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  [(Péniblement) RESOLU] Envoi mail depuis serveur


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[(Péniblement) RESOLU] Envoi mail depuis serveur

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 10:29:00  profilanswer

Toujours problème de mail ... mais changement d'objectifs donc changement de sujet.
Objectif : J'ai mon nom de domain domaine et je veux me créer une adresse mail admin@domaine.
2 Solutions possibles :  
- J'achète un nom de domaine + adresse mail (par exemple chez 1&1 env 5€/an _ y'a mieux ?)
- Je garde mon de chez dyndns (sur ip statique) et je créé ma base de mail perso
C'est pour un serveur LAMP, je veux donc pouvoir envoyer des mails de mon site web
     - Page de contact utilisateur --> admin
     - Page de contact utilisateur --> utilisateur
     - Page de contact admin --> utilisateurs
Quel est le cas le plus simple pour faire ça ?
J'ai essayé la configuration de postfix ... mais ça fait bien 2 semaines que je bloque.
Voici ma config :
Freebox (82.x.y.z) --> Passerelle ( --> Serveur (
Freebox : redirection port 80 -->
J'ai un compte admin sur ce serveur.
Donc comment configurer simplement postfix ou autre bien-sûr pour faire ça ?
Boite mail achetée ou boite mail perso ?
Merci tout le monde.
Pour info : ce sujet fait suite à celui-ci : [...] tm#t878110--> je bloque toujours

Message édité par moustik510 le 07-02-2007 à 16:01:04
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 10:29:00  profilanswer

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 10:34:34  profilanswer

achete juste un nom de domaine (pas les mails)
redirige le MX vers ton ip  
et configure Postfix  
mais si deja tu n'arrive pas a resoudre le 1ere probleme d'envoi de mail je ne vois pas comment tu peux avancer
encore une fois il faut les logs de postfix pour comprendre.

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 10:44:20  profilanswer

2 topic en // c'est dur a suivre
je remet le post ici pour poursuivre:
les logs c'est primordial
il faut que tu postes les logs originaux ici si tu veux avoir de l'aide.
de meme fait un postconf -n et poste la sortie ici

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 11:05:34  profilanswer

J'achète mon nom de domaine, je vais la redirection des mails.
Je fais une tentative de configuration de postfix.
Je pense que ça ne marchera pas mais ...
Et je donnerai :
-le fichier main
-la log
-le postconf
Merci pour ton aide et a+

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 11:28:35  profilanswer

J'en profite : ou acheter son nom de domaine ?
y'a tellement d'offres ...
Juste pour le nom de domaine et la redirection mail : le moins cher suffit ? 1&1 est bien ?

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 11:50:37  profilanswer

1&1, ovh, amen....
compare les tarifs  
l'important c'est la possibilité de gerer les DNS et notamment la modification du champs MX
c'est dispo chez les 3 que je t'ai cité.

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 13:20:38  profilanswer

Bon j'ai été chez OVH :
Voici la config par défaut : NS NS A   --> Je dois mettre mon adresse ip externe ou laisser comme ça ? CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME  

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 13:28:07  profilanswer

pour le champs A tu mets ton ip publique  
ensuite il te faut ajouter a cette conf par defaut un champs MX qui pointera vers

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:03:52  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

pour le champs A tu mets ton ip publique  
ensuite il te faut ajouter a cette conf par defaut un champs MX qui pointera vers

OK c'est fait --> N'essayez pas de tester, le serveur est éteind ... et j'ai rien dessus NS NS MX 1 A 82.x.y.z (mon ip publique) CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME CNAME  
A quoi servent les audio. et squirrel. ?
Vu que je veux recevoir les mails sur mon serveur, les mail. pop3. smtp., je peux les enlever ?
Si je ne veux pas utiliser ftp, je peux enlever les ftp. et ftp2. ?
Ok pour ça.
Maintenant pointe vers mon serveur.
Et les mails vont arrivés sur mon serveur.
Si j'ai créé un compte admin je peux donc envoyer un mail à
Ce soir je vais faire de la config postfix je crois !

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:15:40  profilanswer

La config serait du genre ....  ?

Code :
  1. # postconf -n
  2. alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
  3. alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
  4. command_directory = /usr/sbin
  5. daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
  6. debug_peer_level = 2 //???
  7. default_destination_concurrency_limit = 10 //???
  8. default_transport = smtp
  9. defer_transports = smtp
  10. local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
  11. mail_owner = postfix
  12. mailbox_command = /usr/local/bin/procmail
  13. myhostname = //machine.domain
  14. #myorigin = $myhostname
  15. myorigin =
  16. program_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
  17. queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
  18. relayhost = [smtp.moustik510.homelinux]
  19. sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical //???

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:15:40  profilanswer

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:29:21  profilanswer

myorigin c'est le nom de domain donc
myorigin =
le relayhost c'est le smtp de ton fournisseur d'acces donc a priori  (t'es pas obligé de mettre les [] )
il te manque:
mydestination =, Moustik,, localhost.localdomain, localhost
mynetworks =      (ajoute aussi ton reseau local)
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:35:04  profilanswer

Pourquoi fournir le smtp de free ?
C'est lui qui va gérer les envois c'est ça ?
Si je ne le met pas ?

