En ce qui me concerne, hier j'ai fait une mega install en utilisant le setup du Big world Project, un script fait par un joueur allemand. Ca telecharge tous les mods tout seul, ensuite il a juste suffit de customiser les options dans le script pour enlever les mods non voulus, lancer la chose, et hop tout s'installe sans probleme jusqu'a la fin. Ce qui est interessant c'est que ce setup execute aussi un fixpack qu'il a fait et qui resout de nombreux bugs sur les mods qui ne sont plus maintenus, corrige les erreurs de packaging, et effectue les changements ou astuces d'installations necessaires pour qu'environ 200 mods restent compatibles entre eux.
Ce document de 250 pages qu'il a ecrit est tres utile aussi dans le cas d'installs manuelles, car ca donne un ordre correct pour les mods, le detail des options, et explique quels mods ont besoin d'etre fixes ainsi que les possibles conflits entre mods, et les features en double (ca pourrait t'aider Aranthys pour vite reperer ce qui est compatible ou non)
http://www.shsforums.net/index.php [...] owfile=534
Du coup je me suis installe tout ca
, j'ai retire les mods qui semblaient avoir de mauvaises reviews comme The Darkest Day, ou ceux qui font des changements trop drstiques sur le jeu (spell revisions, divine class remix, fighter remix notamment)
Ascension v1.4.23
This mod changes the end of Throne of Bhaal and changes some encounters.
Ascension is one the most popular mods at all, but as long as he is not fundamentally revised, it causes troubles in each configuration. The provisional installation at the beginning seems to be the least evil of all.
The component 'Tougher Illasera' needs to be installed before BGT-WeiDU, since AR4000.BCS is replaced, resulting in all the BG1 dream cutscenes occurring at rest in a Throne of Bhaal game.
Install Component 0 [Ascension v1.41 (requires ToB)]?
Install Component 1 [Tougher Abazigal (optional, requires ToB)]?
Install Component 2 [Original Tougher Demogorgon (optional, requires ToB)]?
Install Component 3 [Tougher Gromnir (optional, requires ToB)]?
Install Component 4 [Tougher Illasera (optional, requires ToB)]?
Install Component 5 [[Tougher Yaga-Shura (optional, requires ToB)]?
BG2 Fixpack-v8
This Mod repairs last bugs which were not repaired by the official patch. The mod substitutes completely Baldurdash and other fixpacks. The main part must be installed in any case!
Install Component 0 [BG2 Fixpack - Core Fixes]?
Install Component 1 [BG2 Fixpack - Game Text Update]?
Install Component 100 [Party Gets XP for Sending Keldorn to Reconcile With Maria]?
Install Component 101 [Improved Spell Animations]?
Install Component 102 [Cromwell's Forging Actually Takes a Day]?
Install Component 104 [Ghreyfain's Holy Symbol Fixes]?
Install Component 106 [Giants Receive Penalties When Attacking Halflings, Dwarves, and Gnomes]?
Install Component 107 [Remove Dual-Classing Restriction from Archers and Stalkers]?
Install Component 109 [Corrected Summoned Demon Behavior]?
Install Component 110 [Additional Script Fixes]?
Install Component 111 [Bard Song Fixes]?
Install Component 112 [Wizard Slayers Cause Miscast Magic on Ranged Attacks]?
One Pixel Productions v2.66
This mod changes the avatars, weapons and shield icons of Baldur's Gate II to those of Baldur's Gate.
Install Component 0 [One Pixel Productions: v2 Everything but Potions (1)]?
Install Component 1 [One Pixel Productions: v2 New Potion Graphics (2)]?
Install Component 2 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Flaming Swords (3)]?
Install Component 3 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Flame Short Swords (4)]?
Install Component 4 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Flame Short Swords item patches (5)]?
Install Component 5 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Flame Short Swords mod item patches (6)]?
Install Component 6 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Paperdolls (human, half-orc, elven, halfling, dwarves (par
Install Component 7 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Legacy Shields - Bucklers (D1) (8)]?
Install Component 8 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Legacy Shields - Small Shields (D2) (9)]?
Install Component 9 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Legacy Shields - Medium Shields (D3) (10)]?
Install Component 10 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Colourable Quarterstaves core (11)]?
Install Component 11 [One Pixel Productions: v3 Colourable Quarterstaves mod patches [caution advised.]
One Pixel Productions v3: Avatar Fixes
This mod changes the paperdolls and inventory icons of Baldur's Gate II to those of Baldur's Gate.
Install Component 0 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female elves w. leather armour [EFB2]]?
Install Component 1 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female elves w. chain mail [EFB3]]?
Install Component 2 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female elven cleric w. plate armour [EFC4]]?
Install Component 3 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female elven fighter w. plate armour [EFF4]]?
Install Component 4 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human unarmoured [HFB1]]?
Install Component 5 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human w. leather armour [HFB2]]
Install Component 6 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human w. chain mail [HFB3]]?
Install Component 7 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human cleric w. plate mail [HFC4]]?
Install Component 8 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human fighter w. plate mail [HFF4]]?
Install Component 9 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human unarmoured mage [HFW1]]?
Install Component 10 [1PP: Avatar fixes * female human mage w. light robe [HFW2]]?
Install Component 11 [1PP: Avatar fixes * fixed halfling progression [IFB1, IFB2, IFB3]]?
Install Component 12 [1PP: Avatar fixes * dwarves w. chain mail [DMB3]]?
Install Component 13 [1PP: Avatar fixes * male elves w. chain mail [EMB3]]?
Install Component 14 [1PP: Avatar fixes * male human w. leather armour [HMB2]]?
Install Component 15 [1PP: Avatar fixes * male human w. chain mail [HMB3]]?
Shadows Over Soubar v1.13
More than 100 new areas, new as well as changed, more than 400 new creatures, 4 new NPCs with their own tasks, more than 400 new items, more than 20 new stores, more than 30 mini quest and 2 major quest.
With SOS a kit fence is added. Do not click this one, it is not playable and causes a crash to desktop!
