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  GBA : Dark Arena !!!!


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GBA : Dark Arena !!!!

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Posté le 12-01-2002 à 20:10:27  profilanswer

A essayer à tout prix !!! :jap:  :jap:  :jap:

Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I've kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world, and would blow your head cl
Posté le 12-01-2002 à 20:10:27  profilanswer


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Posté le 12-01-2002 à 21:04:52  profilanswer

Pff il est pourri grave ce jeu sur GBA, je prefere Ecks Vs Sever ou Doom, mais Dark Arena POUBELLE !!!! :o  :o


[edtdd]--Message édité par BestMan--[/edtdd]

La Loi c'est Moi !

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  GBA : Dark Arena !!!!


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