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  ca veut dire quoi TCO sur un ecran ??


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ca veut dire quoi TCO sur un ecran ??

Posté le 27-06-2002 à 18:47:29  profilanswer

je m'apprete a faire l'aquisition d'un ecran Sony MultiScan 420 19''.
Par contre je vois des ecran avec TCO 92 ,TCO95,TCO99  ??
et je vois des ecran recent en TCO 95 et tous ??
je pensait que TCO s'etait l'annee de procede pour le reglage ?? non ??
(je dis une grosse conneries si ca se trouve !lol) :ouch:  
merci de votre aide

Posté le 27-06-2002 à 18:47:29  profilanswer

Posté le 27-06-2002 à 18:51:48  profilanswer

Nan c une norme sur la gestion d'energie  
pour le 99
Visual Ergonomics  
Energy Saving  
Verification of Ecological documentation  
Acoustic noise (system units and monitors with fan)  
Electrical safety  
y a ka demander  :jap:

Les cochons... dans l'espâââce
Posté le 27-06-2002 à 18:52:46  profilanswer

"What is "TCO'95"? What are the differences between TCO'95 and TCO'92?  
 Answer:  In the first global environmental labelling scheme, TCO'95 is based on the premise that users should have better working conditions and covers a wide range of regulations in respect of environmentally harmful substances such as CFC?s and heavy metals. Compared with TCO'92, the TCO'92 only covers displays and their characteristics regarding electrical fields, magnetic fields, energy efficiency and electrical and fire safety. TCO'95 includes the complete personal computer, i.e. the display, system unit and keyboard, and touches on ergonomic qualities, emissions such as electrical and magnetic fields, noise and heat. It also touches on energy efficiency and ecology with demands for environmental adaptation for both the product and the production processes at the manufacturing plant.  
In order to meet the TCO'95 requirements Acer Peripherals will increase the costs of the certified products - both on material cost and production cost. However, with its commitments to not only produce better products but also to devote itself in the promotion and practice of environmental protection, Acer Peripherals will continue introducing more TCO'95 certified products into the market in the future to carry on "green design and manufacturing process ?.
* TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees"
( [...] question=7 )

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  ca veut dire quoi TCO sur un ecran ??


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