If you want to remove Charlotte's menagerie and get full controll over her, you may want install "The MTS Crappack" component "Install Charlotte sans Menagerie by Sir Billy Bob"
Check the Bodies v1.11
This are more than 20 independent quests. Dozens of class specific quests, items, spells, and even the unofficial mod Company of Eight is included. 450 creatures, 275 spells, 160 areas, 15 new areas, 25 stores, 24 quests, 11 new kits, 6 new songs, 1 new NPC, 1 new town and 1 film. The Mod starts with own tutorial. During four days are to be solved one quest each day. After that the regular BG2 game begins.
Tortured Souls TS-BP v6.10
The mod includes a task with the Yoshimo family, as well as a romance with Valygar for a female PC and a romance with Sime for a male PC - this are two absolutely different plots!
Region of Terror 2.1
The mod puts in Drizzt and his companions as playable NPC. The mod includes more than 10 new big and other 20 smaller tasks and adds four new towns / villages as well as an arena in which you can fight for premiums. Hundreds of new items, new spells, 10 new NPCs, more than 20 new kits, more than 160 new areas, a modders house (to reach with code) 30 - 40 hours of additional playing time.
Baldurs Gate Trilogy
Restored Textscreen Music v7
This small modification simply restores, and makes more consistent with the text, the music that is heard during the prologue textscreen in Baldur's Gate, and also restores the dreams' music.
Dark Side of the Sword Coast v2.15
A large mod that adds new areas, NPCs, quests, spells, items, and much more to Baldur's Gate
Northern Tales of the Sword Coast v170a
This mod brings to you new quests, locations and new monsters.
Secret of Bonehill v2.40
New areas, a new NPC and new quests. This mod is subdivided into two chapters, of those the first can be played rather early and the second only reveals after some time.
BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters v4.1
The Mod adds several mall quests. Also included is the Slime-Quest Mini-Modifikation, so now Jas-eys BG1 Mini-Quests replaces Slime-Quest v1.6.
The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight v1.8T1
The mod adds a long quest to the game and several subquests as well, with many new characters,tems, scripts and dialogs.
The Lure of the Sirine's Call v9
The Mod takes place in the coastal area south of Candlekeep, and involves the lighthouse, the treasure cavern, the sirines dwelling along the beach, and worgs and pirates.
The Stone of Askavar v1.4
This mod involves a main quest and several subquests. There are new items and spells as well as ots of new creatures to fight.
BG1NPC Project v17
This mod expands on the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the BG1
game. Every character has banters with other NPCs and with the main character, some have personal tasks, romances with Ajantis, Branwen, Coran, Dynaheir, Shar-Teel and Xan.
Install Component 0 [The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications]?
Install Component 1 [The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests and Interjections]?
Install Component 2 [The BG1 NPC Project: Give Edwin his BG2 portrait.]?
Install Component 3 [The BG1 NPC Project: Give Imoen her BG2 portrait.]?
Install Component 4 [The BG1 NPC Project: Give Jaheira her BG2 portrait.]?
Install Component 5 [The BG1 NPC Project: Give Minsc his BG2 portrait.]?
Install Component 6 [The BG1 NPC Project: Give Viconia her BG2 portrait.]?
Install Component 7 [The BG1 NPC Project: Kivan "Kivan and Deheriana Companions" portrait]?
Install Component 8 [The BG1 NPC Project: Add Non-Joinable NPC portraits to quests and dialogues]?
Install Component 9 [The BG1 NPC Project: Ajantis Romance Core (teen content)]?
Install Component 10 [The BG1 NPC Project: Branwen Romance Core (teen content)]?
Install Component 11 [The BG1 NPC Project: Coran Romance Core (adult content)]?
Install Component 12 [The BG1 NPC Project: Dynaheir Romance Core (teen content)]?
Install Component 13 [The BG1 NPC Project: Shar-Teel Relationship Core (adult content)]?
Install Component 14 [The BG1 NPC Project: Xan Romance Core (teen content)]?
Install Component 15 [The BG1 NPC Project: Female Romance Challenges, Ajantis vs Xan vs Coran]?
Install Component 27 [The BG1 NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment]?
Install Component 200 [The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues]?
BG1NPC Music Pack v5
This is a companion to The BG1NPC Project. Since the original voice actors were unavailable to
voice new lines, the project authors chose musical themes for each NPC to accompany new content.
Indira _v10.4_BGT
Indira is a half-elven, lawful good fighter/mage to be found in the Firewine Ruins. She has banters with almost all the BG1 NPCs also with MurNeth, if this mod is installed.
Mur'Neth v7
He is a member of the race of ooze-like shapechangers who venerate Ghaunadaur, the evil deity od oozes, moulds and the like. Has banters with Indira, if Indira is installed BEFORE Mureth.
Coran BG Extended Friendship Talks for Tutu and BGT v2
This mod expands Coran Friendship talk sequence.
Ajantis BG1 Expansion 2.1
The mod adds a friendship track for Ajantis. It is meant as an addition to the BG1NPC project.
Gavin cleric of Lathander, who can be found outside the Song of the Morning Temple, near Beregost.
BG1 Unfinished Business v7 for BG1Tutu and BGT
The mod restores many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the game's final release, as well as try to tie up some of the "loose ends." This comprehensive mod includes fixes and restorations, some of which patch materials other mods use. If the Mod is installed after BG1 NPC Projekt , it skippes automatically incompatible components.
Install Component 0 [Ice Island Level Two Restoration]
Install Component 1 [The Mysterious Vial]
Install Component 0 [Additional Elminster Encounter]
Install Component 8 [Safana the Flirt]
Install Component 9 [Appropriate Albert and Rufie Reward]
Install Component 10 [Place Entar Silvershield in His Home]
Install Component 12 [Quoningar, the Cleric]
Install Component 13 [Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi]
Install Component 14 [Edie, the Merchant League Applicant]
Install Component 15 [Flaming Fist Mercenary Reinforcements]
Install Component 16 [Creature Corrections]
Install Component 17 [Creature Restorations]
Install Component 18 [Creature Name Restorations]
Install Component 19 [Minor Dialogue Restorations]
Install Component 20 [Audio Restorations]
Install Component 21 [Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations]
Install Component 22 [Item Corrections and Restorations]
Install Component 23 [Area Corrections and Restorations]
Install Component 24 [Permanent Corpses]
Expanded Thief Stronghold v2.16
This mod expands the thief stronghold to make it more interesting.
