ludo-x | Bonjour , j'ai acheté un template pour mon site , tout fonctionne nikel sauf le formulaire mail qui me rend cinglé j'ai un fichier form.js que voici :
Code :
- //forms
- ;(function($){
- $.fn.forms=function(o){
- return this.each(function(){
- var th=$(this)
- ,'forms')||{
- errorCl:'error',
- emptyCl:'empty',
- invalidCl:'invalid',
- notRequiredCl:'notRequired',
- successCl:'success',
- successShow:'4000',
- mailHandlerURL:'bat/MailHandler.php',
- ownerEmail:'',
- stripHTML:true,
- smtpMailServer:'',
- targets:'input,textarea',
- controls:'a[data-type=reset],a[data-type=submit]',
- validate:true,
- rx:{
- ".name":{rx:/^[a-zA-Z'][a-zA-Z-' ]+[a-zA-Z']?$/,target:'input'},
- ".state":{rx:/^[a-zA-Z'][a-zA-Z-' ]+[a-zA-Z']?$/,target:'input'},
- ".email":{rx:/^(("[\w-\s]+" )|([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)|("[\w-\s]+" )([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*))(@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$)|(@\[?((25[0-5]\.|2[0-4][0-9]\.|1[0-9]{2}\.|[0-9]{1,2}\.))((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\.){2}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\]?$)/i,target:'input'},
- ".phone":{rx:/^\+?(\d[\d\-\+\(\) ]{5,}\d$)/,target:'input'},
- ".fax":{rx:/^\+?(\d[\d\-\+\(\) ]{5,}\d$)/,target:'input'},
- ".message":{rx:/.{20}/,target:'textarea'}
- },
- preFu:function(){
- _.labels.each(function(){
- var label=$(this),
- inp=$(_.targets,this),
- defVal=inp.val(),
- trueVal=(function(){
- var'input')?(tmp=label.html().match(/value=['"](.+?)['"].+/),!!tmp&&!!tmp[1]&&tmp[1]):inp.html()
- return defVal==''?defVal:tmp
- })()
- trueVal!=defVal
- &&inp.val(defVal=trueVal||defVal)
- inp
- .bind('focus',function(){
- inp.val()==defVal
- &&(inp.val(''),_.hideEmptyFu(label),label.removeClass(_.invalidCl))
- })
- .bind('blur',function(){
- _.validateFu(label)
- if(_.isEmpty(label))
- inp.val(defVal)
- ,_.hideErrorFu(label.removeClass(_.invalidCl))
- })
- .bind('keyup',function(){
- label.hasClass(_.invalidCl)
- &&_.validateFu(label)
- })
- label.find('.'+_.errorCl+',.'+_.emptyCl).css({display:'block'}).hide()
- })
- _.success=$('.'+_.successCl,_.form).hide()
- },
- isRequired:function(el){
- return !el.hasClass(_.notRequiredCl)
- },
- isValid:function(el){
- var ret=true
- $.each(_.rx,function(k,d){
- if(
- ret=d.rx.test(el.find(
- })
- return ret
- },
- isEmpty:function(el){
- var tmp
- return (tmp=el.find(_.targets).val())==''||'defVal')
- },
- validateFu:function(el){
- el.each(function(){
- var th=$(this)
- ,req=_.isRequired(th)
- ,empty=_.isEmpty(th)
- ,valid=_.isValid(th)
- if(empty&&req)
- _.showEmptyFu(th.addClass(_.invalidCl))
- else
- _.hideEmptyFu(th.removeClass(_.invalidCl))
- if(!empty)
- if(valid)
- _.hideErrorFu(th.removeClass(_.invalidCl))
- else
- _.showErrorFu(th.addClass(_.invalidCl))
- })
- },
- getValFromLabel:function(label){
- var val=$('input,textarea',label).val()
- ,'defVal')
- return label.length?val==defVal?'nope':val:'nope'
- }
- ,submitFu:function(){
- _.validateFu(_.labels)
- if(!_.form.has('.'+_.invalidCl).length)
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url:_.mailHandlerURL,
- data:{
- name:_.getValFromLabel($('.name',_.form)),
- email:_.getValFromLabel($('.email',_.form)),
- phone:_.getValFromLabel($('.phone',_.form)),
- fax:_.getValFromLabel($('.fax',_.form)),
- state:_.getValFromLabel($('.state',_.form)),
- message:_.getValFromLabel($('.message',_.form)),
- owner_email:_.ownerEmail,
- stripHTML:_.stripHTML
- },
- success: function(){
- _.showFu()
- }
- })
- },
- showFu:function(){
- _.success.slideDown(function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- _.success.slideUp()
- _.form.trigger('reset')
- },_.successShow)
- })
- },
- controlsFu:function(){
- $(_.controls,_.form).each(function(){
- var th=$(this)
- th
- .bind('click',function(){
- _.form.trigger('type'))
- return false
- })
- })
- },
- showErrorFu:function(label){
