Jar Jar Intaigriste | deb http://ftp.openoffice.tuxfamily.org/openoffice/ unstable main contrib
deb-src http://ftp.openoffice.tuxfamily.org/openoffice/ unstable main contrib
apt-get install openoffice.org openoffice.org-l10n-fr |
Au passage, le TODO dit : Citation :
* OpenOffice.org ready for debian contrib?
We cannot move into main until we solve the Java build dependency (see
below), but the packages are ready to go into Debian contrib (the archive
section for packages with non-free dependencies but are free themselves).
We are currently trying to build OpenOffice.org with GCC 3.2, which is due
to be released shortly, and will upload when that is complete.
« No question is too silly to ask, but, of course, some are too silly to answer. » -- Perl book