Tortured Soul Quest v4
In Athkatla graveyard in one of the crypts player will meet a stranger. run fixpack
Every Mod and Dog V EMaDv3_260605
This Mod adds some minor quests which do not affect the main plot.
Install Component 0 [A Z-rated Adventure - an IM4 Non-Entry]?
Install Component 1 [The Promise of a Troll]?
Install Component 2 [A Bhaalspawn's Best Friend]?
Install Component 3 [Under Her Spell]?
Install Component 4 [Forgery]?
Install Component 5 [Character Medley]?
Planar Sphere 2.6c
This mod expands the quests in the Planar Sphere after it is acquired as a stronghold, introducing a villain of now infamous proportions.
The Bigg Quest Pack v2.02
A number of standalone fights
Install Component 0 [The curse of Mprolla the spammer]?
Install Component 1 [The curse of Mprolla the cheater]
Install Component 2 [A large battle]
Install Component 3 [Underdark Mage Duel]
Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblut) v5
This mod enables to ask Adalon for somewhat of her blood, so that one can finish the human skin
quest. This is thought for not-evil characters who want to get the informants, and afterwards deliver
the evil armor in one of the temples.
Spellhold Gauntlet Version 1.10
A row of tasks in the spellhold which test your limits.
Tower Of Deception v3.1
In the crooked crane at the city gates you meet Tian who sends you to an execrated lighthouse
Dungeon Crawl v4
This mod adds 4 new areas, a few new items and some quests. You will meet a new group of adven-
turers in the Copper Coronet. Together with them can get a valuable treasure chest on an island.
Assassinations v6
This mod offers players an opportunity to explore the darker side of the PC's nature--to follow more fully in Bhaal's footsteps.
Fading Promises v1
This mod introduces a long dead fallen paladin of Amaunator, who needs help in completing his last task.
Weimer's Item Upgrade v37
The mod enables Cromwell and Cespenar to improve additional objects which are relatively "weak"
(e.g. maces and clubs).
Rupert the Dye Merchant v1.0
This mod adds a new merchant who sells various dyes. Dyes work like potions, can be used by anyone, and will permanently change the user's colours.
Amber v2.5
Amber is a headstrong but irresistible thieving rogue with a good heart under her spiny surface. You can meet her the streets of Athkatla and she can have a romance with the main character.
Tsujatha v11
A joinable male elven necromancer NPC with optional romance for female PCs.
Saerileth v13
Saerileth is a 15-year-old paladin woman of deep religious conviction from the Outer Planes. She is romanceable for good-aligned humans, elves, and half-elves. She brings with her three new areas for SoA, two SoA quests, and a ToB quest. She has extensive voicing, banters, and interjections.
This mod is not compatible with multi-romance mods.
Beyond the Law v1.35
This mod lights up the unusual relationship between two people who cannot be more differently: Kova, a magician / thief with an unsavoury background and a good heart and Kiyone, a law-enforcing archer. The mod points out more about the power play between the Shadow Thieves and the Cowled Wizards in Athkatla and why certain things happened to certain NPCs. The NPCs of this mod appear
Ajantis for BG2 v0.2.18
Brings the paladin Ajantis from BG1 to BG2. He appears in the game the first time in the wind spear hills after the hijacking of Garren of wind spear child, and will wait for you afterwards in the order of the radiant heart.
Install Component 0 [Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII-SvA]?
Tashia Remix v1.1
With the young elven magician with dark moments in her past you find one more loyally, steadfast traveling companion. She can be located in Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet.
Chloe v1.2
A female kensai demigoddess NPC with an optional romance for a female PC or Imoen if she is in the party. Yes, Chloe is a lesbian romances mod. Because of interjections this mod must be installed after Nalia Romance and after Tashia.
Kivan and Deheriana Companions for BG2 v8.1 (formerly Kivan of Shilmista)
This mod adds Kivan from BG1 and under certain curcumstances, his elven wife Deheriana to the cast of BG2 actors. This mod is a first cut at telling one of the most romantic stories of BG1.
Fade SoA Beta22r = Fade SoAV3
The chaotic-neutral shadow thief can have romances with all men of every possible race and disposition. This is the SoA part of the romance - now the ToB part is written!
Kido v7
This mod which adds the chaotic evil jester, Kido, who receives visions from Cyric.
Ariena v2.2
Ariena is a neutral evil pit fighter. She is an Half-orc of an unusual human parentage. This must be installed after Kido.
Kindrek v2.4
A wizard-slaying, magic-hating NPC who will join your group in the City Gates.
Kitanya is a friendly, chaotic good elvish wizardslayer
Neh'taniel Alpha 2.73
Neh'taniel is a long dead follower of Amaunator with amusing background history who is restless since centuries.One or more files of this mod must be changed. This will be done by the patch from the folder Bi iG
World Fixpack.
Silverstar 192
The evil elven assassin has crude and cruel dialogs. She has banters with NPCs from SoA, but not from ToB
Valen v45
Converts Bodhi's vampiric assistant into a joinable NPC. Includes content for both SOA and TOB. There are new encounters and items.
Xan BG2 v8
Xan, a depressed elven enchanter, is a character originally from Baldur's Gate, now added to Baldur's Gate 2 as well. The mod includes an extensive friendship path, two completely different romances for a female elven PC.
Yasraena v9
The Yasraena Mod is full of banters, and it adds two quests to SoA and an encounter to ToB. Yaraena is a good drow, with a background to explain her good tendencies.
Alora NPC Mod Version 1.02
The halfling thief from Baldur's Gate can be found in Ribald's store.
She is a twenty year old talkative human fighter from Beregost. You will meet her in the Copper Coronet. She is involved with Nalia and can also be played in ToB. It is recommended to let her together with Nalia in the party to fully enjoy this mod.