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:43:44  profilanswer

c'est ton relais en fait
il va effectivement être l'etape entre ton serveur et le reste du monde lors d'un envoi.
cela marche tres bien sans l'option relayhost (le serveur envoie directement au smtp du domaine destinataire) mais les adresses ip DSL comme celles de free, sont très souvent blacklistées.
tes mails seraient rejetés par un serveur de mail qui ferait ce genre de verification. (il y en a de plus en plus, et c'est une bonne chose d'ailleurs)

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par toniotonio le 25-01-2007 à 15:44:26
Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 15:56:58  profilanswer

Et il faut renseigner un compte free ou non ?
free ne doit pas accepter d'être utilisé comme relais si facilement... ou alors il reconnait que la demande viens d'une ip free.
Pour un hébergement free (j'avais un mini-site jamais fini chez eux) free avait un système de quotas d'envoi de mail depuis le site. Si j'utilise free comme relais, j'aurais à respecter ces quotas ? (j'espère que non !) sinon je peux utiliser ovh comme relais ?

toniotonio a écrit :

mais les adresses ip DSL comme celles de free, sont très souvent blacklistées.

Donc je suis blacklisté si j'envoie directement des mails de mon serveur ?
C'est un vrai problème d'actualité ça : une minorité fais n'importe quoi (ici sur le net) et du coup c'est tout le monde qui en paye le prix !  :fou:  
Bon je te laisse tranquille ... le temps que je puisse faire mes tests ce soir.  :bounce: J'ai hâte de voir ce que ça donne.
Merci vraiment pour ton temps  :jap:  :hello:

Posté le 25-01-2007 à 16:04:38  profilanswer

free t'autorise sur leur smtp par ton ip .
 a ma connaissance il n'y a pas de limitation.

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 25-01-2007 à 20:46:28  profilanswer

Déjà ça part mal .... serveur not found
OVH pas encore mis à jour ?

Posté le 26-01-2007 à 09:56:50  profilanswer

maintenant ca semble bon

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 10:55:49  profilanswer

J'ai testé hier (avant l'activation d'OVH) et ça ne marche pas.
Sur le site j'ai deux pages web d'envoi de mail.
1 Vers l'email
2 Vers un email gmail
Et je ne reçois rien (même après activation)


Postconf -n


alias_database = hash :/ etc/postfix/aliases
alias_maps = hash :/ etc/postfix/aliases
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
default_transport = smtp
defer_transports = smtp
inet_interfaces = all
mail_owner = postfix
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail
mailbox_size_limit = 0
mydestination =, Moustik,, localhost.localdomain, localhost
mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks =,,
myorigin =
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
recipient_delimiter = +
relayhost =
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining, permit
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
smtpd_use_tls = yes




Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4135]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4142]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4143]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4144]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4145]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 20:33:52 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4277]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:34:53 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4285]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:35:54 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4288]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:36:55 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4289]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:37:56 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4290]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:38:57 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4291]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:39:58 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4301]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:40:59 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4304]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:42:01 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4305]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:43:02 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4316]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:44:03 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4334]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:45:04 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4335]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:46:05 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4336]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:47:06 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4337]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:48:07 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4338]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:49:08 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4339]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:49:34 Moustik postfix/pickup[4032]: fatal: watchdog timeout
Jan 25 20:50:09 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4341]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:51:10 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4342]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:52:11 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4345]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:53:12 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4356]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:54:13 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4366]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:55:14 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4371]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:56:15 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4372]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:57:16 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4373]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:58:17 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4374]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:59:18 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4375]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:00:19 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4376]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:01:20 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4377]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:02:21 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4378]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:03:22 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4388]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:04:23 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4389]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:05:24 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4392]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:06:14 Moustik postfix/pickup[4340]: fatal: watchdog timeout
Jan 25 21:06:25 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4407]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:07:26 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4438]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:08:27 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4513]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:09:28 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4595]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:10:29 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4596]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:11:30 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4613]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:12:31 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4614]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:13:32 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4615]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:14:33 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4616]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:15:34 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4630]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:16:35 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4642]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4753]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4763]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 22:19:10 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4774]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 22:20:12 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4835]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead


