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  Rogue Leader - Upgrade


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Rogue Leader - Upgrade


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Posté le 23-05-2002 à 11:03:47  profilanswer

Un chtit topic sur comment trouver les upgrades.
Mission 1:
Dans la deuxième partie, apres la séquence de transition, il faut voler légèrement vers la gauche, l'upgrade est posé sur l'étoile.
Mission 2:
L'upgrade se trouve dans un astéroide au début de la mission, il suffit de passer dedans pour l'avoir.
Mission 3:
L'upgrade se trouve dans le batiment que détruit le quadripode dans le séquence de transition.
Mission 5:
Il faut détruire la navette qui se trouve derrière le croiseur. Pour la trouver diriger vous vers l'avant du croiseur et passer en dessous. La navette se dirige vers la soute du croiseur.
Mission 6:
Il faut passer dans l'épave du croiseur, au niveau de la passerelle sur la droite quand on arrive par l'arrière.
Mission 7:
Dans la zone où il faut voler la navette, il y a des batiments en longueur avec un couloir dans lequel on peux passer. L'upgrade se trouve dans un de ces batiments.
Mission 10:
L'upgrade se trouve à la fin du couloir sur la droite (il faut passer sous un tuyau), avant le petit couloir qui mène à la chambre du générateur.
Voila, si quelqu'un sait où se trouve les upgrades pour les missions 4, 8 et 9 n'ésitez pas.

Posté le 23-05-2002 à 11:03:47  profilanswer

Dark side of the light
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Posté le 29-05-2002 à 11:10:46  profilanswer

Bonne idée ce topik  ;)  

Citation :

Mission 1:
Dans la deuxième partie, apres la séquence de transition, il faut voler légèrement vers la gauche, l'upgrade est posé sur l'étoile.

J'ai jamais réussi a le trouver, encore moins une étoile  :??:

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Posté le 29-05-2002 à 17:46:45  profilanswer

pour la mission 4, fo détruit une navette qui va rentrer dans le destroyer des le debut (fonce sous le destroyer), il va lacher l'upgrade  ;)

640K ought to be enough for anybody.

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Posté le 29-05-2002 à 20:17:11  profilanswer

Player_One a écrit a écrit :

pour la mission 4, fo détruit une navette qui va rentrer dans le destroyer des le debut (fonce sous le destroyer), il va lacher l'upgrade  ;)  

dis confonds tu peut etre avec la mission 5?  :heink:


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Posté le 29-05-2002 à 22:30:30  profilanswer

dites nous si kelkun parmi vous trouves les autres upgrades :D


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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 09:51:15  profilanswer

Alysum a écrit a écrit :

Bonne idée ce topik  ;)  

Citation :

Mission 1:
Dans la deuxième partie, apres la séquence de transition, il faut voler légèrement vers la gauche, l'upgrade est posé sur l'étoile.

J'ai jamais réussi a le trouver, encore moins une étoile  :??:  

Apres la séquence, continue tout droit et regarde bien sur la gauche tu devrais voir un truc lumineux. J'ai reessayé hier et il se voie bien. Il est au ras du sol.
Ps: quand je parlais de l'etoile, c'etais l'étoile de la mort.


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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 16:10:26  profilanswer

Voila un guide complet en anglais, y a tout, les codes, les upgrades, les missions secrètes. [...] ader_e.txt

Dark side of the light
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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 20:39:57  profilanswer

je vois pas une etoile (couleur ??) a ras ??  :cry:  
Mi6-007 marche pa ton url :/


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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 22:42:32  profilanswer

Alysum a écrit a écrit :

je vois pas une etoile (couleur ??) a ras ??  :cry:  
Mi6-007 marche pa ton url :/  

vas ici mais dur dur de dechifrer [...] pgrade.txt

Dark side of the light
Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-05-2002 à 23:21:47  profilanswer

big a écrit a écrit :

vas ici mais dur dur de dechifrer [...] pgrade.txt  

Referer Link Error

Posté le 30-05-2002 à 23:21:47  profilanswer


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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 23:23:31  profilanswer

Alysum a écrit a écrit :