The Undying v2.04
The mod includes two NPCs and the quest mod "Desecration of Souls". 1. Callisto T' sarran, neutral evil elven fighter/berserker with a tragic past and a sadistic present. mod also includes new encounters, new items, stores, dialogs between Callisto and the BioWare NSCs
2. An elven fighter-mage with a rancor against Irenicus, but she does not speak a lot about th has some banters with the main character and Imoen, but ignores the other NPCs in most cas
3. "Desecration of Souls" provides 4 new shops, new articles and encounters.
Kim 1.61
You meet the beautiful and depraved female pirate Kim with the shadow thieves.
The gnome thief/cleric priest of Cyric, Tiax from BG1, is a priest of Cyric with a sole intention "Tiax rules all!". He appears in chapter 4 in Spellhold, right after Irenicus leaves it as well as from the Fate Spirit in the Throne of Bhaal.
Sarah ToB v2 beta
This mod will add Sarah to SoA, a young human ranger who will romance a female PC.
Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant v1.0
A NPC for BGII SoA and ToB. More than 30 banters with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok. Hubelpot has a quest with an unusual reward. To start the mod, go to the fruit wholesaler in Waukeens Promenade.
Angelo v3
Angelo Dosan is the fighter-turned-mage who served as your brother's henchman in Baldur's Gate. Most likely he didn't survive your game, but people in this world seem to have a knack for not staying dead. In the Angelo NPC Mod, Angelo tracks you down in the Graveyard District to make you an offer you can't refuse (though perhaps you will).
Miriam v1.02
She is a human/vampire thief who is bored with immortality and wishes for new excitement and adventure.
Nikitalleria v1.01
She is a chaotic good female elf fighter/thief who enjoys doing good deeds and helping those in need. She has one quest, banters with the PC and fellow Bioware NPCs and she has her own personal items.
Ninde v1.1
Lady Ninde Amblecrown, the evil Necromancer with a tongue like a guillotine, formidable magical skill and a matching ego, can be found in Bodhi's lair only if the PC sides with Aran Linvail.
Xulaye v1
Xulaye Despana - sister to the insidious Phaere and daughter of the fearsome Matron Mother Ardulace joins your party at the beginning of the Ust Natha section of the Underdark. True evil lies in intent - and the wherewithal to carry it out.
Haldamir Version 0.5 Alpha
The mod adds an elven fighter to BG2. Haldamir can be found at the Den of the Seven Vales in Waukeen's Promenade. There is crossmod with Kivan, but install Kivan first. There is also a reaction to Talak or Solaufein from Romantic Encounters.
Moddie v1
Moddie is a female fox that banters with 12 BioWare NPCs. She is found behind the jailkeep golem /in the first level of Irenicus dungeon.
de'Arnise Romance v2
The mod adds a romantic relationship between Nalia and a male player character who is human,
elven, half-elven, or dwarven, of any character class and alignment.
We don't know what happens if also LuvNalia is installed, but common sense suggests that a
very least, installing two dedicated PC/Nalia romances would be a poor idea. However, the m
can be installed together with Auren Aseph.
Romantic Encounters v4
Romantic interludes with joinable and non-joinable characters. Adult content.
Banter Pack v9
Adds dozens of new dialogs to all BioWare NPCs. Encloses, in addition, new inventions from Jan.
IEP Extended Banter v3.2
Adds numerous banters between the Bioware NPCs, humorous, serious or otherwise.
Viconia Friendship v2.0
This mod adds a series of dialogues with Viconia and and attempts to give someone who isn't inter-
ested in a romantic relationship something to bite into. This mod is meant as extension to the IEP Ex-
tended Banters.
Mazzy Friendship v1.0
This mod adds a series of dialogues with Mazzy, in which you can discover more about the valiant
halfling. Mazzy is not the most talkative woman in the world, but she definitely has her opinions, and
will voice them if she feels it appropriate - similarly if she has questions she will not be afraid to ask.
This mod is meant as extension to the IEP Extended Banters.
Yoshimo Friendship v1.0
This mod adds a series of dialogues with Yoshimo and expands on the humorous rogue, adding to
his story a new perspective on the character. This mod is meant as extension to the IEP Extended
Edwin Romance v1.07
Allows the player to carry out a romantic relationship with Edwin Odesseiron, that insulting Thayvian
wizard wearing red.
Imoen v12Full
This mod adds a huge number of new dialogs for Imoen in Shadows of Amn.
Additional banters, if Tashia and Nalia's Romance (not de'Arnise Romance) had been installied before.
Goo the Disembodied Floating Eyeball v 3.0
Gozaloth (Goo to his friends) is a disembodied floating eyeball with breath which can daze a yak. He
can be found in the planar sphere.
Horace v1.70
Skeleton NPC with its own kit.
Summon Bhaalspawn v2
The Mod adds an additional NPC named Sandra in a very interesting way with some very interesting
dialogs which could come by certain circumstances to a surprise for Imoen. To start this game, talk
to the thief in the docks district.
Perils of Branwen v0.8.05d
Branwen returns to Athkatla. She's followed you from Baldur's Gate. The neutral good cleric of Tem-
pus can be found in the Bridge District.
The Slithering Menace (Snakes) v 3.3
This mod adds a little quest and a new item to ToB.
Facing the Shade Lord again
This mod adds a quest to the Umar hills. A a village must be saved from the attacks of the shades.
K'aeloree's BWL Contest Items
This mod adds a quest to the Umar hills. A new cult has appeared and must be infiltrated.
Au service d'Oghma Version 1
The Mod begins in the temple of Oghma where a new monk suggests to you a small quest
ShardsOfIce-v4 = Shards of Ice
This mod contains both mods made by icelus foer the Iron Modder competition.
Install Component 0 [The Price Of Friendship]?
Install Component 1 [Some of My Best Friends Are Slimes]?
Install Component 2 [You Could Restore the Summon Cow Spell, But Why?]?
Lucy the Wyvern v1
Provides a resolution to the saga of the enigmatic winged creature in Ribald's.
Install Component 0 [Lucy the Wyvern]?