Jan 25 19:29:09 Moustik authdaemond.plain: modules="authpam", daemons=5
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: daemon started -- version 2.2.10, configuration /etc/postfix
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: B31DA5B7B0: from=<www-data@Moustik>, size=409, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: D8B085B7BB: from=<>, size=522, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 4D67D5B7B9: from=<>, size=497, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 45BB05B7CC: from=<>, size=2442, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 412EA5B7CF: from=<>, size=468, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 1D4135B7C0: from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:16 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: A6DF95B7C6: from=<>, size=676, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:16 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: A00E85B7D5: from=<>, size=2167, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:16 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 881975B7C5: from=<>, size=518, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:16 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 5BD335B7CE: from=<>, size=601, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4135]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4135]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4142]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4142]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4143]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4143]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4144]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4144]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4145]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 25 19:29:17 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4145]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4135 exit status 1
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4098]: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4142 exit status 1
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4124]: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4143 exit status 1
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4126]: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4144 exit status 1
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4122]: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4145 exit status 1
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4125]: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4098]: 45BB05B7CC: to=<www-data@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=81076, status=deferred (connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4126]: A00E85B7D5: to=<www-data@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=80797, status=deferred (connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4124]: 1D4135B7C0: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=81731, status=deferred (connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4125]: A6DF95B7C6: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=81137, status=deferred (connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/smtp[4122]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<[/email]@admin>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=80864, status=deferred (connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 881975B7C5: to=<[/email]@admin>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=81137, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:18 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4080]: 5BD335B7CE: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=80864, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4085]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4097]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4096]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4127]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:29:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4123]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4085]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4085]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=168679, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4097]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4097]: 4D67D5B7B9: to=<>, relay=none, delay=85021, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4096]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4096]: D8B085B7BB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=84989, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4127]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4127]: 881975B7C5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=81195, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4123]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:30:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4123]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=80922, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 19:30:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:31:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:31:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:32:16 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:32:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: connect to[]: Connection timed out (port 25)
Jan 25 19:32:46 Moustik postfix/smtp[4095]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=168829, status=deferred (connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Jan 25 20:13:11 Moustik postfix/master[4075]: reload configuration /etc/postfix
Jan 25 20:18:49 Moustik authdaemond.plain: modules="authpam", daemons=5
Jan 25 20:18:55 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: daemon started -- version 2.2.10, configuration /etc/postfix
Jan 25 20:33:52 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4277]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:33:53 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4277 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:33:53 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:34:53 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4285]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:34:54 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4285 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:34:54 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:35:54 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4288]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:35:55 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4288 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:35:55 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:36:55 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4289]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:36:56 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4289 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:36:56 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:37:56 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4290]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:37:57 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4290 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:37:57 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:38:57 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4291]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:38:58 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4291 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:38:58 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:39:58 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4301]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:39:59 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4301 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:39:59 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:40:59 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4304]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:41:00 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4304 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:41:00 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:42:01 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4305]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:42:02 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4305 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:42:02 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:43:02 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4316]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:43:03 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4316 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:43:03 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:44:03 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4334]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:44:04 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4334 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:44:04 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:45:04 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4335]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:45:05 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4335 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:45:05 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:46:05 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4336]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:46:06 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4336 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:46:06 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:47:06 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4337]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:47:07 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4337 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:47:07 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:48:07 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4338]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:48:08 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4338 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:48:08 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:49:08 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4339]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:49:09 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4339 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:49:09 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:49:34 Moustik postfix/pickup[4032]: fatal: watchdog timeout
Jan 25 20:49:35 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/pickup pid 4032 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:50:09 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4341]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:50:10 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4341 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:50:10 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:51:10 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4342]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:51:11 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4342 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:51:11 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:52:11 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4345]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:52:12 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4345 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:52:12 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: B31DA5B7B0: from=<www-data@Moustik>, size=409, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=173598, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=173598, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: D8B085B7BB: from=<>, size=522, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: D8B085B7BB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=89908, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 45BB05B7CC: from=<>, size=2442, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 45BB05B7CC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=86053, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 4D67D5B7B9: from=<>, size=497, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 4D67D5B7B9: to=<>, relay=none, delay=89940, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 412EA5B7CF: from=<>, size=468, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=85841, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=85841, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 1D4135B7C0: from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 1D4135B7C0: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=86708, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: A00E85B7D5: from=<>, size=2167, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: A00E85B7D5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=85774, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: A6DF95B7C6: from=<>, size=676, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: A6DF95B7C6: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=86114, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 881975B7C5: from=<>, size=518, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 881975B7C5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=86114, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 881975B7C5: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=86114, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 5BD335B7CE: from=<>, size=601, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 20:52:15 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4033]: 5BD335B7CE: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=85841, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 20:53:12 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4356]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:53:13 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4356 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:53:13 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:54:13 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4366]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:54:14 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4366 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:54:14 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:55:14 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4371]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:55:15 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4371 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:55:15 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:56:15 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4372]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:56:16 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4372 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:56:16 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:57:16 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4373]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:57:17 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4373 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:57:17 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:58:17 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4374]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:58:18 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4374 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:58:18 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 20:59:18 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4375]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 20:59:19 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4375 exit status 1
Jan 25 20:59:19 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:00:19 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4376]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:00:20 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4376 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:00:20 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:01:20 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4377]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:01:21 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4377 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:01:21 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:02:21 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4378]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:02:22 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4378 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:02:22 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:03:22 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4388]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:03:23 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4388 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:03:23 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:04:23 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4389]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:04:24 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4389 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:04:24 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:05:24 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4392]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:05:25 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4392 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:05:25 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:06:14 Moustik postfix/pickup[4340]: fatal: watchdog timeout