- label.find('.'+_.errorCl).slideDown()
- },
- hideErrorFu:function(label){
- label.find('.'+_.errorCl).slideUp()
- },
- showEmptyFu:function(label){
- label.find('.'+_.emptyCl).slideDown()
- _.hideErrorFu(label)
- },
- hideEmptyFu:function(label){
- label.find('.'+_.emptyCl).slideUp()
- },
- init:function(){
- _.labels=$('label',_.form)
- _.preFu()
- _.controlsFu()
- _.form
- .bind('submit',function(){
- if(_.validate)
- _.submitFu()
- else
- _.form[0].submit()
- return false
- })
- .bind('reset',function(){
- _.labels.removeClass(_.invalidCl)
- _.labels.each(function(){
- var th=$(this)
- _.hideErrorFu(th)
- _.hideEmptyFu(th)
- })
- })
- _.form.trigger('reset')
- }
- }
- typeof o=='object'
- &&$.extend(_,o)
- })
- }
- })(jQuery)
- $(window).load(function(){
- $('#form').forms({
- ownerEmail:'#'
- })
- })
un fichier mail hander.php :
Code :
- <?php
- $owner_email = $_POST["owner_email"];
- $headers = 'From:' . $_POST["email"];
- $subject = 'message du site com-unique ' . $_POST["name"];
- $messageBody = "";
- if($_POST['name']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>Visitor: ' . $_POST["name"] . '</p>' . "\n";
- $messageBody .= '<br>' . "\n";
- }
- if($_POST['email']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>Email Address: ' . $_POST['email'] . '</p>' . "\n";
- $messageBody .= '<br>' . "\n";
- }else{
- $headers = '';
- }
- if($_POST['state']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>State: ' . $_POST['state'] . '</p>' . "\n";
- $messageBody .= '<br>' . "\n";
- }
- if($_POST['phone']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>Phone Number: ' . $_POST['phone'] . '</p>' . "\n";
- $messageBody .= '<br>' . "\n";
- }
- if($_POST['fax']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>Fax Number: ' . $_POST['fax'] . '</p>' . "\n";
- $messageBody .= '<br>' . "\n";
- }
- if($_POST['message']!='nope'){
- $messageBody .= '<p>Message: ' . $_POST['message'] . '</p>' . "\n";
- }
- if($_POST["stripHTML"] == 'true'){
- $messageBody = strip_tags($messageBody);
- }
- try{
- if(!mail($owner_email, $subject, $messageBody, $headers)){
- throw new Exception('mail failed');
- }else{
- echo 'mail sent';
- }
- }catch(Exception $e){
- echo $e->getMessage() ."\n";
- }
- ?>
et un mail hander-sub.php :
Code :
- <?php
- $sbj_visitor='Newsletter subscription confirmation email from ';
- $sbj_owner='Newsletter subscription request from ';
- $header="Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 \r\n";
- $name=$_POST['name'];
- $email=$_POST['email'];
- $owner=$_POST['owner'];
- $owner_email=$_POST['owner_email'];
- $sitename=$_POST['sitename'];
- $sbj_visitor.=$sitename;
- $sbj_owner.=$sitename;
- $msg_visitor='<a href="http://'.$sitename.'">'.$sitename.'</a>'."\n".'<br>'.'Hi, '.$name."\n".'<br>'.'Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!';
- $msg_owner='<a href="http://'.$sitename.'">'.$sitename.'</a>'."\n".'<br>'.'This email has been sent via newsletter subscription form on your website. A new visitor would like to be added to your website\'s newsletter:'."\n".'<br>'.'Visitor name: '.$name."\n".'<br>'.'Visitor email: '.$email."\n".'<br>'.'Please add him (her) to your newsletter list.';
- try{
- if(!mail($email,$sbj_visitor,$msg_visitor,$header.'From: '.$owner_email)){
- throw new Exception('mail failed');
- }else{
- echo "mail to visitor sent \n";
- }
- }catch(Exception $e){
- echo $e->getMessage() ."\n";
- }
- try{
- if(!mail($owner_email,$sbj_owner,$msg_owner,$header.'From: '.$email)){
- throw new Exception('mail failed');
- }else{
- echo "mail to owner sent";
- }
- }catch(Exception $e){
- echo $e->getMessage() ."\n";
- }
- ?>
le problème est que les mail n'arrivent pas dans ma boite pas besoin de me dire que c'est une usine à gaz ce code , j'avais compris , j'aimerai juste que cela fonctionne vu que c'est vendu comme tel .
Si quelqu'un pouvais me trouver la solution miracle , ça serai vraiment super sympa .
Merci d'avance |