Unfinished Business for BGII v18
This mod restores many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the game's final release and
ties up some of the "loose ends."
Install Component 0 [The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette]?
Install Component 2 [Kalah and What He Was Promised]?
Install Component 3 ["Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain]?
Install Component 4 [Gorje Hilldark and the Extended Illithium Quest]?
Install Component 5 [The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest]?
Install Component 6 [Restored Crooked Crane Inn]?
Install Component 7 [Restored Encounters]?
Install Component 8 [Artemis Entreri in Bodhi's Lair]?
Install Component 9 [Corrected "Xzar's Creations"]?
Install Component 10 [Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0]?
Install Component 11 [Gorf the Squisher Fix, by Gebhard Blucher]? UB skips this component if Fixpack is installed
Install Component 12 [Item Restorations]?
Install Component 15 [NPC Portrait Restorations]?
Install Component 16 [Corrected BAMs and Scripts]?
Install Component 17 [Corrected Character Names and Biographies]?
Install Component 18 [Restored Minor Dialogs]?
Install Component 19 [Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider]?
Install Component 20 [Extended ToB Item Descriptions]?
Install Component 21 [Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations]?
Install Component 22 [Feralan Kit]?
Install Component 23 [Justifier Kit]?
Wild Mage Additions v1.6
This mod features 18 new wild magic spells, as well as the Spellshaper Kit - a practitioner of wild magic who casts his spells by virtue of raw magical talent or gift, a wizard capable of casting spells
The Wild Mage Rhialto is unbeatable at the first encounter in BG1. That's no bug - it's intended
by the author and there is a chance to escape unscathed.
Teleport v12
This mod adds a 7th level spell to the game, that allows the entire party teleport to the areas you have already visited.
Sword Coast Stratagems v12
SCS adds more than 50 optional components to BG1 (substantially upgraded general AI, upgraded
enemy challenges, NSC management and general improved gameplay). This mod however is not to
compare with other tactics mods, as it makes combats more interesting and tactically challenging,rather than just making it harder by brute-force methods like tripling all the damage rolls. SCS also includes a few ease-of-use features and tweaks.
One or more files of this mod must be changed. This will be done by the patch from the folder BiGWorld Fixpack.
Install Component 10 [Detectable Spells]?
Install Component 20 [Allow enemy AI to detect the party's magic items]?
Install Component 30 [Correct various errors on race, class etc]?
Install Component 1010 [More consistent Breach spell (doesn't penetrate Spell Turning)]?
Install Component 2000 [Make elemental arrows more like their BG2 counterparts]?
Install Component 2020 [Re-introduce potions of extra-healing]?
Install Component Standardise spells: BG1 vs BG2
Install Component 3010 [Faster bears]?
Install Component 3020 [Allow player to choose NPC proficiencies and skills]?
Install Component 3050 [Better NPC management]? [I]nstall
Install Component 3080 [Improved shapeshifting]?
Install Component 4020 [Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads]?
Install Component 4050 [Ease-of-use player AI]?
Install Component 5000 [Smarter general AI]?
Install Component 5010 [Better calls for help]?
Install Component [Potions for NPCs]? 1
Install Component [Smarter Mages]? 2
Install Component [Smarter priests]? 2
Install Component 5050 [Smarter deployment]?
Install Component 5070 [Smarter sirines and dryads]?
Install Component 5080 [Slightly harder carrion crawlers]?
Install Component 5090 [Smarter basilisks]?
Install Component 6000 [Improved doppelgangers]?
Install Component 6010 [Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards]?
Install Component 6020 [Improved Deployment for Parties of Assassins]?
Install Component 6030 [Dark-Side-based kobold upgrade]?
Install Component 6040 [Relocated bounty hunters]?
Install Component 6050 [Improved Ulcaster]?
Install Component 6060 [Improved Balduran's Isle]?
Install Component 6070 [Improved Durlag's Tower]?
Install Component 6080 [Improved Demon Cultists]?
Install Component 6090 [Improved Cloakwood Druids]?
Install Component 6100 [Improved Bassilus]?
Install Component 6110 [Improved Drasus party]?
Install Component 6120 [Improved Red Wizards]?
Install Component 6130 [Improved Undercity party]?
Install Component 6140 [Improved minor encounters]?
Install Component 6150 [Tougher chapter-two end battle]?
Install Component 6160 [Tougher chapter-three end battle]?
Install Component 6170 [Tougher chapter-four end battle]?
Install Component 6180 [Tougher chapter-five end battle]?
Install Component 6190 [Tougher chapter-six end battle]?
Install Component 6200 [Improved final battle]?
Turnabout v1
This mod enables the player to recall dead allies to aid in the final fight in Throne of Bhaal.
Homeward Bound v2
This mod allows the player to return his or her BioWare companions from the Pocket Plane to their homes in Amn. It also allows them to be re-summoned.
The mod must be installed after Ascension, because otherwise a Ascension file is changed in such a manner that Longer Road cannot be installed any more.
Solaufein NPC v1.03
Change Solaufein into a joinable NPC. For SoA as well as for ToB. Optional romances with every main character. Solaufein adapts to the group when joining, this means, is your main character good,
Solaufein will be chaotic-good, is your main character bad, then Solaufeins will be chaotic neutral.
Solaufein Flirt Pack v4.0
This mod does nothing more than add a bit of extra content to Weimer's excellent Solaufein Ro-
mance mod.
Sheena v1.6
Sheena is a neutral good half red dragon multiclass fighter/wizard, the spawn of a copulation between a female human and Lord Jierdan Firkraag. Should be installed after Solaufein. The romance triggers only if one has Mazzy in the party - if it triggers at all.
Kelsey SoA 2.1 / Kelsey ToB 2.2
A male human sorcerer NPC with optional romances for a female PC or Imoen.
Imoen v12Full
This mod adds a huge number of new dialogs for Imoen in Shadows of Amn.
Additional banters, if Tashia and Nalia's Romance (not de'Arnise Romance) had been installied before.
