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  [Recherche log] Newsreader console


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[Recherche log] Newsreader console

liberer les kiwis
Posté le 08-06-2004 à 10:06:14  profilanswer

Salut a tous,
Alors voila je recherche un lecteur de news en ligne de commande qui gére les binaries.
Apres une recherche ici et sur google, j'ai bien trouver des soft mais a savoir le quel choisir ...
Bref, avoir un retour d'experience de votre part serais un plus.
J'aimerais qu'il puisse etre pilotable 100% en ligne de commande (sans interface interactive quoi) pour lancer des operations via scripts.
Apres, s'il peut decoder les binaires en multipart, ca serais top.
sinon, ben je cherche aussi un soft qui ferais ca. (j'en ai trouver qqun mais je demande aussi un retour d'experience :) )
A j'oubliais, je suis sous Debian. mais bon, si y'a pas de .deb je peux me tapper une compile, pas de pb.

Posté le 08-06-2004 à 10:06:14  profilanswer

Souviens toi du 5 Novembre...
Posté le 08-06-2004 à 10:26:46  profilanswer

Hum il vaut mieux procéder différemment :

  • Pour les binaires  

- aptitude show brag
Package: brag
Version: 1.4.1-1
Priority: optional
Section: news
Maintainer: Simon Kelley <>
Uncompressed Size: 106k
Depends: uudeview, tcl8.3, tclsh
Description: Downloads and assembles multipart Usenet binaries
 Brag collects and assembles multipart binary attachements from newsgroups. This is a robust command-line tool, well
 suited to run as a cron job.
 * Collects and downloads multipart binary attachements
 * Supported encodings: uuencode, MIME base64 and yenc
 * Filters messages using accept/reject patterns
 * Optionally saves message subjects
 * Supports NNTP authentication
 * Supports non-default NNTP ports
 * Can combine parts from different newsgroups or even different servers
 * Bulletproof: Restarts from the last successful operation
- aptitude show nget
Package: nget
Version: 0.26-1
Priority: optional
Section: news
Maintainer: Chris Lawrence <>
Uncompressed Size: 717k
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libgcc1 (>= 1:3.3.2-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.3.20030510-1), libpopt0 (>= 1.7), libstdc++5
         (>= 1:3.3.2-1), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
Description: auto-resuming command line NNTP file grabber
 nget is a command line NNTP file grabber. It automatically pieces together multipart postings for easy retrieval, even
 substituting parts from multiple servers. It handles disconnects gracefully, resuming after the last part successfully
 downloaded. nget also caches header data for quick access.
 Home Page:
- aptitude show ubh
Package: ubh
Version: 2.5-7
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: SÃ?ren Boll Overgaard <>
Uncompressed Size: 213k
Depends: perl, libnews-newsrc-perl, libnet-perl, libmime-perl, libstring-crc32-perl
Description: Download and decode Usenet binaries
 UBH (Usenet Binary Harvester) is a Perl console application which automatically discovers, downloads, and decodes single-
 and multi-part Usenet binaries.  UBH provides searching via Perl regular expression and a pre-selection capability
 whereby the user can interactively choose which binaries to download.

  • Pour usenet proprement dit ;)

- aptitude show slrn
Package: slrn
Priority: optional
Section: news
Maintainer: Norbert Tretkowski <>
Uncompressed Size: 2126k
Depends: debianutils (>= 1.13.1), libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libcanlock2 (>= 2b-1), libgcrypt1 (> 1.1.11-0), libgnutls7 (>=
         0.8.12-2), libtasn1-0 (>= 0.1.1-2), slang1 (> 1.4.4-7.1), debconf (>= 0.5), debconf-2.0
Suggests: slrnpull, metamail
Description: threaded news reader (fast for slow links)
 Slrn is a threaded news reader with color support that is designed to read news fast over slow links.
 Slrn can read usenet news via NNTP or directly from a local news spool.
 Slrn can be heavily customized from its rc file, and even includes a built in macro language. There is also support for
 killfiles and article scoring.
- aptitude show gnus
Package: gnus
Version: 5.10.6-5
Priority: optional
Section: news
Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava <>
Uncompressed Size: 9052k
Depends: ucf, emacs21, xemacs21, make
Suggests: w3-el-e21, netpbm, openssl
Conflicts: semi, wemi, t-gnus, flim (< 1.14.5+0.20030430-4)
Description: A versatile News and mailing list reader for Emacsen.
 Gnus is a message-reading laboratory.  This is by far the most powerful and extensible news reader that I am aware of. It
 will let you look at just  about anything as if it were a newsgroup.  You can read mail with it,  you can browse
 directories with it, you can ftp with it---you can even read news with it! It handles single file groups, MH format
 folders, mbox files, digests, knows about POP, etc. It can split incoming mail a la procmail.
 This version of gnus handles MIME natively. It adds offline reading capability with gnus-agent. It is not compatible with
 older versions of TM (since a large number of hooks and variables have changed to allow that). NOTE: Please do not use
 tm-gnus with  this version.
 Instead of boring old KILL files, it has an adaptive multifaceted scoring mechanism -- you add or reduce the score of the
 article based on rules, and a component of the score comes in from your past behaviour -- for example, articles similar
 to ones you read and saved get higher scores. This adaptive mechanism is one of the most interesting part of Gnus.
 Gnus tries to empower people who read news the same way Emacs empowers people who edit text.  Gnus sets no limits to what
 the user should be allowed to do.  Users are encouraged to extend Gnus to make it behave like they want it to behave.  A
 program should not control people; people should be empowered to do what they want by using (or abusing) the program.
 Gnus comes by default with XEmacs, but this is a stand alone package that replaces the stock Gnusii.
 A note for people  using the nnimap backend:  SSL support requires w3-el-e2X; and even otherwise w3-el makes following
 hyperlinks in mail and news easier .  The upstream sources for this package are available at
Bien sur c'est donné par ordre de préférence ;)
en text slrn ownz sa maman  et brag est tres bien ( multithread ) .

liberer les kiwis
Posté le 08-06-2004 à 11:17:11  profilanswer

ca c'est de la bonne reponse.  :jap:  :jap:  
j'etais tomber sur slrn mais j'etais passer a coté de brag. (qui me tente bien.)
apres un essais rapide de slrn, je chopais bien un fichier binaire en multipart que je decodais, le tout via l'interface, mais au final le fichier etais illisible.
cela dis, je met plus en cause mon utilisation que le logiciel en lui-meme. :) vu que j'ai pas creuser  :ange:  
une histoire d'ordre de multipart peut-etre (vu qu'il le fais pas tout seul) mais bon.
Je vais tester un peut tout ca. et essayer de mettre en forme.

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  [Recherche log] Newsreader console


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