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  La saga Shenmue シェンムー


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La saga Shenmue シェンムー


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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 09:39:30  profilanswer

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Les miracles existent.


15 juin 2015 : Annonce de Shenmue III :D
14 avril 2018 : Annonce de Shenmue I et II remastered :D
19 novembre 2019 : Sortie de Shenmue III :D
Oh Joie :love: Après 14 ans d'attente aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ça y est on le tient notre Shenmue III :love:
Le jeu a été dévoilé à l'E3 2015 pendant la conférence Sony. Yu Suzuki était même sur scène.


"The fate of Shenmue is on your hands now" ©Yu Suzuki

Sur Kickstarter, il a fait 1 million de $ en 2h, 2 millions en 8h :jap:


69 320 contributeurs ont engagé 6 333 295 $ pour soutenir ce projet.
Strech goals atteints avant le Sam 18 juill. 2015 03:51 CEST.


Mais tant qu'il n'est pas sorti réellement, il faut continuer à en parler.


Prévu en support physique [:dr_doak] et dématérialisée sur PS4 et PC aux alentours de déc. 2017, alors soyez là :hello:


Le site officiel :


Ce qu'on sait du jeu:


Shenmue III se déroulera à Baisha, Choubu et Bailu. L'espace d'exploration sera plus petit que dans Shenmue II mais sera plus détaillé.

breezer79 a écrit :

Voici le reddit avec Yu Suzuki :
En résumé de ce qui y a été dit :

  • Suzuki pense à incorporer le système d'entraînement que l'on avait pour Ryo dans le 1er, pour s'exercer.
  • Il est ouvert pour le retour du journal.
  • Il n'est pas satisfait de la tête de Ryo dans le trailer du KS.
  • Il sait qu'au Japon le marché du JV se concentre de plus en plus sur le mobile et que les budgets diminue. Il espère que le marché console et PC deviendra plus important.
  • Si il avait des milliards, son rêve serait de faire un Shenmue où "le joueur pourrait vivre dans ce monde, une seconde vie ( a second life)".- Héhé tjrs aussi megalo :o :D
  • Il réfléchit à l'idée de pouvoir choisir entre un doublage anglais et japonais. Mais ce n'est pas sûr.
  • En réponse à un internaute, il aimerait le retour de courses de canards :D
  • Dans Shenmue 3 nous aurons bien évidemment une météo dynamique avec un cycle jour et nuit !
  • le "Rapport System" va régir le changement d'actions et comportements de Shenhua en fonction des conversations et actions qu'on aura avec elle. Le "Character Perspective System" va régir la personnalité de différents personnages au cours du jeu (il reste vague).
  • Il réfléchit à la possibilité de permettre des dons paypal à la fin de la campagne KS.
  • Il y a un système de travail pour Ryo, qui permettra de gagner de l'argent mais basé sur la Chine (Ryo va assembler des Iphone dans des usines avec des gamins de 7 ans :o :o). Le retour des anciens est envisagé via des stretch goals KS.
  • Il réfléchit au retour des jeux d'arcade.
  • Le retour du monte charge est envisagé via stretch goals.
  • Il a choisit expressément les années 80 pour le jeu, pour comparer les valeurs d'époque à aujourd'hui.
  • Sa console préférée de Sega est la Dreamcast, car il a notamment contribué à l'élaboration du Hardware. :love:
  • Il y aura une option pour enlever le pansement de Ryo sur son visage (je ne sais pas si il plaisante, mais maniaque comme il est tout est possible :o ).
  • Est ce que Ryo retournera au Japon dans ce 3ème volet ? Réponse sous spoiler :

    Spoiler :

    Pas dans le 3

  • En réponse à "Est ce que le sondages sur les persos vont modifier sa vision?" il dit qu'il est ouvert aux joueurs à leur avis, mais qu'il ne compromettra pas sa vision.
  • Pour les rewards à 300$ avec le collector, il affirme que ceux ci seront bien évidemment signés de sa main.
  • Son personnage préféré a toujours été Shenhua.
  • En réponse à du coop/multi/versus, il dit qu'il y réfléchit.
  • Les assets du 1 et 2 seront d'une grande utilité (merci Sega :o).

breezer79 a écrit :

Voici les questions Q and A sur Twitter avec Yu Suzuki, #YouaskYu:

Citation :

Q: Can you please explain why there are two different statements about how many chapters (11 / 16) Shenmue has?