Getting Rid of Anomen v1.1
Adds a new dream sequence to the Kelsey romance involving an imperfect future where one knight
of Helm just won't go away. Only for a female char. You need to be in romance with Kelsey and you need to have Anomen in your party.
Keto v3
Keto is a young woman out on her own, looking to make a basically honest living as a minstrel, but
spending most of her time skirting the front door of every dungeon in Amn...
Nathaniel v4.2
Nathaniel Aplin-Fletcher is a former officer of the Flaming Fist. Although he is an experienced fighter, Nathaniel suffers from selfdoubts, possibly because of his lack of ruggedness. For some players he can become a loyal companion. For the right male character a friendship can develop to more.
Revised HLA table component of Refinements makes Nathaniel's items unusable .
The Luxley Family v1.1
The Luxley Family introduces two joinable NPCs, Sebastian and Andrei Luxley, to your game. Both have detailed talk tracks with the PC; they also banter with each other and also with all Bioware NPCs extensively throughout the game.
This Mod must be installed because of interactions with Nathaniel after that mod.
Kiara-Zaiya v1.6
Zaiya is chaotic-good half elves magician who is searching for her friend Kiara, a neutral-evil monk.
This Mod must be installed because of interactions with Solaufein after that mod. If this Mod is in-
stalled together with the Valen NPC, not all Valen dialogues appear.
Yikari v1.4
Yikari is a monk from Kara-Tur, complete with his own quest. He can be found in the Temple in Athkatla. He has banters with all Bioware-NPCs except Mazzy and Valygar. Because of interjections this mod must be installed after Tactics and after Item Upgrade.
Iylos v2.3
Iylos Mirdan is an arrogant, sarcastic monk created for BGII: Throne of Bhaal. He is sent by zar to ascertain the main character's intentions and motivations. He has a fairly extensive relhip path, and can be befriended by players of any race. Because of its crossmod content Iylos must be installed after Ascensiom.
NPCFlirt Pack v1.02
Adds new love affairs to the following Bioware NPCs: Aerie, Anomen, Jaheira, and Viconia. Includes adult content for Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and ToB.
Ding0's QuestPack v2.3
This mod adds other adventures to BG2; some are extensions, other absolutely new.
This mod must be installed because of interactions with Kelsey, Keto and Virtue after these mods, must also be installed after NPCFlirt Pack to avoid inappropriate flirts in the underdark and must be installed before Refinements. ATTENTION: This Mod must be installed in three steps! The component General AI Improvements is to be installed before SCS, the component Improved Oasis II is to be installed before Longer Road, all the others after Kelsey!One or more files of this mod must be changed. This will be done by the patch from the folder Bi iG
World Fixpack.
Install Component 4 [Miscellaneous Enhancements]?
Install Component 6 [Alternative Harper/Xzar Plot]?
Install Component 8 [Intrigue In The Copper Coronet]?
Install Component 9 [Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest]?
Install Component 10 [Revised Hell Trials]?
Install Component [Improved Oasis II]? 1
Install Component 13 [Saving Sanik In Brynnlaw]?
Install Component 14 [Burglary Of The Bookkeeper]?
Install Component 15 [New Fate For The Dryads' Acorns]?
Install Component 16 [The Tragedy Of Besamen]?
Install Component 17 [Further Slaver Involvement]?
Install Component 18 [Sending The Solamnic Knights Home]?
Install Component 19 [Nazariel The Lich]?
Install Component 20 [Reward Negotiation]?
Install Component 21 [Infernal Thievery]?
Crossmod Banter Pack for Baldur's Gate II v7
This mod adds dozens new banters, interjections, romance conflicts between the NPCs from different mods if these are installed.
Thrown Hammers v1
This modification adds animations to the thrown hammers so they no longer appear as axes flying through the air instead of hammers. Also a few new items will be spread in the game If you want the weapons in this mod to take the "Sensible Weapon Restrictions" from Ashes of Embers, install Thrown Hammers before AoE.
Rogue ReBalancing by aVENGER v4.1
This mod re-balances the bards and thieves and gives them new abilities In any case, Quest Pack should be installed before Rogue ReBalancing.
The "Summons/NPCs Set Off Traps" component of Ding0's Tweak Pack is conceptually incompatible with the "Shadow Thief Improvements" component of Rogue ReBalancing as it will inad-
vertently cause the Shadow Thief opponents to trigger their own traps. If you wish to use both of these components at the same time then you must install "Summons/NPCs Set Off Traps" before "Shadow Thief Improvements" so that the changes it introduces do not apply to the "Shadow
Thief Improvement"-areas.
In order to achieve full compatibility with the Refinements mod, the "Thief High Level Ability revisions" and "Bard High Level Ability revisions" components must be installed after Refinements.
The "Thief High Level Ability revisions" component needs to be installed after the "Triple-Class HLA Tables" component of BG2 Tweaks because the "Triple-Class HLA Tables" component of BG2 Tweaks currently overwrites the corresponding 2DA files with its own versions. RR's compo-
nent patches the corresponding 2DAs in a non-destructive manner, it's safe to install it after BG2 Tweaks.
Install Component 0 [Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards]?
Install Component 1 [Thief kit revisions]?
Install Component 2 [Thief High Level Ability revisions]?
Install Component 3 [Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills]?
Install Component 4 [Bard kit revisions]?
Install Component 5 [Bard High Level Ability revisions]?
Install Component 6 [Proper spell progression for Bards]?
Install Component 7 [Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards]?
Install Component 8 [Upgradeable Equipment]?
Install Component [Revised Thievery]? [1]
Install Component 11 [Chosen of Cyric Encounter]? Certain revised spells from the Spell Revisions mod like Glitterdust may cause serious AI problems with this component. Unfortunately there is no compatibility patch available.
Sword Coast Stratagems II v8
SCS adds more than 60 optional components (substantially upgraded general AI, upgraded enemy challenges, NSC management and general improved gameplay). This mod however is not to compare with other tactics mods, as it makes combats more interesting and tactically challenging, rather than just making it harder by brute-force methods like tripling all the damage rolls. SCS also includes a few ease-of-use features and tweaks.
Install Component 1000 [Detectable spells and effects (required for most other components)]?
