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les races en details :
les skills en details:
Listed below are the races available in Morrowind. The skill bonuses add to a character's overall skill level and are representative of a race's unique attributes. Below you'll find a list of each race and their special abilities and bonuses.
Every fantasy game needs lizard folk, and the Argonians are Morrowind's. Some of these creatures have one or two horns on their head, though others have none.
Skill Bonus
Alchemy: 5
Athletics: 15
Illusion: 5
Medium Armor: 5
Mysticism: 5
Spear: 5
Unarmored: 5
Resist disease
Immune to poison
Water breathing
A human-looking bunch, with some rather manish women. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Skill Bonus
Alchemy: 5
Alteration: 5
Conjuration: 10
Illusion: 5
Mysticism: 10
Restoration: 10
Magicka bonus
Resist magicka
Dragon skin
Dark Elf
The dark elves end up being part of the bad guys in the story of Morrowind. But that doesn't stop you from being able to play as one. These unhappy looking long-eared elves have greyish skin, which is why they are 'dark' elves.
Skill Bonus
Athletics: 5
Destruction: 10
Light armor: 5
Long blade: 5
Marksman: 5
Mysticism: 5
Short blade: 10
Ancestor guardian
Resist fire
High Elf
These enlightened elves look similar to others of their kind, but with yellow skin.
Skill Bonus
Alchemy: 10
Alteration: 5
Conjuration: 5
Destruction: 10
Enchant: 10
Illusion: 5
Magicka bonus
Weakness to magicka
Weakness to fire
Weakness to frost
Weakness to shock
Resist disease
Human in appearance, they're hard to tell apart form Argonians.
Skill Bonus
Blunt weapon: 5
Hand-to-hand: 5
Light armor: 5
Long blade: 10
Mercantile: 10
Speechcraft: 10
Star of the west
Voice of the Emperor
Feeling feline? Try one of these tiger-creatures on for size. The prettiest of the available races, the Khajiit can take solace in knowing neither Sigfried nor Roy is in Morrowind.
Skill Bonus
Acrobatics: 15
Athletics: 5
Hand-to-hand: 5
Light armor: 5
Security: 5
Short blade: 5
Sneak: 5
Eye of night
Eye of fear
Nord's are tough-looking human-like creatures. Some of them have cool facial tattoos to show just how tough they are.
Skill Bonus
Axe: 10
Blunt weapon: 10
Heavy armor: 5
Long blade: 5
Medium armor: 10
Spear: 5
Immune to frost
Resist shock
Thunder fist
Mean, green, and ugly, orcs are strong brutes with a kind heart. Well, you could play him as if he had a kind heart at least. With long lower incisors sticking out of their grill, orcs are hard to miss.
Skill Bonus
Armorer: 10
Axe: 5
Block: 10
Heavy armor: 10
Medium armor: 10
Resist magicka
Redguards are dark-skinned human-like creatures.
Skill Bonus
Athletics: 5
Axe: 5
Blunt weapon: 5
Heavy armor: 5
Long blade: 15
Medium armor: 5
Short blade: 5
Resist disease
Resist poison
Adrenaline rush
Wood Elf
Rounding out the choice of elves are these flesh-toned creatures.
Skill Bonus
Acrobatic: 5
Alchemy: 5
Light armor: 10
Marksman: 15
Sneak: 10
Resist disease
Beast tongue
Attributes & Skills Defined
Characters are measured by a variety of attributes and skills. These help judge your abilities in combat, as well as your skills at other tasks such as opening locked doors and intimidating others. To understand what class best fits your RP desires, you'll need to first understand what each attribute and skill represents.
Attributes represent your physical and mental wherewithal. They are the basis for who you are, but not an indicator of what you know.
Strength Affects your starting health, how much you can carry, maximum fatigue, and damage you do in combat.
Intelligence Your maximum amount of magicka.
Willpower Affects your resistance to magic and maximum fatigue.
Agility Represents your ability to dodge and hit targets in melee and affects your maximum fatigue.
Speed A measure of how fast you move.
Endurance Affects your starting health, health gained per level, and maximum fatigue.
Personality Represents your ability to deal with other characters and how much others like you.
Luck Affects all actions in a small way.
Skills represent your abilities in a variety of areas. They add to your ability in something, but even if you do not possess a skill, you will still have a rating in that skill. Skills are what you are good or trained at and come in three types: Combat, magic, and stealth.
Block (Agility) Use shield to block melee attacks.
Armorer (Strength) Maintain weapons and armor at top efficiency.
Medium armor (Endurance) Use medium armor like chain, scale, bonemold, and Orcish armor.
Heavy armor Endurance Use heavy armor like iron, steel, silver, Dwemer, ebony, and Daedric.
Blunt weapon Strength Use bashing weapons like maces, hammers, clubs, staves.
Long blade Strength Use broadswords, sabers, longswords, claymores, katanas, and dai-katanas.
Axe Strength Use heavy chopping weapons like axes, and battleaxes.
Spear Endurance Use long-hafted thrusting weapons like spears and halberds.
Athletics Speed Your running and swimming ability. Move and swim quicker with higher levels.
Enchant Intelligence Creation, use and recharging of enchanted items.
Destruction Willpower Spells of the College of Destruction harm living and unliving things and include the spells elemental damage, draining, damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration.
Alteration Willpower College of Alteration manipulate physical world and its natural properties and include water breathing and walking, jumping, levitation, burdening, opening and locking, create shield barriers.
Illusion Personality College of Illusion alter perceptions and thoughts of living objects and include blind, illuminate, paralyze, silence, calm, enrage, charm, distract, camouflage, render invisible.
Conjuration Intelligence College of Conjuration includes mental domination of mundane and magical creatures, summon otherworldly weapons and armor, summon Daedric or undead servants to serve and protect caster.
Mysticism Willpower College of Mysticism shape and focus otherworldly forces to bind souls in gems, teleport caster, telekinesis, absorb or reflect magical energy, sense unseen objects at a distance.
Restoration Willpower Spells of the College of Restoration heal, restore, cure disease, absorb strength, endurance, intelligence, agility, and other bodily attributes.
Alchemy Intelligence Identify properties in mundane substances and create substances for consumption, heal, cure disease, water-walking, magical shielding, and fortify bodily attributes.
Unarmored Speed When unarmored, helps the characters avoid or reduce injury during combat.
Security Intelligence Open locked doors and containers and disarm traps.
Sneak Agility Move unseen and unobserved. The ability to pickpockets.
Acrobatics Strength Jump long distances and avoid damage when falling.
Light armor Agility Use light armor like leather, boiled leather, fur, chitlin, and glass.
Short blade Speed Use short quick thrusting weapons like daggers, tantos, short swords, and wakazashis.
Marksman Agility Use short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife.
Mercantile Personality The ability to buy low and sell high. You get lower initial prices and better deals when bargaining with a high personality.
Speechcraft Personality Influence others by admiring, intimidating, or taunting them. People are more likely to tell things to a good speaker.
Hand-to-hand Speed Skill at unarmed combat.
a vous

Message édité par kenshirooo le 21-05-2005 à 18:56:50