YS: It is 11 chapters, but with branched story line, it will be more than 11.


Q: I have a #YouaskYu question. Suzuki-sama, at $5 million, exactly HOW open world will Shenmue 3 be, compared to Shenmue 1/2? Arigatou!


YS: I'm expecting something similar to Dobuita in terms of scale.


Q: Now that we know Shenmue 3 will not end the Story, do you have a backup plan if it won´t succeed to tell the end?


YS: Gonna have to find a successor I think.


Q: Hello Yu-San will Shenmue have online functionality for example Online arcade Highscores or Online 70 man fighting battles?


YS: It will be a lot of fun, but depends on budget, so still under consideration.


Q: Will you be disappointed if the kickstarter doesn't raise $10mill for that 'open world experience'?


YS: No I won't. I am greatful I have another chance for a new Shenmue. I will do everything I can within the budget.


Q: 'm away on friday so if I could ask my question now please Yu-San. Will the Tiger scroll translated by Guizang in 1 be in 3?


YS: Great idea! I will look into it.


Q: Hi Yu is there any chance we can carry on Pledging after the Kickstarter date has closed?


YS: Thanks for the question, we will look into it.


Q: Ryo Hazuki's model and others, are you going to reuse models and generally assets from Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2?


YS: I don't plan on recycling them, but will use the good parts as an reference.


Q: Would love to hear Mandarin voice acting alongside Japanese in #Shenmue3, could we make it stretch goal?


YS: Thank you, it is under consideration.


Q: Why do you think Shenmue didn't appeal to the mass audience back then? Would it need to be 'modernized' for today?


YS: One reason may be there were so many new challenges. New challenges this time too. It's the most important thing.


Q: Can we expect the return of lottery prize in Shenmue 3? May be the first prize can be a figure of Yu Suzuki! I Love Caramel ;)


YS: Great idea. Thanks. I will need to think about something more appealing than a figure of me.


Q: Will u research latest tech in AI so u can include it in shenmue 3 to make it a pioneering game like its predecessors?


YS: Yes. I would like to take on some new challenge in terms of technology.


Q: Is there a possibility to film a production process for example motion capture or dubbing, during development of Shenmue 3?


YS: Yes, we have it and I would like to feature it in an update.


Q :Will Coca Cola join the Party ?


YS: I'm considering collaborations with companies like Coca Cola


Q: Do you have any idea if Sega's planning on doing a Virtua Fighter 6?


YS: I have not heard about it from SEGA.


Q: What can you tell me of the three blades?


YS: Jobs using scissors, razor and knife- barber, cook, and sewer. Skills for jobs with steady demand in any era.


Q: Although a little hint is left in the video Tak Hirai, Ryo he will now be able to jump into Shenemue 3?


YS: Yes. I am researching the new technology to have more natural motions in Shenmue 3.


Q: My ten year old daughter wants to know if she'll be able to use the phone at will in Shenmue 3 like she does in Shenmue?


YS: Look forward to it. There will be many nostalgic scenes. Maybe a tin can telephone as well?


Q: If future installments of Shenmue become a possibility will we have the option to bring over save data from 3?


YS: I have not decided it yet.


Q: Can we expect epic fights like in Kowloon in Shenmue 2 and a similar battle fight system?


YS: There is "Battle System Expanded" Stretch Goal. It will enhance the battles, better than Shenmue 2.


Q: Will we start Shenmue 3 with some items/skills/scrolls from Shenmue 1+2?


YS: The platform is different, so unfortunately we can't do it.


Q: Should we expect any Sega related stuff in Shenmue 3 like arcade games or toy capsules?