Referer Link Error  

sa marche chez moi


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Posté le 30-05-2002 à 23:24:05  profilanswer

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader                
                      The Ultimate Tech Upgrade FAQ
                               Version 3.1        
                                                 Written by ImaLilPissed
The Table of Contents
I.    Introduction
II.   Version Updates
III.  Terms You Should Know
IV.   Acquiring the Tech Upgrades
V.    Basic Tech Upgrade Information and Q & A
VI.   The Tech Upgrades
      a. Advanced Shields
      b. Advanced Proton Torpedoes
      c. Advanced Lasers
      d. Advanced Cluster Missiles
      e. Advanced Proton Bombs
      f. Homing Proton Torpedoes
      g. Advanced Concussion Missiles
      h. Spread Proton Bombs
      i. Homing Concussion Missiles
      j. Homing Cluster Missiles
      k. Advanced Targeting Computer  
VII.  Contact
VIII. Credits
IX.   Legal Stuff
X.    Conclusion
I. Introduction
It's not impossible to fully complete this game without collecting some  
of the tech upgrades, but it sure does help. This FAQ will tell you what  
the upgrades do and where to find them.
II. Version Updates
12/31/01 - FAQ created
01/01/02 - Added four new questions to the FAQ  
         - Respelled "Millennium" right
         - The "Benefits" of the Advanced Cluster Missiles has been
           slightly changed.
         - Moved the "Version Updates" up
         - Added more to AT-AT description
         - Other minor updates
01/02/02 - Changed the Lambda Shuttle description
         - Specified the location of the Advanced Targeting Computer
           tech upgrade
         - Fixed up version stuff
01/03/02 - Changed "Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II" to "Star
           Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader"
01/05/02 - Added "How to Use" under all Tech Upgrades
         - Fixed some typos
01/10/02 - Added Jay (jfren484)'s Alternate Strategy of getting the
           Homing Concussion Missiles Tech Upgrade
01/11/02 - Fixed up a bunch of typos
01/14/02 - Fixed a question in the FAQ thanks to snooozer
01/16/02 - Changed "FAQ" to "Q & A"
01/22/02 - Added Mr. Cactus' Alternate Strategy of getting the Spread
           Proton Bombs Tech Upgrade
01/24/02 - Changed the "How to Use" and "Benefits" of the Homing
           Concussion Missiles
         - Added "Payloads" to all applicable Tech Upgrades
         - Added Gamefreak1's Alternate Strategy of getting the Advanced
           Shields Tech Upgrade
01/26/02 - Fixed up a lot of typos
01/27/02 - Fixed one typo
02/06/02 - Made some unnoticeable changes
02/16/02 - Fixed some typos
03/09/02 - Added kyl14's Alternate Strategy of getting the Homing
           Cluster Missiles Tech Upgrade
03/10/02 - Edited some things
03/15/02 - Fixed the "How to Use" of the Homing Concussion Missiles Tech
03/21/02 - Added the All Tech Upgrades passcode to the Q & A
03/22/02 - Fixed a typo
02/25/02 - Got my old email back! YAY!!
05/29/02 - Put in Buick stuff
III. Terms You Should Know
AT-ATs - Almost invincible in Rogue Leader, these are the big walking  
machines in the Battle of Hoth and Vengeance On Kothlis. Their laser  
cannons are placed under their "chins." The only way to defeat them is
to trip them with a tow cable which is the secondary weapon of the
Speeder. The true pronunciation is "A-tee-A-tee", not "At-At" like you
hear in the missions
AT-PTs - These guys are pretty small in size and can be destroyed easily  
with lasers. You will first see them in "Prisons of the Maw." In this  
mission, they are in groups of three. It's very fun to destroy these  
groups with only one proton bomb
command tower - The command tower is the large thing on top of the back  
of an Imperial Star Destroyer. The command deck is placed in the middle  
of the front of it. The two top shield generators are placed on top of  
it. And if it wasn't there, the Imperial Star Destroyer would look like  
an arrowhead
communications relay - This is basically like a radar dish. There will  
be a dish on top, and a tower supporting it below.
cut scene - There are several types of cut scenes. A cut scene will play  
before you start a mission. One will play if you fail a mission, and one  
will play when you complete a mission. Throughout this FAQ, though, cut  
