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  Freeloader : du nouveau


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Freeloader : du nouveau

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 10-08-2002 à 00:17:55  profilanswer

Citation :

Play GameCube games from anywhere in the world using FreeLoader, the revolutionary new import game enabler from Datel.  
FreeLoader is a GameCube-sized disc that uses Datel?s ground-breaking proprietary technology.
FreeLoader lets you load and play import GameCube games without modifying your console, so your warranty is kept intact. Just load the FreeLoader disc, then replace it with your chosen game when prompted. That?s all there is to it! It?s fast, and it's so easy to use.
GameCube games are often released in Japan or the USA first, and some titles never even see the light of day in Europe. Without FreeLoader your GameCube will simply not recognise games from other regions. Buy FreeLoader today and you can play import games as soon as they?re released.
Summary of features:
Launch and play import GameCube games  
No need to modify your console ? keeps your warranty intact  
Add loads of new titles to your GameCube collection · Play US and Japanese games on a PAL GameCube *  
Play PAL games on a US or Japanese GameCube *  
Fast and easy to use  
* Requires TV that supports both PAL and NTSC modes ? some older TVs may not support this function (refer to your TV's instruction manual if unsure)

Bref vous l'aurez compris il vous faudra une TV compatible NTSC pour utiliser le Freeloader.
C'est une exellente nouvelle car d'après ce texte une Gamecube PAL peut transmettre un signal NTSC 60 Hz :) :)..

Message édité par Falconpage le 10-08-2002 à 00:20:25
Posté le 10-08-2002 à 00:17:55  profilanswer

jedi maste​r
PSN & Gamertag: Angelgally
Transactions (17)
Posté le 10-08-2002 à 00:19:08  profilanswer

oue ms tt le monde n'a pas une tv ntsc  
spa tres bon pour moi ca

Netendances, le blog des tendances web 2.0
Whatever the fuck i want !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-08-2002 à 00:21:35  profilanswer

Merci Falcon pour l'info.

Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-08-2002 à 00:26:06  profilanswer

les autres machines elles les passent toutes en PAL les jeux import ? :??:  
dreamcast avec utopia etc ? :??:

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

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  Freeloader : du nouveau


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