YS: There is a possibility.


Q: Were there any gameplay elements for Shenmue 1 and 2 that had to be cut due to budget constraints?


YS: Yes. I wanted the ramen noodles to get soggy and yucky, but couldn't. I wanted to get that real.


Q: Will the "Shenmue Trial" be used for feedback to improve the game like Square Enix have with the FF15 demo?


YS: I would definitely want to get feedback, so I'm looking into how to put a system like that in place.


Q: Will there be official kickstarter/Shenmue 3 forums to discuss and give feedback throughout the development process?


YS: I of course would like that and am looking into it.


Q: Will everything be voice acted the same way as 1 and 2? or will budget constraints not allow 100% VO all the time?


YS: Full voice will be possible if we have enough funding.


Q: What's the I.Q. score of Fukuhara-san?


YS: Maybe something like 86?


Q: I was wondering did you get Ryo Hazuki name from Ryudo Uzaki that was a Japanese musician?


YS: Nope.


Q: My question is why is not possible to use (Shenmue Passport) models for the Shenmue 3?


YS: I'm considering about adding some functions from Shenmue Passport.


Q: Also can we expect custom clothing for Ryo Hazuki it would be great feature to able to style Ryo Hazuki as we want Shenmue3?


YS: There's a feature on the $250 tier and up to change Ryo's jacket. Other customizing under consideration


Q: Why the Dragon Mirror was hidden under a cherry tree, a not so safe place like the basement?


YS: Iwao thought the place under Cherry blossom tree was safer.


Q: Why Iwao Hazuki loves the carrots so much?


YS: Yes! Iwao's most favorite food is carrots! *jokingly*


Q: Where did Ryo got his band aid?


YS: It didn't appear in Chp.1, but there was a martial arts event. The scar is from the final match.


Q: What is your favorite movie?


YS: My favorite 3 are: The Hustler, Casablanca, Roman Holiday. I love Billiards, and I still play it sometimes.


Q: Will Shenmue 3 be compatible with the project Morpheus VR headset for the ultimate second life experience?


YS: I feel that VR offers great possibilities.


Q: Will in Shenmue 3 be a dog to pet call look and feed?


YS: Depends on the budget.


Q: Shenmue's core plot is basically Hamlet - are you a Shakespeare fan & has that been an influence?


YS: Sorry, but I have not read Hamlet. I know Hamtaro.


Q: Always wondered how ryo , being Japanese, could communicate so easy in China. Can ryo speak Chinese?


YS: Let's not go there...


Q: Will there be any more dinners offered for the $10,000 tier? I hope more can be added! If not that's ok. Thank you Suzuki-san! (Peter from Shenmue Dojo)


YS: We just added them today!


Q: How was your day?


YS: It is Shenmue Day, so on Twitter with everyone. So many participating, I couldn't be happier. Rewards sold out! Thanks all!!!


Q: What did YU name the kitten?


YS: I think I named her with dog names, like Pochi or Gontaro.


Q: Will we see a shenmue soda (can be just a can) and what would it taste like?


YS: If there is any interested beverage firm out there, please contact


Q: Suzuki-san, can you please tell us some little info about Shenhua that the fans don't already know yet?


YS: The Shenmue tree's flower is named Shenhua. She is named after that flower.


Q: Will Ryo learn the value of forgiveness in Shenmue 3?


YS: Please play Shenmue 3 for that answer!


Q: Hello Suzuki-san, do you have a rough idea how many people will be in the development team for Shenmue 3?


YS: It will vary depending on the KS budget.


Q: Since relationships between characters will be more prominent, will we see something like a multiple choice conversation system?


YS: I am thinking about a dialogue selection system.


Q: Please confirm that guns will never be a part of Shenmue gameplay, not for Ryo or any other playable character?


YS: I am not thinking about including guns as a weapon at the moment.


Q: Will Ryo finally eat and do other bodily functions?


YS: I don't have plan on implementing it for S3.


Q: Why does Ryo have a Saturn under his tv in Shenmue 1 but no games? Was Iwao using the promise of a game for it to focus Ryo?


