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Sujet : Traitement images en batterie dans script
Evadream -jbd- man mogrify (toujours dans imagemagick)

Mogrify transforms an image or a sequence of images. These transforms include image scaling, image rotation, color reduction, and others. Each transmogrified image overwrites the corresponding original image, unless an option such as -format causes the output filename to be different from the input filename. The graphics formats supported by mogrify are listed in ImageMagick(1).
To convert all the TIFF files in a particular directory to JPEG, use:
mogrify -format jpeg *.tiff
To convert a directory full of JPEG images to thumbnails, use:
mogrify -size 120x120 -resize 120x120 +profile "*" *.jpg  

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Evadream -jbd- man mogrify (toujours dans imagemagick)

Mogrify transforms an image or a sequence of images. These transforms include image scaling, image rotation, color reduction, and others. Each transmogrified image overwrites the corresponding original image, unless an option such as -format causes the output filename to be different from the input filename. The graphics formats supported by mogrify are listed in ImageMagick(1).
To convert all the TIFF files in a particular directory to JPEG, use:
mogrify -format jpeg *.tiff
To convert a directory full of JPEG images to thumbnails, use:
mogrify -size 120x120 -resize 120x120 +profile "*" *.jpg  

e_esprit man imagemagick
man convert
Tu devrais trouver ton bonheur :)
(faut installer Image Magick si ce n'est pas deja fait bien sur)
obut J'ai besoin de pouvoir lancer en ligne de commandes the gimp ou autre logiciel, pour pouvoir faire des recadrages en batteries d'images? Ayant plein d'images a recadrer je voudrais automatiser mes traitements?
Une idée géniale

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