Je viens d'acheter un AMD Xp1800+ et j'aimerais connaitre les valeurs des tensions a luii appliquer...
tension CPU
Enfin, autre probleme:
Le PC emet 1 bip long + 2 bips courts a chaque demarrage
Abit affiche ceci sur son site web dans la FAQ:
Over half the time when I boot up, my computer can't find the VGA card and emits three beeps (one long, two short). (KT7)
Some users have reported that their KT7 system fail to boot up with an Asus V7700 AGP card or that there is no video signal. If you experience this issue, raise the I/O voltage slightly to 3.4v. On the other hand, ATI Xpert 98 AGP cards may display a corrupt screen with an I/O voltage higher than 3.4V. Xpert 98 users should make sure your I/O voltage remains at the default.
Ma config y ressemble fortement... KX7-333 + Asus 7700 ... le probleme abit recommande de passer la tension a 3.4V or je suis a 3.5 déjà ... comprend rien là
Message édité par feer le 19-08-2002 à 10:34:03