YS: That sounds about right. Let's go with that.


Q: Mr. Suzuki, what is your favorite music to listen to?


YS: I like Jazz and Rock.


YS: Thank you so much everyone! More happy announcements to come. Hope I can count on your continued support!


Yu Suzuki Twitter Q&A Recap 10/7/15

Citation :

Bryan Figueroa - Considering how the Twitch video helped raise funds, are you willing to do another one before the Kickstarter ends?

YS: I would like to do Twitch and Reddit session again.


#SAVESHENMUE III - What is your worst fear when making a game?

YS: Creating new elements. hard to tell if it will work. Enhance by simplifying. If not, need to add more elements.


RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Will Shenmue 3 start in the cave? I want the satisfaction of leaving it myself! don't skip the moment!

YS: Either from Shenhua's house, or the road leading up to Bailu Village.


RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Ryo's jacket looks too neat and tidy, will it be changed to look closer to Shenmue 1 & 2?

YS: I'm thinking the same. I want it to be more worn out and fits more to Ryo. Brand new jacket doesn't fit.


ThePhantomPain = suzuki-san is it possible to maybe play darts & other mini games online against fellow shenmue fans in shenmue 3?

YS: It's one of the things I want to do, but we can't do it all, so still thinking.


#SaveShenmue - who would win in a race, Hang-On motorcycle vs. Out Run car?

YS: Definitely the bike. He can't lose to some joyrider with a girl in the passenger seat. or The not caught by police.


#SaveShenmue - what is your favourite Japanese food/dish to eat?

YS: Sushi.


ThePhantomPain - Hi suzuki-san if all goes to plan when will we see first gameplay footage of shenmue 3?

YS: The footage of final version will come out sometime in 2017


LEISURE GAMING - Will Shenmue 3 have controller support? I can't play with the keyboard and need a console controller to game on pc.

YS: I'm still thinking about what would be the best.


Barnaby Panton - What will be in the art book? Will it be art just from Shenmue III, or will it be art from all the Shenmue games?

YS: I'm want to hear requests and comments from you about what we will include.


#SAVESHENMUE III - Any chance to see Hamtaro as a cameo in Shenmue 3?



DO IT! - Will you draw new trailer for help the KS?

YS: Yes we are planning to publish it. Please check our KS page frequently.


Hibiki Rush - Did you base any of the Shenmue characters on people you knew in real life?

YS: Some of the characters are based on the team: Takimoto-san, Takeuchi-san, Hirai-san and Miyawaki-san.


シェンムー好きな人 - Does the Ryo call Goro?

YS: I like Goro, but I don't know how popular he is among the fans...


Sumio Kodai - And will we be seeing the classic QTEs style return with the flashing icons?

YS: Yes I would like to implement it. I want it to be cooler than Shenmue 1 and 2.


Rob Townsend - If you could create a spin-off game based around a character other than Ryo, who would you choose?

YS: I think it would be Ren. He grows from a rogue to the head of the HK Heavens. His fate is then changed by Ryo completely.


Neo Zeed - Please explain the High Ground Battle System stretch goal for #Shenmue3?

YS: It enables Ryo to have more interaction with his surroundings. I think it will be fun to increase the reaction chains.


シェンムー3発表やったね。 - Will there be a reappearance from Hiroshi Fujioka (Iwao Hazuki) who joined in on the Shenmue Gai announcement. I'd like to see his younger self and what he did.

YS: The other day Hiroshi Fujioka sent me some Fujioka coffee.


Mr Metal Gear - would you consider cel shading ONLY for the characters (Ico/Sotc/Last Guardian) to make it look more closer to the artworks?

YS: To fully express the nostalgia from S1 and S2, I'm not planning to use it.


Chris Redfield - where does your interest in Chinese culture come from?

YS: Its the romance of Chinese martial arts and Chinese history.


#SAVESHENMUE III - Why Niao Sun's breasts are so large?

YS: 98cm. You do the math.


