Méthode pour régler le HDR:
(pompée sur un autre forum)
"1. Find the file called "system.cfg" in your FarCry folder(Example: C:Program FilesUbisoftCrytekFar Cry)
2. Open this file with a text editor (such as Windows own notepad).
3. Here youll find 4 strings, that is related to HDR(I have added a little notice to each setting, explaining what I believe to have experienced by trying and changing them. Altering the settings wont blow up your computer, but if you want to be able to use the standard values after experimenting, you better write those down first):
r_HDRBrightOffset = "6.000000" (lower value = brighter HDR lighting)
r_HDRBrightThreshold = "3.000000" (lower value = brighter HDR eye blinding effect)
r_HDRLevel = "0.600000" (higher value = more light blooming)
r_HDRRendering = "0" (0=HDR is disabled and the other 3 settings ignored. 1-11 enables different methods of HDR. 7 seems to be the preferred all-round best choice and is recommended if you dont want to try all of the different HDR modes.)
4. To enable HDR, you only need to change r_HDRRendering = "0" to r_HDRRendering = "7".
If you want to adjust how the HDR is displayed, you need to alter one of the other settings described above.
(Btw, you can also activate HDR within the game by typing r_HDRRendering 7 in the console, but by using the first method, you dont need to do this everytime.)
5. Save the changes to the file and start FarCry
PS: Remember to disable AA(AntiAliasing) before activating HDR."