scenes are the short movies that play in the middle of missions, usually  
because you have met one of the objectives of the mission
damage indicator - Obviously, this indicates the damage that your ship  
has taken. When that ring is broken up, that means your shields are not  
at full strength. While in the X-Wing, Y-Wing, or the Naboo Starfighter,  
the breaks in the ring will grow smaller as your astromech unit repairs
your shields. The ring will start off blue if you have acquired the  
Advanced Shields tech upgrade
Imperial Star Destroyers - You will encounter these in "Razor Rendevous"  
and in section 2 of "Battle of Endor." They are big arrow-shaped capital  
ships. Taking them out properly requires destroying its three shield  
generators and its command deck in the center of the command tower
Lambda Shuttle - This is triangular-shaped when viewed from the front or  
the back. The wings can be folded up to safely land. It can be unlocked  
on "Triumph of the Empire" and "Revenge On Yavin" after getting Gold  
medals on both level. Tyderium is a Lambda Shuttle, which you must steal  
in "Imperial Academy Heist"
mission section - Most of the missions have cut scenes. When you first  
start the level, you are in section 1. After a cut scene, you are now in  
section 2 and so on. Razor Rendevous and Imperial Academy Heist are the  
only two of the tem primary missions that have no cut scenes, meaning  
they have only one section
Rebel transports - These are oval-shaped transports. You must protect  
these in "Ison Corridor Ambush" and in section 3 of "Battle of Hoth."  
TIE Fighters - You will first encounter these in section 2 of "Death  
Star Attack." They are hard to see against the black of outer space, and  
have very weak shields. You can unlock the TIE Fighter in regular  
missions by stealing the TIE in "Imperial Academy Heist (Day)" and in  
"Imperial Academy Heist (Night)"
IV. Acquiring the Tech Upgrades
First, you must do one of two things, which obviously is to grab the  
upgrade. To get the upgrade, you must fly through or near it. The  
upgrade will look like a glowing silver cone. You will know that you  
have acquired the upgrade when:
1. The silver cone disappears for the rest of the time you play the  
2. The narrator states that you've gotten the upgrade.
The second thing you must do to fully acquire the upgrade is to complete  
the mission. It does not matter how your stats are in the end, you just  
have to complete the mission.
V. Basic Tech Upgrade Information and the Q & A
Tech upgrades upgrade your ships or your weapons in some way.
Tech upgrades can compile on top of each other. For example, pretend you  
got the Advanced Proton Torpedoes tech upgrade. Soon after, you get the  
Homing Proton Torpedoes tech upgrade, but it doesn't replace the first  
upgrade you get. Now, you have Advanced Homing Proton Torpedoes.
Here's the Q & A:
Q: I died right after I got the tech upgrade. Do I still have it?
A: Yes, you still have it. You can die another time and still have it.  
You just have to complete the mission.
Q: How am I supposed to know what tech upgrades I have?
A: To tell if you have a tech upgrade that affects all ships, such as  
Advanced Shields, press A to select a mission. You will now see the  
available ships that you can use for that mission. In between the two  
rows of wire frames of the ships, you will see your primary weapon and  
To tell if you have a tech upgrade that affects a certain secondary  
weapon, such as Advanced Proton Torpedoes, walk up to any ship in any of  
the hangars. Below the name of the ship, it will tell you the secondary  
The only way to tell if you have the Targeting Computer tech upgrade is  
to use it in a mission.
Q: Can I get rid of an upgrade?
A: No, but there really is no reason to.
Q: I still see the tech upgrade in the missions. Does this mean I don't  
have the upgrade still?
A: The tech upgrades will still appear in the missions even after you've  
acquired them. Grabbing them again won't do anything but waste your  
Q: I can't find an upgrade. Where is it?
A: Go to the appropriate section.
Q: I just got the homing cluster missiles upgrade, but my X-Wing still  
has the proton torpedoes. How am I supposed to fix this?
A: Certain tech upgrades only upgrade certain ships. Only ships which  
were previously equipped with cluster missiles will benefit from the  