Alberto Hdez. Sande - is it safe to assume that the CGi renders from Shenmue 1/2 are the intended final look for the character models?

YS: The models will have better quality than Shenmue 2


naflo - Could DLC be provided for Shenmue III ? any plan for additional contents after the release ?

YS: It's under consideration.


Chris Benn - Any chance of seeing a playable Virtua Fighter arcade machine in Shenmue 3?

YS: Shenmue starts around 1986 where full-polygon games do not exist, so what should I do....


Chris Redfield - Sometimes are you not annoyed that the interest of your fans mainly concerns shenmue, to the detriment of your other works?

YS: Not at all, but hope for questions about my other games. Before the KS, 80% of q's were Shenmue/10% Virtua Fighter/other 10%


Resnate - What are the 3 wishes @ $1400 tier? Will we see more jujutsu in #Shenmue3? What is AI Battling + High Ground Battle?

YS: Not decided, now its "strength", "more money", and "be popular with girls". It's the wishes of you backers, not Ryo.


Ming Ming - if the funding dosnt make 9M in 8 days, will we see a part time job anyway?

YS: Even if funding does not reach 9M there will be part time jobs. How many is still a secret.


#SAVESHENMUE III - Will Ryo shoot fireballs in Shenmue 3 like he did in the trailer of Shenmue Online?

YS: In Shenmue 3, the scenarios will follow very realistic moves.


#SAVESHENMUE III - Except from cows cats dogs birds fishes, what new animals can we expect in Shenmue 3?

YS: There are scenes set in Chinese mountain roads, so I want to have animals that fit the scenes. No spoilers here.


Nicolas Zurini - how did you consider using Unreal Engine 4 instead of other middleware (Unity for example)? What were the criteria?

YS: It was the color. I believe UE4 could express the "shenmue color". The atmosphere, the humidity, a world with "smell"


Adam Brooks - Yu, if Ryo was based on Akira was Lan-Di based roughly on Lau Chan?

YS: Lan Di uses the same martial arts Lau, but the character and the background setting are very different.


さつき@フェリシー - Since the hardware is different for Shenmue 3 we won't be able to transfer the save. Will that mean that moves like the brawling uppercut won't make an appearance? I ask because when going from Shenmue 1 to 2 I was sad to realize that the tornado kick was overwritten. I'm really looking forward for the launch of Shenmue 3.

YS: I'll think about adding Brawling uppercut and Tornado kick.


キリ - Which version do you recomend for someone who as neither of the two systems? Will there be any differences between PC and PS4?

YS: Both the PS4 version and the PC version will take advantage of the respective advantages of the hardware. So it doesn't matter which you buy.


サワ @祝!シェンムー復活 - I love Shenmue but I'm terrible at playing games. The only reason I was able to finish the game was because the difficulty level dropped since I failed so much. Will there be a system to help me in Shenmue III too? (please!)

YS: Definitely! There will be a variable difficulty level so that new players that don't know about Shenmue will be able to play.


Shaun Hastings - How did Joy and Ren become friends? Also I wonder how Guizhang would get along with Ren if they were to meet through Joy somehow?

YS: I think Joy and Ren are a good duo.


Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: Yes. Of course books on Chinese martial arts as well as Jakie Chen and Bruce Lee. I still watch HK Kungfu movies.


Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: The good and bad parts from Hong Kong B movies were the most helpful. JC&BL are complicated, hard to break moves down


芳賀 勇治 - Will you show something at Tokyo Game Show and events like that?

YS: As for this year's TGS it's undecided.


こんぶ - Will Ryo and Shenhua stay in the same room at the inns in Shenmue 3?


YS: That depends on the vacancy of Choubu Inn. (Translation)


Chris El-Sharawy - have you seen this incredible tribute yet , please enjoy , from you devoted loving fanbase

YS: Thank you all so very much. I will do my best to meet your expectations, regardless of budget, and make a great game.


Exogenesis - Will all Shenmue 3 staff be based in Japan or will you outsource to stretch the budget?