Jan 25 21:06:15 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/pickup pid 4340 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:06:15 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/pickup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:06:25 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4407]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:06:26 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4407 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:06:26 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:07:26 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4438]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:07:27 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4438 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:07:27 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:08:27 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4513]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:08:28 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4513 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:08:28 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:09:28 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4595]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:09:29 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4595 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:09:29 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:10:29 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4596]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:10:30 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4596 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:10:30 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:11:30 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4613]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:11:31 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4613 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:11:31 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:12:31 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4614]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:12:32 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4614 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:12:32 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:13:32 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4615]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:13:33 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4615 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:13:33 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:14:33 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4616]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:14:34 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4616 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:14:34 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:15:34 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4630]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:15:35 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4630 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:15:35 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:16:35 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4642]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/canonical.db: No such file or directory
Jan 25 21:16:36 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 4642 exit status 1
Jan 25 21:16:36 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 21:17:07 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: reload configuration /etc/postfix
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: warning: premature end-of-input on cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: warning: premature end-of-input on cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 1E3CE5B7DF: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 1E3CE5B7DF: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 1E3CE5B7DF: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 288EB5B7D6: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 288EB5B7D6: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 356C85B7D7: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 356C85B7D7: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2624, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 3F3595B7D8: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 3F3595B7D8: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=2624, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 41FFE5B7DA: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 41FFE5B7DA: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 48E235B7DB: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 48E235B7DB: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2624, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 288EB5B7D6: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 52C2A5B7DC: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 52C2A5B7DC: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/pickup[4437]: 553F25B7DD: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 553F25B7DD: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2549, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=2549, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2549, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 356C85B7D7: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 356C85B7D7: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2257, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 356C85B7D7: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=2257, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 356C85B7D7: to=<>, relay=none, delay=2257, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 3F3595B7D8: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<>, relay=none, delay=1383, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4660]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=2624, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=1383, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 41FFE5B7DA: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 983955B7EA: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=767, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=767, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 48E235B7DB: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 48E235B7DB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=494, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4663]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=2549, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 48E235B7DB: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=494, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 52C2A5B7DC: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: AE2795B7EE: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=489, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=489, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=489, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 983955B7EA: from=<>, size=2516, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 553F25B7DD: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>, relay=none, delay=10, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4660]: 356C85B7D7: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=2257, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 553F25B7DD: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=10, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>, relay=none, delay=10, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: AE2795B7EE: from=<>, size=2516, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: CB8605B7F2: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4663]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=1383, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: CB8605B7F2: from=<>, size=2516, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4668]: 48E235B7DB: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=494, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:36 Moustik postfix/local[4665]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=767, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4665]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=490, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 015FE5B7F3: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 015FE5B7F3: from=<>, size=2503, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4673]: 553F25B7DD: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=11, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 236055B7EF: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4660]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<>, relay=local, delay=1384, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 24F9F5B7F4: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4669]: 983955B7EA: to=<>, relay=local, delay=1, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 983955B7EA: removed
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 236055B7EF: from=<>, size=2503, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 24F9F5B7F4: from=<>, size=2506, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4668]: 48E235B7DB: to=<>, relay=local, delay=495, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 2FF915B7E8: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4665]: CB8605B7F2: to=<>, relay=local, delay=1, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: CB8605B7F2: removed
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 2FF915B7E8: from=<>, size=2506, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4673]: 015FE5B7F3: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 015FE5B7F3: removed
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4660]: 236055B7EF: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 236055B7EF: removed
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4669]: 24F9F5B7F4: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 24F9F5B7F4: removed
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/local[4668]: 2FF915B7E8: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:37 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 2FF915B7E8: removed
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/local[4663]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<>, relay=local, delay=776, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/local[4670]: AE2795B7EE: to=<>, relay=local, delay=9, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: AE2795B7EE: removed
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: 07DA45B7E8: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 07DA45B7E8: from=<>, size=2506, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/local[4665]: 07DA45B7E8: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:17:45 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 07DA45B7E8: removed
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/pickup[4662]: 8D3E15B7EA: uid=33 from=<www-data>
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4655]: 8D3E15B7EA: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 8D3E15B7EA: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<[]>, relay=none, delay=0, status=bounced (bad address syntax: "[]" )
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/local[4673]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=local, delay=0, status=bounced (unknown user: "[/email]" )
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4657]: A108C5B7EC: message-id=<>
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: A108C5B7EC: from=<>, size=2503, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/local[4660]: A108C5B7EC: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
Jan 25 21:18:21 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4651]: A108C5B7EC: removed
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: reload configuration /etc/postfix
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: B31DA5B7B0: from=<www-data@Moustik>, size=409, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=178744, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: B31DA5B7B0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=178744, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: D8B085B7BB: from=<>, size=522, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: D8B085B7BB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=95054, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 45BB05B7CC: from=<>, size=2442, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 45BB05B7CC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=91199, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 4D67D5B7B9: from=<>, size=497, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 4D67D5B7B9: to=<>, relay=none, delay=95086, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 412EA5B7CF: from=<>, size=468, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=90987, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=90987, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:01 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 48E235B7DB: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 48E235B7DB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=4120, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 41FFE5B7DA: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=4393, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1D4135B7C0: from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1D4135B7C0: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=91855, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1E3CE5B7DF: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=6250, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=6250, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A00E85B7D5: from=<>, size=2167, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A00E85B7D5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=90921, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A6DF95B7C6: from=<>, size=676, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A6DF95B7C6: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=91261, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 881975B7C5: from=<>, size=518, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 881975B7C5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=91261, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 881975B7C5: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>, relay=none, delay=91261, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 8D3E15B7EA: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=3581, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 8D3E15B7EA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=3581, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 5BD335B7CE: from=<>, size=601, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 5BD335B7CE: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>, relay=none, delay=90988, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 52C2A5B7DC: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=4115, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 52C2A5B7DC: to=<>, relay=none, delay=4115, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 553F25B7DD: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>, relay=none, delay=3636, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>, relay=none, delay=3636, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 288EB5B7D6: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=6175, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 288EB5B7D6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=6175, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 356C85B7D7: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 356C85B7D7: to=<>, relay=none, delay=5883, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 356C85B7D7: to=<>, relay=none, delay=5883, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 3F3595B7D8: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<>, relay=none, delay=5009, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: B31DA5B7B0: from=<www-data@Moustik>, size=409, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: D8B085B7BB: from=<>, size=522, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 45BB05B7CC: from=<>, size=2442, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 4D67D5B7B9: from=<>, size=497, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 412EA5B7CF: from=<>, size=468, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 48E235B7DB: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 41FFE5B7DA: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1D4135B7C0: from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1E3CE5B7DF: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A00E85B7D5: from=<>, size=2167, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A6DF95B7C6: from=<>, size=676, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 881975B7C5: from=<>, size=518, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 8D3E15B7EA: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 5BD335B7CE: from=<>, size=601, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 52C2A5B7DC: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 553F25B7DD: from=<>, size=453, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 288EB5B7D6: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 356C85B7D7: from=<>, size=466, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:02 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 3F3595B7D8: from=<>, size=456, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:07 Moustik postfix/smtp[4747]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<>,[], delay=90993, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as CCF6B9B5E9)
Jan 25 22:18:07 Moustik postfix/smtp[4747]: 412EA5B7CF: to=<[/email]>, orig_to=<[/email]>,[], delay=90993, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as CCF6B9B5E9)
Jan 25 22:18:07 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 412EA5B7CF: removed
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4753]: connect from[]
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4753]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtp[4751]: 41FFE5B7DA: to=<>,[], delay=4399, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtp[4751]: 1D4135B7C0: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<>,[], delay=91861, status=bounced (host[] said: 504 <admin@admin>: Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/cleanup[4759]: C02FB5B7BF: message-id=<>
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtp[4756]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>,[], delay=6256, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: C02FB5B7BF: from=<>, size=2603, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: C02FB5B7BF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 1D4135B7C0: removed
Jan 25 22:18:08 Moustik postfix/smtp[4756]: 1E3CE5B7DF: to=<>,[], delay=6256, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/smtp[4751]: A00E85B7D5: to=<>,[], delay=90928, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as DD1E47D54)
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: A00E85B7D5: removed
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4763]: connect from[]
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/smtpd[4763]: fatal: non-null host address bits in "", perhaps you should use "" instead
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4753 exit status 1
Jan 25 22:18:09 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 25 22:18:10 Moustik postfix/master[4028]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 4763 exit status 1
Jan 25 22:18:12 Moustik postfix/smtp[4746]: 4D67D5B7B9: to=<>,[], delay=95097, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as B7EEF49F50)
Jan 25 22:18:12 Moustik postfix/qmgr[4737]: 4D67D5B7B9: removed
Jan 25 22:18:13 Moustik postfix/smtp[4762]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>,[], delay=3647, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:13 Moustik postfix/smtp[4762]: 553F25B7DD: to=<>,[], delay=3647, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:13 Moustik postfix/smtp[4764]: 3F3595B7D8: to=<>,[], delay=5020, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Jan 25 22:18:13 Moustik postfix/smtp[4758]: A6DF95B7C6: to=<admin@admin>, orig_to=<admin@moust