homing cluster missiles upgrade or the advanced cluster missiles and so  
on. This will be elaborated in the rest of this FAQ.
Q: I heard spread proton bombs lower your accuracy. Others say that the  
upgrade makes your accuracy higher. What is the truth?
A: The truth is spread proton bombs neither lower your accuracy or make  
it higher. The only thing that affects your accuracy percentage is if  
you hit your target with the original bomb. The spread proton bombs that  
come after it don't count towards or against your accuracy.
Q: I'm playing "Vengeance On Kothlis" right now, and I just got the  
Homing Proton Torpedoes tech upgrade in my X-Wing, but when I tap B, it  
still shoots regular Proton Torpedoes. Does this mean I didn't get this  
A: Yes, it does mean you haven't fully gotten the upgrade. If you read  
"Acquiring the Tech Upgrades," it states that you must do two things to  
fully get the tech upgrade: 1. Grab the upgrade and 2. Finish the  
Q: I don't feel like wasting my time searching for all of these tech  
upgrades. Isn't there a passcode or something?
A: Yes, there is a passcode, but I pity those who use it since finding
all of the tech upgrades is SO EASY...after you read this Ultimate Tech
Upgrade FAQ of course. First you enter AYZB!RCL and then type in
WRKFORIT. Speaking of working for it...
Q: I heard there were more than 11 upgrades. Is this true?
A: Nope, you heard wrong. There is an upgrade in each of the ten primary  
missions, two being in "Imperial Academy Heist." There are no tech  
upgrades in any of the bonus missions.
Q: I want my Spread Proton Bombs. How am I supposed to change the time  
of day in "Imperial Academy Heist"?
A: To change the time of day, you can do one of two things:
1. Turn off your GameCube and remove the mini-disc. Turn the power back  
on. You can change the time there. Note that it is military time. After  
changing the time, place your mini-disc back into the slot and play the  
2. Before turning on the power on your GameCube, hold down A on your  
GameCube controller. Now, turn the GameCube on while still pressing down  
the A button. Hold it down until a cube appears on your screen. You can  
now change the time.
VI. The Tech Upgrades
a. Advanced Shields
Purpose: Advanced shields make your shields stronger. You can instantly  
notice this when you play a mission. The ring around your ship in the  
damage indicator will be blue. The blue really isn't another layer of  
green, because 4 or 5 shots from a TIE will take out the extra blue  
How to Use: They will work right when you start a mission or come back  
after having your craft destroyed.
Ship(s) Affected: All ships
Usefulness Rating: 8/10
Benefits: This will help in situations where multiple TIEs are firing on  
you. The shield will protect you from four or five shots.
Mission: Death Star Attack
Mission Section: Section 2
Location: Right after the cut scene where the TIEs come in, you'll be  
able to see the upgrade if you turn left about 5 degrees. It should be  
very easy to find, since it's silver color is much brighter then the  
Death Star's silver.
Alternate Strategies:
Gamefreak1 said:
"Right as you start the second part of the level, turn on your targeting
computer. You'll see a turret right in front of you, and it forms a line  
slightly to the left with three other turrets. Continue to the third  
turret in the line, flying low, and you should see the upgrade right  
behind it and to the left."
b. Advanced Proton Torpedoes
Purpose: Proton Torpedoes cause more damage.
How to Use: The Proton Torpedoes will cause damage when they hit a  
Ship(s) affected: X-Wing, Y-Wing (while playing "Death Star Attack" ), B-
Wing, Naboo Starfighter
Usefulness Rating: 7/10
Benefits: This tech upgrade will be useful when taking out shield  
generators on Imperial Star Destroyers.
Mission: Ison Corridor Ambush
Mission Section: Section 1, Section 2
Location: Right when section 1 begins, pitch down and start flying  
towards the big piece of, well, I'm not sure what it is, but just fly  
towards that big thing under the Redemption. There should be a  
rectangular hole that you can fly in. Fly through it to acquire the tech  
upgrade. You can also do this in section 2, except this time, the big  
object will be below and behind the Redemption, since the Redemption and  
the Rebel transports are actually moving.