YS: Japan will be the main location for development.


Benji - why were the Bailu stretch goals the last stretch goals?

YS: Many of the new challenges in S3 are in Baisha. As a result the focus was put there.


Rubén Vera - Would you like to make new games for arcade machines?

YS: Yes. There is unique good about arcade machines. I want to make something that utilizes holographic image.


Exogenesis - Will we see Fuku-san again? Does he become a martial arts master?

YS: Look forward to his appearance through telephone calls.


Juan José Vélez - with the phone card, will you be able to call Nozomi many times and have different conversations?

YS: She will hate you if you call too many times.


Darin - Will i be able to follow people all around the villages?

YS: I will talk to Hirai about it.


by virtue of shenmue - Had Ryo been loved much to girls in Yokosuka high school? Or shoe box was full of love letter?

YS: I don't think so. He was't supposed to be like that.


Felipe Vasques - Even if the kickstarter finishes around the 5 Million mark, we will still have Bailu, Baisha and Choubu in the game?

YS: Yes they will be in the game.


FHZST - Suzuki San any details on the Magic Maze? That sounds really exciting and also is there more stretch goals after?

YS: Magic Maze is an auto-generating maze. If reached, the forest area will get much bigger + many events & elements along with it


ATUSI - Among the characters of Shenmue or you other games, who...
would you like to be friend with?
would you like to make your girlfriend?
do you actually hate?


YS: My wife is too scary, I can't answer that.

Images du jeu à Guilin :


Trailer E3 2015

  • Thank Yu
breezer79 a écrit :

Voici une très belle vidéo d'hommage de fans à Yu Suzuki.
Avec de sublimes images des deux premiers Shenmue et une musique somptueuse (Wave of morning haze - Shenmue II). [:creal]


Liens divers :

Message édité par Ryoh le 16-11-2019 à 20:16:37
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 09:39:30  profilanswer


Transactions (8)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:34:53  profilanswer

Images du jeu

Message édité par Ryoh le 15-12-2016 à 18:28:38

Transactions (8)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:36:29  profilanswer

Délires entre nous et sondages du topic

Notre animateur adoré :D
5 555 555 $ :sol:


Réaction Gametrailers :
clin d'oeil


Anciens sondages du topic:

Message édité par Ryoh le 30-12-2016 à 21:53:09

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:40:17  profilanswer

Je garde l'espoir :)
Trop envi de connaitre le denouement :sweat:


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:41:17  profilanswer

lan di c le frere de ryo :D


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:48:21  profilanswer

Super, merci hein [:spag]


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:49:00  profilanswer

Le pire c'est que je ne sais meme pas si t'es serieux :D
Et Shenhua dans tout ça ?

Message édité par painkiller le 06-04-2004 à 21:49:06

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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:51:20  profilanswer

elle continue a s'occuper des poules :p


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:54:04  profilanswer

Bref, tu fais parti de ceux qui n'y croient plus :/


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:58:23  profilanswer

bah si il sort ca sera une bonne surprise mais c'est clair que je ne l'attends plus du tout

Posté le 06-04-2004 à 21:58:23  profilanswer

Saturn NTSC-J, What Else ?
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 22:00:44  profilanswer

Sega est tout mort, comme snk, capcom, nec, bref...
c fini les jeux vidéos.

lord ron

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 22:44:37  profilanswer

tu devrais transformer le topic en sondage ce serait plus feun et ca attirerait plus de monde :D

SNES Forever
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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 22:46:30  profilanswer

heu shenmue 3 est prevu sur XBOX si je ne m'abuse nan :??:

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:00:15  profilanswer

X-Box = Flop au Japon = pas de ventes de Shenmue III

Dav Vador

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:03:37  profilanswer

darkstalker a écrit :

Sega est tout mort, comme snk, capcom, nec, bref...
c fini les jeux vidéos.

