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  [HFR] Actu : IDF: Quelques infos sur la version DIMM d'Optane


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[HFR] Actu : IDF: Quelques infos sur la version DIMM d'Optane

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Posté le 20-08-2015 à 00:35:02  profilanswer
0Votes positifs

Pour le second jour de l'IDF, Intel nous a donné quelques petits détails en plus sur Optane/3D XPoint. Lors d'une session dédiée aux serveurs, quelques ...
Lire la suite ...

Posté le 20-08-2015 à 00:35:02  profilanswer

Posté le 20-08-2015 à 01:05:56  profilanswer
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La moitié du prix de la DDR4, cela restera donc assez cher, même si c'est forcément très flou (les Skylake serveur ne sortiront pas avant au moins 1 an je crois, difficile d'estimer le prix de la DDR4 à aussi longue échéance).

Message édité par Marc le 20-08-2015 à 08:19:50
Posté le 20-08-2015 à 13:26:55  profilanswer
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Donc l'année prochaine on aura d'un côté des plateformes serveurs à mémoire persistante chez Intel, et du côté de AMD des plateformes à HBM.
A quand les plateformes mixant les deux?

Posté le 20-08-2015 à 18:35:07  profilanswer
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Sait-on si cette techno pourra être utilisée ou développée par d'autres acteurs?
Bref ont-ils des brevets sur la techno, respectivement est-ce que ces brevets, s'il y en a, rendent le développement de techno similaire légèrement modifié, impossible?

Message édité par fredo3 le 20-08-2015 à 18:35:50
Posté le 21-08-2015 à 14:47:02  profilanswer
0Votes positifs

Quelques infos supplémentaires intéressantes:

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Intel has no plans to sell 3D XPoint chips. A Micron executive said the company is about two months away from announcing its separate plans for selling 3D XPoint products.

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“We needed NVMe in part because we knew 3D XPoint was coming,” said Al Fazio, an Intel fellow, speaking of the Intel-led NVMe standard. “If we were still on the old hard-drive interfaces they would be a huge problem, but [NVMe] is still a limiter,” said Fazio who leads Intel’s design work on 3D XPoint.


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In an interview with EE Times, CEO Krzanich said Intel has not yet decided whether it will open up its DDR4 extensions for 3D XPoint
“We do believe there is an ability to provide a high-speed bus directly to the CPU, but we haven’t defined whether to keep it proprietary or put it in standards bodies,”


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In an IDF session, Intel’s Fazio said the first generation 3D XPoint chips will use two vertical decks. He foresees upgrades every 18-24 months with new process nodes to deliver versions with four or eight decks with data retention measured in years.


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Like NAND, the technology could pack multiple bits per cell, “but I think it’s a waste of time,” Fazio said. “I worked on the first MLC flash chips, they took ten years [to get to market because] MLC is all about manufacturing margins,” he said.


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Just what novel materials are used in 3D XPoint remains the biggest secret, one that has spawned much speculation, all of which so far is wrong, said Fazio.
Krzanich and others insist the chip is not a phase-change memory.


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However the memory element is thermally sensitive.

Message édité par fredo3 le 21-08-2015 à 14:49:21

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  [HFR] Actu : IDF: Quelques infos sur la version DIMM d'Optane


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