c. Advanced Lasers
Purpose: Your ships' lasers do more damage.
How to Use: The lasers will cause damage when they hit a target.
Ship(s) Affected: All ships
Usefulness Rating: 8/10
Benefits: Taking out enemies will be much easier. Less shots to destroy  
a target means less time that the enemies will have to destroy you. This  
is especially true in "Razor Rendevous" and "Battle of Endor" since you  
go up against Imperial Star Destroyers that have multiple gun turrets.
Mission: Battle of Hoth
Mission Section: Section 3
Location: After the cut scene where an AT-AT destroys Echo Base's shield  
generator, fly back to where the shield generator used to be. The tech  
upgrade will be right there. Grab it and continue on with the mission.
d. Advanced Cluster Missiles
Purpose: Cluster Missiles cause more damage.
How to Use: The Cluster Missiles will cause damage when they hit a  
Ship(s) Affected: Slave I, TIE Advanced, the Buick
Usefulness Rating: 5/10
Benefits: Regular Cluster Missiles can take out TIEs fine. The tech  
upgrade will only be useful in "Revenge On Yavin."
Mission: Prisons of the Maw
Mission Section: Section 2
Location: When you are asked do go destroy the communications towers,  
follow the orange cone on your radar. On the way, you will see a dome-
shaped building to your right. Drop one or two bombs on it. After the  
dust has cleared, swoop down and grab the upgrade inside.
e. Advanced Proton Bombs
Purpose: Proton Bombs cause more damage.
How to Use: The Proton Bombs will cause damage when they hit a target.
Ship(s) Affected: Y-Wing
Usefulness Rating: 7/10
Benefits: Though taking out groups of AT-PTs won't be any easier, the  
tech upgrade will help when bombing the communications relays in the  
level "Prisons of the Maw."
Mission: Razor Rendevous
Mission Section: Section 1
Location: Right when the mission starts, speed over to the Imperial Star  
Destroyer and over it. You should see an Imperial Lambda Shuttle trying  
to escape. Some TIEs should be around protecting it. Destroy it before  
it gets away. If it gets shot down and spins out of control, the tech
upgrade will appear where the the Lambda Shuttle started to spin.
f. Homing Proton Torpedoes
Purpose: Proton Torpedoes will home in on an enemy after you've locked  
onto it.
How to Use: Tap the B button to bring up the homing reticule. A target  
close to the reticule will have a green ring around it. Once that ring  
turns red, tap B again to fire.
Ship(s) Affected: X-Wing, Y-Wing (while playing "Death Star Attack" ), B-
Wing, Naboo Starfighter
Usefulness Rating: 4/10
Benefits: It's really more annoying then useful. It can't lock onto an  
Imperial Star Destroyer's shield generator or its command deck. To  
dumbfire, you must tap B twice quickly. It will be useful when you want  
to destroy distant TIEs, but that's it.
Mission: Vengeance On Kothlis
Mission Section: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4
Location: Throughout the whole mission, you are able to grab this tech  
upgrade. There is a hole in the right side of the command tower on the  
Imperial Star Destroyer when looking at it from the back. I have found  
that it is easiest to fly through the hole from the front. Some people  
can't seem to make it through with the X-Wing because of its wing-span,  
so play it safe and fly through with the Y-Wing during your bombing run.  
You can't get the upgrade while you're in the Speeder, though, because  
of its low flight ceiling do to the fact that it is a repulsor craft.
g. Advanced Concussion Missiles
Purpose: Concussion Missiles will cause more damage.
How to Use: The Concussion Missiles will cause damage when they hit a  
Ship(s) Affected: A-Wing, Millennium Falcon
Usefulness Rating: 5/10
Benefits: Almost useless, because if you enjoy using these craft, you  
wouldn't be shooting your Concussion Missiles anyway. You'd be happy  
with the speed.
Mission: Imperial Academy Heist (Day)
Mission Section: Section 1
Location: The Imperial Academy is set up like a "+" sign. The top of the  
"+" sign is where the Lambda Shuttle is. The right of the Imperial  
Academy will have a hangar. Fly through that to acquire the upgrade.
h. Spread Proton Bombs
Purpose: After the primary proton bomb's explosion, a cluster of weaker  
bombs will spring forward and cause damage to anything they hit.
How to Use: Tap the B button to bring up the bombing reticule. After the  