Ca mériterait presque un ban de sortir de telles atrocités :D

lord ron

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:09:02  profilanswer

Dav Vador a écrit :

Ca mériterait presque un ban de sortir de telles atrocités :D


Message édité par lord ron le 06-04-2004 à 23:18:22

SNES Forever

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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:09:22  profilanswer

nik166 a écrit :

heu shenmue 3 est prevu sur XBOX si je ne m'abuse nan :??:  

surtout dans l'esprit des fans voui :D

Dav Vador

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:17:30  profilanswer

lord ron a écrit :


Je l'aime pas non plus :D

lord ron

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:19:00  profilanswer

Dav Vador a écrit :

Je l'aime pas non plus :D

pk t'as supprimé le "I" :o
pas bieng  :ange:  :D

SNES Forever
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:20:08  profilanswer

spag a écrit :

surtout dans l'esprit des fans voui :D

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:27:19  profilanswer

[:rofl] je l'attendais celle la :D
ca traine depuis plus d'un an, ils sont tombés sur des essais de lieux pour shenmue 2 qui n'ont pas été retenus et hop "youpie shenmue 3 va sortir"

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:51:55  profilanswer alors :p  
ou :D :D :D  

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:56:08  profilanswer

Ren' a écrit :

X-Box = Flop au Japon = pas de ventes de Shenmue III

Meme sans la Xbox.Les ventes de Shenmue 2 au Japon sont loin d'avoir eté terribles :/

Message édité par painkiller le 06-04-2004 à 23:58:18

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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:57:52  profilanswer

C'est ce que je dis dans le premier post.Il est certes annoncé mais je crois que l'on va devoir l'attendre longtemps.
Un certain Duke Nukem Forever a eté annoncé d'une façon certaine sur PC :D


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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:58:45  profilanswer

t'as autre chose de mieux que ca?
Q: When can we expect SM3 and further sequels to release?
A: That has not been decided yet.
parce que ces sites ont tous eu une interview exclusive avec AM2 (doivent pas bosser bcp ils sont tjrs en interview :D) ce sont tjrs les memes (non)infos, mais pour un truc bien avancé ben on a quedal de concret :p

lord ron

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Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:59:30  profilanswer

PainKiller a écrit :

C'est ce que je dis dans le premier post.Il est certes annoncé mais je crois que l'on va devoir l'attendre longtemps.
Un certain Duke Nukem Forever a eté annoncé d'une façon certaine sur PC :D

rhoo tu veux faire deriver le topic toua :o

SNES Forever

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:00:44  profilanswer

spag a écrit :

t'as autre chose de mieux que ca?
Q: When can we expect SM3 and further sequels to release?
A: That has not been decided yet.
parce que ces sites ont tous eu une interview exclusive avec AM2 (doivent pas bosser bcp ils sont tjrs en interview :D) ce sont tjrs les memes (non)infos, mais pour un truc bien avancé ben on a quedal de concret :p

Voilà d'ou la creation de ce topic :)
Par contre rumeur ou pas que Suzuki s'est retiré du projet ?


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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:02:23  profilanswer

lord ron a écrit :

rhoo tu veux faire deriver le topic toua :o

M'en fout c'est le mien :D
Non serieux c'est comparable.Un jeu attendu par beaucoup, annoncé dans la presse, qui tarde à venir et aucun communiqué concret des editeurs.

Tha G King
You're IN trouble.
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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:03:49  profilanswer

Shenmue, ca me ferait bien tripper de me le prendre sur xbox mais bon, en ce qui me concerne, je suis complétement omnibulé par un éventuel Azel Panzer Dragoon (Panzer Dragoon Saga kwa)  :cry:

lord ron

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:05:18  profilanswer

PainKiller a écrit :

M'en fout c'est le mien :D
Non serieux c'est comparable.Un jeu attendu par beaucoup, annoncé dans la presse, qui tarde à venir et aucun communiqué concret des editeurs.

bah la difference ptet c'est que le duke a eu des fonds pour etre developper (on rigole pas au fond :D) et le shenmue 3 je sais plus où j'ai lu ca sega voulait pas debloquer des fonds pour le projet

