. You would receive a scrambled picture if you tried to encode either in quality-based VBR at quality level >=95% or in two-pass VBR at bitrates roughly higher than 1500-2000 kbps
Decoder was crashing in some cases on Pentium II/Celeron machines (a few SSE instructions were accidentally put into MMX YUV->RGB conversion routines)
Decoder was crashing with postprocessing level 6 or 7 and 16*N < height <= 16*N+8
Fixed one obscure DivX 3.x decoder incompatibility issue
DivX decoder filter was crashing when used by BSPlayer
There was a parameter in encoder settings called "crispness" in configuration dialog and "frame dropping" in help file. It caused a lot of confusion
The help file section on postprocessing contained two similar paragraphs, written slightly differently
The Codec's "About" dialog box showed an unreadable character after the word "DivX." On machines with Russian installed, it is a "?" sign, but many machines don't have Russian fonts :-)
Added brightness, contrast and saturation sliders
Encoder now stores its settings in the registry
Bugs Fixed in The Playa 0.6.0
Removed "all" memory leaks
Reduced skin browser size
Corrected a bug where the last 2 seconds of audio weren't playing
Corrected a bug where a really short clip wouldn't play audio
Corrected a display bug on ATI video cards
Added option to change subtitles fonts
Various other minor bugs