primary bomb explodes, a weaker cluster of bombs will spring forward and  
cause damage to anything they hit.
Ship(s) Affected: Y-Wing
Usefulness Rating: 9/10
Benefits: The cluster of weaker bombs do not count towards or against  
your accuracy. This upgrade will be useful in both "Prisons of the Maw"  
and "Vengeance On Kothlis," because the targets are bunched together.
Mission: Imperial Academy Heist (Night)
Mission Section: Section 1, (Section 2)
Location: You may or may not steal the TIE Fighter before approaching  
the Imperial Academy. The Imperial Academy is set up like a "+" sign.  
The top of the "+" sign is where the Lambda Shuttle is. The left of the  
Imperial Academy will have a hangar. Fly through that to acquire the  
Alternate Strategies:
Mr. Cactus said:
"Here's a nifty little trick to make Upgrade getting in Imperial Academy  
Heist very easy. Start the level at night (in Snowspeeder) and steal  
the TIE Fighter. If you don't do anything too suspicious you can fly  
around the entire level and collect the Upgrade without TIEs shooting  
at you."
i. Homing Concussion Missiles
Purpose: Concussion Missiles will home in on an enemy after you've  
locked onto it.
How to Use:  
One target lock: Tap the B button to bring up the homing reticule. A  
target close to the reticule will have a green ring around it.  Once
the ring turns red, tap B again to fire.
Multiple target lock: Turn on the Targeting Computer. Tap the B button
to bring up the homing reticule. A target close to the reticule will
have a green ring around it.  Once the ring turn red, continue to
follow that target. Another target close to the reticule will then have
a green ring around it. The red ring will appear. You can now tap the B
button once again to fire your concussion missiles at those two targets.
Or you can continue locking on to additional targets. You can lock on up
to 4 targets.
Ship(s) Affected: A-Wing, Millennium Falcon
Usefulness Rating: 8/10
Benefits: So it DOES have a use. They're kind of like different
cluster missiles, but you have to wait to lock on.
Mission: Raid On Bespin
Mission Section: Section 1
Location: Right when the mission starts, take out the balloon and tell  
your wingmen to go after the TIEs. Speed to the next platform and  
destroy that long rod-shaped ship. It will take out a good amount of  
those gas containers on the platform, but not enough to ruin your  
chances of completing the mission. After the explosions, you will see  
the tech upgrade on the platform. Fly through or slightly above it to  
acquire the upgrade.
Alternate Strategies:
jfren484 said:
"I was able to get the upgrade on the Raid On Bespin without destroying  
the gas tanks. Two different ways, actually. It is possible (although  
very difficult) to fly under the tanks and get the upgrade. An even  
easier way is to fly down into the center of the tank platform from  
above, with the brakes on full, and circle the inside ring. You may not  
even see the upgrade, but if you stay close to the tanks and complete  
the circle, you'll get it and you can fly up and away without destroying  
j. Homing Cluster Missiles
Purpose: Each part of a cluster missile will home in on different  
targets after they are fired.
How to Use: After firing the primary missile, it will split up into 6  
separate missiles. They will home in automatically to enemy and  
sometimes friendly targets.
Ship(s) Affected: Slave I, TIE Advanced, the Buick
Usefulness Rating: 10/10
Benefits: This upgrade is the only reason why Slave I doesn't completely  
suck. With Slave I and this upgrade, a Gold medal in "Ison Corridor  
Ambush" will be a piece of cake. Homing Cluster Missiles is also  
essential in "Triumph of the Empire."
Mission: Battle of Endor
Mission Section: Section 2
Location: The upgrade will be located where the left Imperial Star  
Destroyer stops falling. You can get it before destroying the left  
Imperial Star Destroyer, but it is easier to destroy it first and then  
use it as a reference point. Once the Imperial Star Destroyer has  
stopped falling, it should be pitched down in an odd position. Fly  
towards the underside of it. You should see a rectangle of white
stripes. That is the hangar. Almost fly into it, but get out of there
once you  hear the narrator tell you that you've got it. Note that you