Install Component 2010 [More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate
You get the following error message:
Install Component 2050 [Make individual versions of Spell Immunity available, so that players can use them inContingencies etc.]?
Install Component 2060 [Revert Greater Restoration back to only affecting one creature]?
Install Component 2070 [Blade Barrier and Globe of Blades only affect hostile creatures]?
Install Component 3080 [Faster Bears]? This component will be skipped if the equivalent SCSI component is already installed.
Install Component [Increase the price asked by Gaylan Baele]? In the unmodded game Gaylan asks the player to provide 20,000gp.
Install Component 4010 [Make Freedom scrolls available earlier]?
Install Component 4030 [Retrieve Dropped Items from Hell]?
Install Component 5000 [Ease-of-use party AI]?
Install Component 6000 [Smarter general AI]?
Install Component 6010 [Better calls for help]?
Install Component [Potions for NPCs]? 1
Install Component 6040 [Give fiends more staying power by increasing their hit points (this component has no effect unless Improved Fiends is installed)]?
Install Component [Improved fiends]? 2
Install Component [Smarter genies]? 2
Install Component 6070 [Give Celestials slightly more staying power]?
Install Component [Smarter celestials]? 2
Install Component 6090 [Give dragons more staying power by increasing their hit points]?
Install Component [Smarter dragons]? 2
Install Component [Smarter beholders]? 2
Install Component [Smarter mind flayers]? 1
Install Component 6130 [Improved Vampires]?
Install Component 6135 [Smarter githyanki]?
Install Component 6140 [Enemy mages use Simulacrum and Project Image spells (this component will have no effect unless you install Smarter Mages)]?
Install Component [Smarter Mages]? 2
Install Component [Smarter Priests]? 2
Install Component [Add high-level abilities (HLAs) to ToB mages]? 1
Install Component [Add high-level abilities (HLAs) to ToB priests]? 1
Install Component [Add high-level abilities (HLAs) to SoA mages]?
Install Component [Add high-level abilities (HLAs) to SoA priests]?
Install Component 6210 [Smarter Illasera]?
Install Component 6220 [Smarter Yaga-Shura]?
Install Component 6230 [Smarter Abazigal]?
Install Component 6240 [Smarter Gromnir]?
Install Component 6250 [Smarter Melissan]?
Install Component 6260 [Give Ascension demons SCSII scripts and abilities]?
Install Component 6270 [Give Ascension versions of Irenicus and Sendai SCSII scripts and abilities]?
Install Component 7000 [Improved Shade Lord]?
Install Component 7010 [Spellcasting Demiliches]?
Install Component 7020 [More resilient trolls]?
Install Component [Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings]? 1
Install Component 7040 [Improved Random Encounters]?
Install Component [Improved d'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix" )]? 2
Install Component 7060 [Slightly improved Faldorn]?
Install Component [Improved Bodhi (Tactics Remix)]? 2
Install Component 7075 [Party's items are taken from them in Spellhold]?
Install Component 7080 [Improved Sahuagin]?
Install Component 7090 [Improved Beholder hive (adapted from Quest Pack)]?
Install Component 7100 [Prevent resting in the Illithid city]?
Install Component [Slightly Improved Drow]? 1
Install Component 7120 [Slightly Improved Watcher's Keep]?
Install Component 7130 [Improved Fire Giant temple]?
Install Component 7140 [Enhanced Sendai's Enclave]?
Install Component 7150 [Improved Abazigal's Lair]?
Install Component 7160 [Improved minor encounters [almost no content yet]]?
BGT Tweakpack BGTTweak v8
This compilation repairs problems with the original Baldur's Gate and Legends of the Sword Coast.
Install Component 100 [Eldoth reminds of Skie's ransom]?
Install Component 400 [Add Semaj's Cloak and Upgraded Koveras' Ring of Protection]?
Install Component 500 [Major locations explored upon visit]?
Install Component 800 [Import more items into Shadows of Amn]?
Install Component 1000 [Bags of the Sword Coast]?
Install Component 1400 [More bandit scalps]?
Install Component 1900 [Restore BG2 XP bonus for traps, locks, and scrolls]? This component must be installed before the BG2Tweak component "Change ExperienCap" because otherwise it reduces its level from 50 to level 40.
Install Component 2100 [Exotic Weapons For Taerom]?
Install Component 2300 [Disable hostile reaction after charm]? [Y]es
BGSpawn System v1
This mod will replace the simple random encounters in BG1 with a ingenious system. Instead of always the same spawned creatures as in the past there are now different creatures, depending of the area in that you travel and whether it is day-time or night-time. The difficulty of the encounters is depending of the experience of your party.
BG2 Tweaks v7
This is a compilation of fixes, cosmetic changes, and tweaks. It substitutes G3 Tweak Pack, Tutu Tweak Pack and Ease of Use.
Install Component 40 [Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue]?
Install Component 60 [Weapon Animation Tweaks]?
Install Component 1010 [More Interjections]?
Install Component 1020 [Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues]?
Install Component 1070 [Improved Kick-out Dialogues]?
Install Component 1080 [Add Bags of Holding]?
Install Component 1090 [Exotic Item Pack]? This component distributes some weapons from BGII into the area BGI
Install Component 1130 [Reputation Resets in BG2 (BGT Only)]? Because the hero and his party are still unknown in Amn when they emerge from the opening dungeon after the transition from BG 1 to BG2 and go to the Adventurer's Mart, they cannot already enjoy advantages because of her good call.
Install Component 1140 [Gems and Potions Require Identification]?
Install Component 1150 [Shapeshifter Rebalancing]? Shapeshifter abilities now create "symbolic paws". When you wield one you turn into a Werewolf, when you remove it you're human again. A similar solution is as well included with the SCS-component !mproved shapeshifting・as withthe Refinements-component hapeshifting Fix・
Install Component [Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash)]?