Message édité par moustik510 le 26-01-2007 à 10:58:27
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:03:09  profilanswer

bcp de trucs a corriger la dedans !  :pt1cable:  
faut regler le pb du canonical en premier
qu'a tu dans ton fichier canonical ?
visiblemet tu n'a pas fait un postmap sur ce fichier ==> a faire  
ensuite :
mynetworks =,,
change le en
mynetworks =,,
y a d'autres trucs mais c'a c'est le plus urgent a fixer

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:07:08  profilanswer

j'ai supprimé la ligne canonical dans le vu que je ne savais pas ce que c'était : à la fin du fichier : tu n'as plus l'erreur.
Alors ça sert à quoi ?


ok pour mynetworks.
Dommage que je ne puisse pas administrer mon pc à distance depuis le net ...  
EDIT : mailq contient tous les messages que j'ai essayé d'envoyer.
Comment relancer l'envoi ?
Au contraire, comment supprimer les mails à ne plus envoyer ?

Message édité par moustik510 le 26-01-2007 à 11:08:59
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:10:48  profilanswer

ca sert a faire une correspondance entre adresse  
apriori tu devrais pas en avoir besoin.
tu n'as pas un acces SSH sur ta machine ?

Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:13:37  profilanswer

regarde du coté de postqueue et de postsuper

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:17:36  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

ca sert a faire une correspondance entre adresse
apriori tu devrais pas en avoir besoin.


tu n'as pas un acces SSH sur ta machine ?