SNES Forever

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:06:19  profilanswer

Ptain j'ai les 2 Shenmue, jamais eu le courage de me les faire :sweat:
Qui saura trouver les arguments pour que je m'y mette ? :D

Winners don't use drugs - Ma collec' - Réouverture du Topic du Screenshot !
lord ron

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:07:44  profilanswer

Little-Wolf a écrit :

Ptain j'ai les 2 Shenmue, jamais eu le courage de me les faire :sweat:
Qui saura trouver les arguments pour que je m'y mette ? :D

tu as echanger ton suikoden 2 contre kula world, j'y voit peu d'espoir pour toi :o  [:al zheimer]
plus serieusement un superbe univers, une trame, une belle liberté dans le jeu, et des graphs  :love:

Message édité par lord ron le 07-04-2004 à 00:08:33

SNES Forever
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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:08:42  profilanswer

PainKiller a écrit :

M'en fout c'est le mien :D
Non serieux c'est comparable.Un jeu attendu par beaucoup, annoncé dans la presse, qui tarde à venir et aucun communiqué concret des editeurs.

bah le 2 etait aussi attendu, et il est arrivé :D

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:08:51  profilanswer

PainKiller a écrit :

Voilà d'ou la creation de ce topic :)
Par contre rumeur ou pas que Suzuki s'est retiré du projet ?

suzuki a quitté AM2
alors si projet shenmue 3 il y a et qu'il est confié a AM2 pas de suzuki.
mais bon faudrait que sega ait la santé financiere de squaresoft avant la sortie de FF le film pour que le projet aboutisse, c'est pas trop le cas là  :sweat:


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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:09:00  profilanswer

Désolé, mais je m'amuse 1000 fois plus sur Kula World que sur Suikoden II, et je suis pas trop "waiiiiiiiii, mais j'ai ce jeuuuuuuuu, je te l'echange cont' ta pooooooorsche".
Suikiden II je l'ai payé 4? alors tu sais ... :D

Winners don't use drugs - Ma collec' - Réouverture du Topic du Screenshot !

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:09:38  profilanswer

lord ron a écrit :

bah la difference ptet c'est que le duke a eu des fonds pour etre developper (on rigole pas au fond :D) et le shenmue 3 je sais plus où j'ai lu ca sega voulait pas debloquer des fonds pour le projet

Oui j'ai lu ça aussi :jap:.Que Suzuki attendait le feu vert de Sega pour develloper la bête.Alors est-ce que Sega va vouloir sortir les oursins de son larfeuille ? Et surtout (car ça me tient à coeur :o) est-ce que Suzuki abandonne ?
Car cette news à propos du boss n'a eté relayé que dans une newsletter d'un site Xbox sans réelle credibilité.


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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:09:51  profilanswer

Little-Wolf a écrit :

Ptain j'ai les 2 Shenmue, jamais eu le courage de me les faire :sweat:
Qui saura trouver les arguments pour que je m'y mette ? :D

ma plus belle et tripante aventure videoludique de ma carriere de joueur (18ans de jeu quand meme  :sweat: )

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:10:13  profilanswer

Little-Wolf a écrit :

Ptain j'ai les 2 Shenmue, jamais eu le courage de me les faire :sweat:
Qui saura trouver les arguments pour que je m'y mette ? :D

c'est le seul jeu d'aventure qui te permette de collectionner des capsules :D

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:11:06  profilanswer

spag a écrit :

suzuki a quitté AM2
alors si projet shenmue 3 il y a et qu'il est confié a AM2 pas de suzuki.
mais bon faudrait que sega ait la santé financiere de squaresoft avant la sortie de FF le film pour que le projet aboutisse, c'est pas trop le cas là  :sweat:  

Arf c'est confirmé alors :sweat:


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Posté le 07-04-2004 à 00:11:21  profilanswer

nik166 a écrit :

c'est le seul jeu d'aventure qui te permette de collectionner des capsules :D  

bon ok c'est parti :D

Winners don't use drugs - Ma collec' - Réouverture du Topic du Screenshot !
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