1170 [Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash)]? [I]nstall
This adds Joluv and Diedre to the Copper Coronet and Ribald's Mart, respectively.
nstall Component 1180 [Female Edwina]?
nstall Component 2020 [Two-Handed Bastard Swords]? You can switch back to the one-handed version at any time. The ability is found behind the backpack icon, once the sword is equipped. This component will not affect items introduced by mods! It may happen that a bastard sword seems to have a selling price of 1 golden coin. Resting willfix this.
Install Component 2030 [Two-Handed Katanas]? You can switch back to the one-handed version at any time. The ability is found behind the backpack icon, once the sword is equipped. This component will not affect items introduced by mods! It may happen that a katana seems to have a selling price of 1 golden coin. Resting will fix this.
nstall Component 2040 [Universal Clubs]? This component affects ALL objects, also those from other mods!
SKIPPING 2050 [Description Updates for Universal Clubs]?
nstall Component 2060 [Weapon Styles for All]?
Install Component 2220 [Multi-Class Grand Mastery (Weimer)]?
Install Component 2210 [True Grand Mastery (Baldurdash)]? A sophisticated variation is included with the Mix Mod 5! Not compatible with TDD or the level 50rule sets of BP!
Install Component 2320 [Trap Cap Removal (Ardanis/GeN1e)]?
Install Component 3090 [Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking]? This component affects ALL objects, also those from other mods! A sophisticated variation is included with the Mix Mod 5! This allows gradual setting instead of Unlimited Stacks.
Install Component 3125 [Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation]?
Install Component 4000 [Adjust Evil joinable NPC reaction rolls]? This component makes it likelier that evil-aligned joinable NPC prefers a low-reputation party.
Install Component 4010 [Improved Fate Spirit Summoning]? You can only summon NPCs which you have met during the game.
Install Component [Consistent Stats: Minsc]? 2
Install Component [Consistent Stats: Viconia]? 2
Install Component 4110 [Give Kagain A Legal Constitution Score of 19]?
Ding0's Tweak Pack v20
This is a collection of different improvements like corrected behavior of demons, dimension door, enchanted weapons. Not everything is suitable for BGT.
Install Component 0 [Enhanced Goodberries]?
Install Component 1 [Corrected Summoned Demon Behaviour]? Is now included in the BG2 Fixpack!
Install Component 2 [Corrected Demon Animations]? Is now included in the BG2 Fixpack!
Install Component 5 [Additional Racial Enemies]?
Install Component 7 [PnP Celestial Fury]?
Install Component 9 [Kill Cespenar]?
Install Component 11 [Visual Ioun Stones]? Not together with the Item Revisions component !tem Revisions by Demivrgvs・ because the main component already contains a more advanced version of the visual Ioun Stones.
Install Component 12 [Kensai Ryu's Restored Drow Innate Abilities]?
PnP Free Action (Beta 1)
This component ensures Free Action does not cancel or prevent movement bonuses.
aTweaks v2.5
This mod includes different Pen & Papers improvements and different rules, which are designed, in order to make the gameplay more consistent.
Install Component 100 [Restore innate infravision to Half-Orc characters]?
Install Component 101 [Prevent skeletal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attack]?
Install Component 102 [Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon]?
Install Component 103 [Allow Dispel/Remove Magic to take down Globes of Invulnerability]?
Install Component 110 [Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level]?
Install Component 120 [Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins]?
Install Component 130 [Additional racial traits for Dwarves]?
Install Component 140 [Additional racial traits for Gnomes]?
Install Component 200 [Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items]?
Install Component 201 [Instant casting for warrior innates]?
Install Component 202 [Consistently spell-like Bhaalpowers]?
Install Component 203 [Make druidic shapeshifting uninterruptable]?
Install Component 204 [Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs]?
Install Component 205 [Prevent Project Image and Simulacrum clones from using quickslot items]?
Install Component [Bard songs break invisibility]? 1
Install Component 220 [Simple Thief script]?
Install Component 230 [Simple Bard script (sing battlesong when idle)]?
Install Component 300 [Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation]?
Install Component 301 [Change the appearance of Valygar's armor]?
Install Component 302 [Change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna]?
Install Component 303 [Give Shambling Mounds their proper soundset]?
Install Component [Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers]? 1
Install Component 600 [Expanded temple services]?
P5Tweaks v2
This mod is just a small collection of various tweaks and changes particularly regarding charms, that destroys items and/or causes them to vanish. With this mod the items remain after these charms.
Install Component 10 [Drop items on frozen death]?
Install Component 20 [Drop Items on Disintegrate]?
Install Component 30 [Drop items on Imprisonment]?
Install Component 40 [Drop Items on Petrification]?
Install Component 50 [Restore SoA background music for Promenade cutscene]?
Install Component 60 [Increased spear range & damage]?
Ding0 Experience Fixer = DEFJAM XP v6
This mod enables to reduce the points of experience for rewards because you get thousands of experience points for every "open locks" or "learning spells" agrees and you would have too fast too high values of experience. You can change the new experience rate for every component separately of the others of 10% to 75% of the original experience rate. The installation is urgently recom mended. The mod affects ALL mods installed before. This process lasts several minutes!
This mod works similar as Big Picture, but for BG1: the values of too strong items from DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH and Drizzt Saga are set back to their BG1 values. Besides BP-Balancerd reduces too high experience points, which you get with these mods, in order not to gain too soon too high experience levels. By all these settings you get a balanced BG1 gameplay.
Unique Containers (Beta 2)
This mod assigns unique icons to all containers in the game and also fixes various issues with stores and containers.
BGT_NSC Portraits v1.5
This mod inserts missing portraits to all non-player characters (NPC) which have to do something directly with quests, avoids the double portraits for different characters, however, leaves existing portraits of NPC-Mods unchanged. Pictures of celebrities and sign styles which do not fit to the world of Baldur Gate were avoided.
Particular attention was given to to the character portrayals on the fact that they also fit to the respective characters. Bad characters mostly have also bad expressions, while good characters are to
be recognized unambiguously.
No images received normal passers-by or other avatars who are only for decoration, have nothing to do with quests, or have otherwise nothing important to say.
This modification is for the use of The Big Picture - Baldurs Gate Trilogy (BP-BGT) absolutely necessary, because it also shows the additional areas of the big mods.
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