can't see it while the Imperial Star Destroyer is there, but you can
before it starts falling.
Alternate Strategies:
kyl14 said:
"A much easier way to get it is when you just finished destroying all
TIE bombers and seeing the cut scene, you'll be in a different direction
toward the Star Destroyer, but don't move. lLook between the Star
Destroyer and the planet, and you should see a little shimmering light.
That's the upgrade. Keep your eyes on it until you eventually run into
it to get the upgrade."
k. Advanced Targeting Computer
Purpose: The Targeting Computer stays on without you holding down the Y  
button. You can also tell your wingmen to go after specific targets.
How to Use: Tap the Y button to bring up the targeting computer. It will  
stay on until you tap Y again. To tell your wingmen to go after specific  
targets, tap left or right on the D-pad once targets on the screen  
appear with white arrows around them. You can also choose targets by  
moving the C-stick.
Ship(s) Affected: All ships except TIE Fighter and TIE Advanced
Usefulness Rating: 9/10
Benefits: You no longer have a reason to complain about not being able  
to fire while holding the Y button down. Telling your wingmen to go  
after specific targets is also helpful.
Mission: Strike At the Core
Mission Section: Section 2
Location: When you finally get to the straightway and you see the  
reactor core, fly low and to the right. There will be four or five  
brackets of four pipes. Fly under the last bracket to get the tech  
upgrade. Be careful not to crash, though. You won't lose the upgrade,  
but you will have to start section 2 all over again. I don't recommend  
doing this in the Millennium Falcon.
VII. Contact
If for some reason you'd like to talk to me, read below:
Email address:
Please follow these guidelines if you want to write to me:
1. Don't ask me questions that have already been answered in this FAQ.
2. I'll be glad to give you credit if you help me with my FAQ in any  
3. Don't send me chain letters, or otherwise known as "Fwds" because  
they really piss me off.
4. Please title the email "Your RL Tech Upgrade FAQ" or something along
those lines, so I know that it is concerning this FAQ and none of my
other ones.
AIM Screen name: ImaLilPissed
If you have any questions that haven't been answered in this FAQ, you  
can sometimes find me signed on with this screen name. If you have any  
alternate strategies, feel free to send them in. If they actually do  
work, I'll put them here and give you credit.
VIII. Credits
- I must thank you CJayC for allowing me to post my work on GameFAQs
- I give thanks to CyricZ, since his FAQ was the one that helped me find  
all of the upgrades in the first place. His incredible FAQ can be found  
here: [...] ader_a.txt
- I thank Jay (jfren484), Mr. Cactus, Gamefreak1, and kyl14 for their
Alternate Strategies
- I thank snooozer for making me realize one of my questions in the FAQ
had a false answer
- I thank TurnDragoZeroV2G for reminding me to add the Buick to the
Ship(s) Affected of the Advanced Cluster Missiles Tech Upgrade section
and the Homing Cluster Missiles Tech Upgrade section
- I also must thank the many people who have tech upgrade problems and  
ask questions about them in this game. I wouldn't have made this FAQ  
without them
- Finally, I thank Nintendo, LucasArts, and Factor 5 for giving people  
like me an incredible game to play
IX. Legal Stuff
I really do not mind if anyone alters my work, as long as you give  
credit where it is due. Don't plagiarize. If you'd like to post my work  
somewhere, please make sure you state that it is the work of me,  
ImaLilPissed. Thank you.
X. Conclusion
This being my first FAQ, I'm very happy with it. Please use this FAQ to  
your advantage. Tech upgrades will help you tremendously in the missions  
of the great game: Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. And it's  
good to be prepared if you want to become a true Rogue Leader. May the  
Force be with you.


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Posté le 31-05-2002 à 10:01:36  profilanswer

Alysum a écrit a écrit :

je vois pas une etoile (couleur ??) a ras ??  :cry:  

Y a pas d'etoile!!!
L'upgrade est blanc et brille. En allant légèrement sur la gauche et en faisant du raz motte tu devrais pas le louper.
Ca ressamble a une sorte de dé a coudre.

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