J'ai ssh sur ma machine mais là je suis au boulot ... sur XP.
J'ai mon portable sur linux mais je peux pas me connecter à internet ...
je vais être obligé de bosser  :pfff:  mdr

Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:22:21  profilanswer

si t'as un acces complet  sur le net avec le XP t'as qu'a utiliser putty en client ssh pour te connecter sur ton linux

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:40:21  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

si t'as un acces complet sur le net avec le XP t'as qu'a utiliser putty en client ssh pour te connecter sur ton linux


.... Faut que j'ouvre le port 22 et que je reboot ma freebox. J'essaierai demain !
J'en ai marre de toujours tout reporter  :cry:

Posté le 26-01-2007 à 11:41:01  profilanswer


Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 26-01-2007 à 13:31:39  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

free t'autorise sur leur smtp par ton ip .
a ma connaissance il n'y a pas de limitation.
En fait c'est 200 par heure pour limiter les spammeurs. Largement suffisant !

Posté le 26-01-2007 à 13:59:59  profilanswer

je n'etais pas au courant  
effectivement c'est largement suffisant pour ton usage

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 27-01-2007 à 17:45:31  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

je n'etais pas au courant  
effectivement c'est largement suffisant pour ton usage

J'ai du nouveau ! Je me suis fais aidé de webmin pour tout ça!
Voici ou j'en suis :
1- Mes pages de test d'envoi de mail (>gmail et gmail-> marchent "presque". Il se retrouvent dans la file d'attente et restent là coincés. A l'aide de webmin, je force l'envoi : le message part !
Pourquoi ils ne sont pas partis tout de suite ?
2- Un message de l'extérieur ne marche pas : je suis sur gmail et j'envoi un mail à, je ne le reçois jamais. La log de postfix n'est pas modifiée.
Pourquoi ?
Voici mon postconf -n :

Code :
  1. alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
  2. alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
  3. append_dot_mydomain = no
  4. biff = no
  5. command_directory = /usr/sbin
  6. config_directory = /etc/postfix
  7. daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
  8. debug_peer_level = 2
  9. defer_transports = smtp
  10. mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail
  11. mailbox_size_limit = 0
  12. mydestination =, Moustik,, localhost.localdomain, localhost
  13. mydomain =
  14. myhostname =
  15. mynetworks =,,
  16. myorigin =
  17. recipient_delimiter = +
  18. relayhost =
  19. smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
  20. smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
  21. smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,     reject_unauth_destination,     reject_unauth_pipelining,     permit
  22. smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
  23. smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
  24. smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
  25. smtpd_use_tls = yes

Et voici ma config ovh :

Code :
  1. NS
  2. NS
  3. MX 1
  4. A
  5. CNAME
  6. CNAME
  7. CNAME
  8. CNAME
  9. CNAME
  10. CNAME
  11. CNAME

Bon j'ai petit problème avec ma log ... je me suis "amusé" à renommer les fichiers de log, et depuis ils ne sont plus mis à jour même en remettant les noms de fichiers d'origine (mail.err ...) j'étudie ça

Message édité par moustik510 le 27-01-2007 à 17:50:35
Posté le 29-01-2007 à 09:50:53  profilanswer

effectivement il faut que tu fixes le probleme des logs en 1er

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par toniotonio le 29-01-2007 à 09:51:14
Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 31-01-2007 à 13:55:18  profilanswer

toniotonio a écrit :

effectivement il faut que tu fixes le probleme des logs en 1er

C'est bon j'ai ma log :
Dans la log, on voit deux opérations :
- Formulaire d'envoi (se trouvant sur le serveur) d'un mail de vers : il arrive bien !  :sol:  
- Formulaire d'envoi (se trouvant sur le serveur) d'un mail de vers : reste bloqué dans la file d'attente, je suis obligé de le "débloquer" avec un flush pour qu'il parte  :fou:  
Un mail de l'extérieur : n'arrive jamais / ne génère aucune saisie dans la log.  :pfff:  
mail.err : vide

Code :
  1. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/pickup[12743]: 8267927C98: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  2. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/cleanup[12761]: 8267927C98: message-id=<>
  3. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: from=<>, size=356, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  4. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
  5. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/pickup[12743]: B748227C9D: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  6. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/cleanup[12761]: B748227C9D: message-id=<>
  7. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: B748227C9D: from=<>, size=359, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  8. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
  9. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled
  10. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: B748227C9D: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
  11. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: B748227C9D: removed
  12. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by root: /etc/postfix/
  13. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: /var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and /etc/hosts differ
  14. Jan 30 21:21:58 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: from=<>, size=356, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  15. Jan 30 21:22:01 server postfix/smtp[12875]: 8267927C98: to=<>,[], delay=98, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 1D9B427C88)
  16. Jan 30 21:22:01 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: removed
  17. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/pickup[12743]: E1AA827C99: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  18. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/cleanup[12905]: E1AA827C99: message-id=<>
  19. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: E1AA827C99: from=<>, size=359, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  20. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/local[12907]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
  21. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/local[12907]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled
  22. Jan 30 21:25:58 server postfix/local[12907]: E1AA827C99: to=<>, relay=local, delay=1, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
  23. Jan 30 21:25:58 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: E1AA827C99: removed
  24. Jan 30 21:26:00 server postfix/pickup[12743]: 4E3AD27C99: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  25. Jan 30 21:26:00 server postfix/cleanup[12905]: 4E3AD27C99: message-id=<>
  26. Jan 30 21:26:00 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 4E3AD27C99: from=<>, size=356, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  27. Jan 30 21:26:00 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 4E3AD27C99: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)

