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  [ACHETE] carte son sound blaster 128 (ou ekivalent)


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[ACHETE] carte son sound blaster 128 (ou ekivalent)

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Posté le 30-08-2001 à 01:11:14  profilanswer

j attends les propositions
merci bien :)

/!\ Po po poooooooo /!\
Posté le 30-08-2001 à 01:11:14  profilanswer


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Posté le 30-08-2001 à 20:14:05  profilanswer

je propose une carte Yamaha 3ds724A, PCI avec sortie spif.
150 + fdp
voila le détail :
YamahaYMF724-V  Processor Chip  
Yamaha Enhanced 3D Sound  
Advanced Sondius-XG Wavetable System  
AC'97 ready, with Dolby Digital and AC3, DLS, and 3D positional audio  
Microsoft DirectSound / DirectMusicHardware Acceleration.  
64 Voice Hardware Wavetable  
DVD Support: Video-in Connector for DVD player.  
CRL Sensaura 3D Support for A3D standard.  
2 CD-in Header for different cd-rom audio cables  
Also includes Video-In,Aux-In, PC Speaker In and Mono Out Headers  
676 instruments and 21 drum Kits  
Special Sound Effect:Reverb, Chorus and Variation  
Downloadable Sound (DLS) Level 1 Support  
PC98 Compliant  
Driver Support: Windows95,98, Windows NT 4.0and 5.0 (driver for  pure DOS mode  is not available)  
6 on board header, including: CD-in*2  / Video-in (Connect to audio-out of DVD Player) / Aux-in / PC_Speaker in / Mono-Out  
4 panel connectors: Audio Out(Line-out or Speaker-out) / Line-In / Mic / Game Port(MIDI)  
PC_PCI (a.k.a. SB-Link) header for 100% SBPro Hardware Compatible  
Line-out/Speaker-Out jumper for Speakers with amplifier or without amplifier.  
Compatible with  
Sound Blaster Pro: support PC/PCI link,(100% hardware DMA and IRQ support for games in Windows's DOS box.)  
Ad Lib  
MS Win Sound System  
Windows Sound Synthesis  
Full Duplex Operation (great for web phone etc.) - Record and playback simulateneously  
MS Windows 95,98 Plug-and-Play support  
Built-in OPL-3 FM synthesizer  
32bit PCI Interface.  
True 16 Bits stereo DAC and ADC  
Programmable sample rate on specification supports up to 48Khz under Windows 95.  
True 16 Bit DMA, IRQ, DRQ  
Drivers for Win 95, Win 3.1, NT and Window DOS Box on CD  
Yamaha Y-Station and other convinient multimedia/sound manipulation programs  
Joystick Port  
MPU-401 Port: The MPU-401 compatible serial port provides General MIDI v1.0 capabilities. The A-Trend 724A MIDI port not only supports MIDI out in Windows DOS Box and Windows, but also supports MIDI in and MIDI through modes.

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Posté le 30-08-2001 à 20:31:59  profilanswer

moi g une soundblaster 128 pci

Fais le ou ne le fais pas, mais il n'y a pas d'essai !!!
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Posté le 31-08-2001 à 03:39:07  profilanswer

combien pr la sound blaster 128 ?
je ne mets pas + de 100fr fdpin
@mailez moi

/!\ Po po poooooooo /!\

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  [ACHETE] carte son sound blaster 128 (ou ekivalent)


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