[SDF]Poire Vive Grumly | exemple de lecture (Options est un TIniFile):
Code :
- procedure TfrmThumbs.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
- S: String;
- begin
- AllowPreview := True;
- Options := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Options.ini');
- ImagesView.TitreColors[0] := $00CAEDED;
- ImagesView.TitreColors[1] := $00DCDEE8;
- ImagesView.TitreColors[2] := $00FFE3E3;
- ImagesView.TitreColors[3] := $00DCEBDC;
- if Options.SectionExists('Main') then
- begin
- with Options do
- begin
- Left := ReadInteger('Main', 'Left', 126);
- Top := ReadInteger('Main', 'Top', 112);
- Width := ReadInteger('Main', 'Width', 784);
- Height := ReadInteger('Main', 'Height', 608);
- Panel1.Height := ReadInteger('Main', 'SplitH', 217);
- Panel2.Width := ReadInteger('Main', 'SplitV', 321);
- if ReadBool('Main', 'FullScreen', False) then
- WindowState := wsMaximized;
- end;
- S := Options.ReadString('Main', 'Path', '');
- if S <> '' then DirList.Path := S;
- end;
- end;
Exemple d'écriture :
Code :
- procedure TfrmOption.OkClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- with frmThumbs.Options do
- begin
- WriteInteger('Options', 'OutQ', OutQ.ItemIndex);
- WriteInteger('Options', 'SavQ', SavQ.ItemIndex);
- WriteString('Options', 'SavDir', SavDir.Text);
- WriteInteger('Options', 'OutPriority', ThreadPriority.ItemIndex);
- end;
- end;
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