Code :
  1. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/pickup[12743]: 8267927C98: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  2. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/cleanup[12761]: 8267927C98: message-id=<>
  3. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: from=<>, size=356, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  4. Jan 30 21:20:23 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: deferred transport)
  5. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/pickup[12743]: B748227C9D: uid=33 from=<www-data>
  6. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/cleanup[12761]: B748227C9D: message-id=<>
  7. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: B748227C9D: from=<>, size=359, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  8. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
  9. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled
  10. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: B748227C9D: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)
  11. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: B748227C9D: removed
  12. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by root: /etc/postfix/
  13. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: /var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and /etc/hosts differ
  14. Jan 30 21:21:58 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: from=<>, size=356, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
  15. Jan 30 21:22:01 server postfix/smtp[12875]: 8267927C98: to=<>,[], delay=98, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 1D9B427C88)
  16. Jan 30 21:22:01 server postfix/qmgr[12744]: 8267927C98: removed


Code :
  1. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
  2. Jan 30 21:20:26 server postfix/local[12765]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled
  3. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by root: /etc/postfix/
  4. Jan 30 21:21:52 server postfix/postfix-script: warning: /var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and /etc/hosts differ
  5. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/local[12907]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
  6. Jan 30 21:25:57 server postfix/local[12907]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled

Posté le 31-01-2007 à 14:10:32  profilanswer

faudrait que tu regles les warning:
/etc/aliases :  tu l'as modifié ?
une modif doit etre suivi de la commande newaliases
a fixer:  not owned by root: /etc/postfix/
pour /var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and /etc/hosts differ  un restart de postfix (pas un reload donc /etc/init.d/postfix restart)  devrait suffire.
ensuite essaie deja d'envoyer des mail directement depuis la console (tu testeras avec tes scripts une fois que tout sera ok):
le defered se produit lors d'un envoi ou le relay n'estpas pris en compte:
 to=<>, relay=none, delay=0, status=deferred
avec le bon relay ca part:
to=<>,[], delay=98, status=sent
dans ton tu as la ligne defer_transports = smtp: pourquoi ?
il faut l'effacer
de meme si tu peux poster ton et un postconf -n pour verifier

Message édité par toniotonio le 31-01-2007 à 14:13:30
Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 31-01-2007 à 14:23:20  profilanswer

Je n'utilise pas alias, j'ai commenté les database_aliases et autres.
Et de toute façon j'avais indiqué /etc/postfix/aliases.
Je vais enlever le defer_transports, je l'ai vu sur un tuto, je l'ai donc mis sans vraiment savoir ce que ça faisait.
le est d'origine, je ne l'ai pas modifié.
pour le postconf -n je vais le chercher dès que je peux (ils bloquent putty chez [le client chez qui je travaille] ...)
Merci !

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 31-01-2007 à 23:44:34  profilanswer (par défaut je crois)

Code :
  1. #
  2. # Postfix master process configuration file.  For details on the format
  3. # of the file, see the Postfix master(5) manual page.
  4. #
  5. # ==========================================================================
  6. # service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
  7. #               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (100)
  8. # ==========================================================================
  9. smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  10. #submission inet n      -       -       -       -       smtpd
  11. # -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
  12. # -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  13. #smtps    inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  14. #  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  15. #submission inet n      -       -       -       -       smtpd
  16. #  -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
  17. #  -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  18. #628      inet  n       -       -       -       -       qmqpd
  19. pickup    fifo  n       -       -       60      1       pickup
  20. cleanup   unix  n       -       -       -       0       cleanup
  21. qmgr      fifo  n       -       n       300     1       qmgr
  22. #qmgr     fifo  n       -       -       300     1       oqmgr
  23. tlsmgr    unix  -       -       -       1000?   1       tlsmgr
  24. rewrite   unix  -       -       -       -       -       trivial-rewrite
  25. bounce    unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
  26. defer     unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
  27. trace     unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
  28. verify    unix  -       -       -       -       1       verify
  29. flush     unix  n       -       -       1000?   0       flush
  30. proxymap  unix  -       -       n       -       -       proxymap
  31. smtp      unix  -       -       -       -       -       smtp
  32. # When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops
  33. relay     unix  -       -       -       -       -       smtp
  34. -o fallback_relay=
  35. #       -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
  36. showq     unix  n       -       -       -       -       showq
  37. error     unix  -       -       -       -       -       error
  38. discard   unix  -       -       -       -       -       discard
  39. local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       local
  40. virtual   unix  -       n       n       -       -       virtual
  41. lmtp      unix  -       -       -       -       -       lmtp
  42. anvil     unix  -       -       -       -       1       anvil
  43. scache   unix - - - - 1 scache
  44. #
  45. # ====================================================================
  46. # Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
  47. # pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
  48. #
  49. # Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery
  50. # agent.  See the pipe(8) man page for information about ${recipient}
  51. # and other message envelope options.
  52. # ====================================================================
  53. #
  54. # maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
  55. # Also specify in maildrop_destination_recipient_limit=1
  56. #
  57. maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  58.   flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
  59. #
  60. # See the Postfix UUCP_README file for configuration details.
  61. #
  62. uucp      unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  63.   flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
  64. #
  65. # Other external delivery methods.
  66. #
  67. ifmail    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  68.   flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
  69. bsmtp     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  70.   flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/lib/bsmtp/bsmtp -t$nexthop -f$sender $recipient
  71. scalemail-backend unix - n n - 2 pipe
  72.   flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
  73. mailman   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  74.   flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
  75.   ${nexthop} ${user}

