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  probleme avec mkisofs : no boot


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probleme avec mkisofs : no boot

Posté le 14-12-2005 à 01:52:51  profilanswer

en voulant créer l'iso d'un livecd, j'obtiens l'erreur suivante : Excluded by match: /mnt/hda1/fos/master/boot/isolinux/
cela rend mon iso non bootable, et j'avou pour un livecd c assez genant, est ce que qqun sait comment regler ce probleme
merci d'avance
voici la ligne que je rentre, ainsi que le code verbose sortant

Citation :

root@0[master]# mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "Polyserv_v2.0" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o /mnt/hda1/fos/knoppix.iso /mnt/hda1/fos/master
mkisofs 2.01a27-unofficial-iconv (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Scanning /mnt/hda1/fos/master
Scanning /mnt/hda1/fos/master/KNOPPIX
Scanning /mnt/hda1/fos/master/boot
Scanning /mnt/hda1/fos/master/boot/isolinux
Excluded by match: /mnt/hda1/fos/master/boot/isolinux/
Writing:   Initial Padbock                         Start Block 0
Done with: Initial Padbock                         Block(s)    16
Writing:   Primary Volume Descriptor               Start Block 16
Done with: Primary Volume Descriptor               Block(s)    1
Writing:   Eltorito Volume Descriptor              Start Block 17
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
Done with: Eltorito Volume Descriptor              Block(s)    1
Writing:   Joliet Volume Descriptor                Start Block 18
Done with: Joliet Volume Descriptor                Block(s)    1
Writing:   End Volume Descriptor                   Start Block 19
Done with: End Volume Descriptor                   Block(s)    1
Writing:   Version block                           Start Block 20
Done with: Version block                           Block(s)    1
Writing:   Path table                              Start Block 21
Done with: Path table                              Block(s)    4
Writing:   Joliet path table                       Start Block 25
Done with: Joliet path table                       Block(s)    4
Writing:   Directory tree                          Start Block 29
Done with: Directory tree                          Block(s)    4
Writing:   Joliet directory tree                   Start Block 33
Done with: Joliet directory tree                   Block(s)    4
Writing:   Directory tree cleanup                  Start Block 37
Done with: Directory tree cleanup                  Block(s)    0
Writing:   Extension record                        Start Block 37
Done with: Extension record                        Block(s)    1
Writing:   The File(s)                             Start Block 38
  4.96% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:49 2005
  9.90% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:49 2005
 14.85% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:56 2005
 19.79% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:54 2005
 24.74% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:53 2005
 29.68% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:52 2005
 34.64% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:52 2005
 39.57% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:51 2005
 44.53% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:51 2005
 49.47% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:51 2005
 54.42% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:51 2005
 59.36% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:51 2005
 64.31% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:50 2005
 69.25% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:45:50 2005
 74.20% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:02 2005
 79.14% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:29 2005
 84.10% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:28 2005
 89.03% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:28 2005
 93.99% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:28 2005
 98.93% done, estimate finish Wed Dec 14 01:46:27 2005
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1845
Total directory bytes: 6144
Path table size(bytes): 54
Done with: The File(s)                             Block(s)    100904
Writing:   Ending Padblock                         Start Block 100942
Done with: Ending Padblock                         Block(s)    150
Max brk space used 0
101092 extents written (197 MB)

Posté le 14-12-2005 à 01:52:51  profilanswer

Posté le 14-12-2005 à 22:03:03  profilanswer


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  Linux et OS Alternatifs

  probleme avec mkisofs : no boot


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