Et postconf -n retourne :

Code :
  1. append_dot_mydomain = no
  2. biff = no
  3. command_directory = /usr/sbin
  4. config_directory = /etc/postfix
  5. daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
  6. debug_peer_level = 2
  7. mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail
  8. mailbox_size_limit = 0
  9. mydestination =, server,, localhost.localdomain, localhost
  10. mydomain =
  11. myhostname =
  12. mynetworks =,,
  13. myorigin =
  14. recipient_delimiter = +
  15. relayhost =
  16. smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
  17. smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
  18. smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining, permit
  19. smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
  20. smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
  21. smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
  22. smtpd_use_tls = yes

Tu vois quelque chose ?

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 01-02-2007 à 00:00:21  profilanswer

J'ai donc rendu mail.conf à root.
J'ai enlevé le defer_transport
J'ai remis à jour le fichier host de postfix
J'ai remis les fichiers d'alias
J'ai remis les fichiers canonical
Et ça marche gmail->moustik510 et moustik510->gmail sans forcer le flush !!!!! Merci
Par contre l'envoi externe ne marche toujours pas.
Voici le contenu d'autres fichiers (utiles ?)
/etc/postfix/aliases : vide

Code :


Code :
  1.    admin

Tu vois une explication ?
Et pas de mise à jour de la log!

Message édité par moustik510 le 01-02-2007 à 00:01:17
Posté le 01-02-2007 à 10:05:32  profilanswer

pas d'envoi externe ?  qu'entends tu par la ?
les logs ne se mettent pas a jour ?  ce n'est pas normal. il te faut les logs pour debugguer.
/etc/postfix/aliases  ce n'est pas le fichier par defaut.
 dans le tu n'a visiblement pas de aliases donc postfix prend sa config par defaut: /etc/aliases.
edite le pour voir le contenu.
a priori recipient_canonical n'est pas necessaire

Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 01-02-2007 à 10:44:09  profilanswer

Quel est le rôle des alias en fait ?
Ce que j'appelle envoi externe : un utilisateur utilise son gmail / yahoo / free ou autre et veut envoyer un mail à
Ce mail n'arrive jamais.
Ce qui marche c'est l'envoi gmail<->moustik510 depuis un formulaire sur le serveur.
Comment savoir si les mails atteignent au moins mon ordi ?
Sinon c'est le MX de OVH qui ne redirige pas bien...

Posté le 01-02-2007 à 10:56:46  profilanswer

pour les alias un exemple:
tu as crée le user admin sur ton serveur.  
celui ci recoit les mails destinés à admin et
si tu crees un alias   toto vers admin
tous les mails envoyés a arriveront dans
c'est une table de correspondance d'adresse email  
ok pour l'envoi externe.   :pt1cable:  
apres avoir fait un nmap sur ton serveur il n'ecoute pas sur le port 25 (firewall ?)
de plus ton mx au niveau d'ovh n'existe pas:

Code :
  1. <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>> -t MX
  2. ;; global options:  printcmd
  3. ;; Got answer:
  4. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 35310
  5. ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
  7. ;   IN MX
  9.  10800 IN SOA 2007020100 86400 3600 3600000 86400
  10. ;; Query time: 230 msec
  11. ;; SERVER:
  12. ;; WHEN: Thu Feb  1 11:01:45 2007
  13. ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 81

c'est pour cela que tu ne recoit pas de mail depuis l'exterieur

Message édité par toniotonio le 01-02-2007 à 11:02:42
Enfin en travaux !
Posté le 01-02-2007 à 11:55:32  profilanswer

J'ai fait des changements sur mon compte OVH.
24 heures à attendre pour activation ?
Pour le port 25 : il faut donc que j'ouvre le port 25 de ma freebox ?
Je pensais que c'était inutile.
Donc ip publique port 25 -> ip serveur port 25.
On va tester

Posté le 01-02-2007 à 12:01:47  profilanswer

ca peut etre plus rapide faut tester
le port 25 c'est par la que les mails arrivent donc faut l'ouvrir  :)

Posté le   profilanswer

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  [(Péniblement) RESOLU] Envoi mail depuis serveur


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